The only reason I kissed him was for pity. Rosa Devin wasn’t someone who would come out of her bubble so easily. Gonna spare you the sorry tale of poor orphan Rosa. Everyone has their own problems and let’s face it, everyone is a little bonkers inside.
My auburn hair twirled in the rough wind. Sea salt was present on my rough cold skin.
Jason broke up with me by a message , cause he was ‘too hurt to look me in the eyes.’ I coughed a laugh. Being alone on a Friday night kissing the cold air of winter was good for me. I sipped the bourbon and it quickly warmed me up. The water twirled and brought alga on the shore, making the smell of the sea worse. I don’t know how I ended up here in the first place. I never truly liked Jason or anyone in particular. My feelings are only of pity. Which is what brought me to go out with Jason in the first place. He was a sweet guy, handsome and every high school girl dream but not mine. I didn’t cry or get angry at anything, so people call me ‘cold’. I’m usually fine with it but sometimes it pisses me off even more. I don’t even know what they want.
At half the bottle of bourbon, finally it started to have an effect, so I decided to head home. My apartment was lonely I’m sure, but Milo must be hungry now.
As I unlocked my front door, a fluffy golden retriever jumped on me.
“ Hey, there handsome,” I said kissing his wet nose.
He wiggled his tail and barked. I hushed him and pulled him inside and closed the door behind me. I put some dog food in his bowl and put it near my feet. “ There you go Milo.” He sniffed it and looked up as to say Thank you and dug in. I put some leftover spaghetti in the microwave. Looking up at the clock, it displayed 9 pm.
“ Still early, up for a movie Milo ?”
Milo barked.
“Ha, as if you could understand.” I patted his head and he licked my hand.
" I need a movie with lots of blood."
Suddenly I heard a loud thud. I got up slowly and started to walk to the door, with Milo following my every step.
When I opened the door, I found a little girl passed out in the middle of my porch. I leaned down and turned her over, slapping her cheeks lightly.
“ Hey.”
No response.
“Hey, wake up girl,” I said louder.
Her eyes bolted open, breathing heavily.
“ Who are you ?” She asked in a low tone.
“Well, I could ask you the same question missy. Why are you on my front porch ?”
She blinked and coughed.
After a moment of silence, she sighed.
“ Wrong porch, sorry.”
“ Figured.” I rolled my eyes. “ Where do you live?”
She pointed to the house next to mine. Well, we have exactly the same building, so I’ll give her that.
I picked her up.
“ Come on Milo.”
Milo barked and followed. When we arrived on her porch I put her down.
She knocked.
No response.
“ Are you sure someone is home ?”
“ He should be here.” She started to tremble and tears formed in her blue eyes.
I moved her slightly and knocked hard. Still no response.
I pounded even harder.
The door flew open and a half angry naked man glared at me.
“ What the hell do you want?” he yelled.
I blinked.
“ First of all, rude. Second of all, you should take better care of your daughter that’s what.”
I glared at him. Then I turned to the little girl who was amused by our conversation.
“ Take care not to faint in front of other people’s porch, missy.”
She smiled at me and nodded. The man kept staring at me.
I turned to Milo and patted his head.
“ Let’s go home.”
He barked and walked with me.
What in the H was that man’s problem?
And come on, opening the front door wearing only a towel?
Who does that?
I huffed and closed my front door.
Milo leapt on the couch snuggling on my legs.
He was heavy as hell but he kept me warm.
I couldn’t stop thinking about that half-naked man. He was so young to be a father. But who am I to judge right?
My phone buzzed.
A message from Jason.
“Oh, I forgot to respond,” I said out loud.
Suddenly a knock on the door startled me and my phone fell on the floor.
" Shit."
I moved Milo’s head and went to open the door.
When I opened the door I sighed.
The young father looked at me rubbing his head.
“ Fully dressed now? What an honour.” I said crossing my arms.
He chuckled.
“ Sorry about before.”
“ No problem,” I said trying to close the door behind me.
But he grabbed it and pulled it open.
I kept staring, he literally pulled me with the door, like I was nothing.
“ Thank you for saving my sister.”
Sister? Oh makes sense.
“ Well, she kinda smashed in my door so.”
He shook his head.
“ Some people would leave her there.”
I half smiled at him. “ No worries.”
He nodded and was about to leave when he turned extending his hand.
“ Trevor.”
I took his hand.
“ Rosa.”
He smiled.
“ See you around neighbour.”
“ See ya.”
He jumped the stairs and headed to his own house, turned to wave at me on last time.
Weird guy