No Plagiarism!NUyk05MPQ0W4lyXnzPYbposted on PENANA " Rosa, you know I love you. Why are you doing this?" Jaxon said putting his hands on my cheeks. 8964 copyright protection375PENANArzrWPTHQIt 維尼
My eyes were filled with tears.8964 copyright protection375PENANAENlb9N5zWP 維尼
"I'm not the one doing this Jaxon, you have to trust me," I said through sobs.8964 copyright protection375PENANAcGZ1VvbYqq 維尼
Jaxon smiled softly and kissed me. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAJfT34QgAFj 維尼
" I do." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAtOlCHQLTTj 維尼
He hugged me to him.8964 copyright protection375PENANABtLI42N3mD 維尼
"But you know that this is the end." He whispered. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA5aX32utkrw 維尼
I looked up at him with wide eyes. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAn9D58YZAod 維尼
" One of us must die and I will never let them touch you again." 8964 copyright protection375PENANALZaqwp3IOf 維尼
Suddenly Jaxon turned and walked towards the darkness.8964 copyright protection375PENANAJzJad8aktq 維尼
I screamed his name and tried to run after him but I couldn't reach him.8964 copyright protection375PENANA8QHsVXJvgo 維尼
I screamed one last time.8964 copyright protection375PENANABKqvodBQr2 維尼
Suddenly I eyes flew open. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAkClhGiAtHD 維尼
Trevor's worried face was looking down at me. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA2jBQkJ4RWN 維尼
I was panting and sweating. 8964 copyright protection375PENANADnrQo19uId 維尼
" You okay sweetheart?" 8964 copyright protection375PENANAUZI90fJS51 維尼
I nodded and got up slowly. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAeKwvpXinKH 維尼
Trevor pulled me to him. " It was only a nightmare." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAHIk4bo17YN 維尼
I nodded and hugged him to me. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAWclCiGbvAu 維尼
It has been a while since I dreamed of Jaxon. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA1jzwFCpMtI 維尼
" What did you dream about?" Trevor asked concern filled his face. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAlzSTFBRFqh 維尼
I took a moment to observe, this beautiful man. 8964 copyright protection375PENANArdzNn08sSf 維尼
Then it clicked. " How the hell did you get in my room?"8964 copyright protection375PENANAyr4glyScB5 維尼
His eyes went wide and he blushed. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAsG1h7jaaFL 維尼
He blushed, for real.8964 copyright protection375PENANAHW8B4Pcgry 維尼
I bit my lip not to smile. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA6G8diH13gT 維尼
" Well- um- I know that you have a spare key under the mate so- um- I tried to bake you breakfast as a surprise but-" 8964 copyright protection375PENANAWbE4aOOOMj 維尼
I chuckled and kissed him softly. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA2zDrQ1crCk 維尼
" You are weird."8964 copyright protection375PENANA4VuItZMG5U 維尼
He sighed in relief and kissed my forehead.8964 copyright protection375PENANAF1L4hUjkkH 維尼
" I think we established that long ago." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAZnT3bi11oX 維尼
I laughed.8964 copyright protection375PENANAfwLZ1dppwb 維尼
" I'll serve breakfast. " He kissed me softly and went to the kitchen.8964 copyright protection375PENANAM8gwjdEt0j 維尼
Wow, waking up to that view was amazing. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAwKZRFkBqcI 維尼
I hopped in the shower and rubbed my aching body, trying to wash away that ugly dream. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAhh6G4Z2GJ8 維尼
When I was ready, I headed to the kitchen.8964 copyright protection375PENANAWToIVBJqG8 維尼
Trevor was at the stove, without a shirt.8964 copyright protection375PENANAUwOW0ua6Vw 維尼
" Where did your shirt go?" I said.8964 copyright protection375PENANAMhGsQOhMrU 維尼
He turned to me and smiled.8964 copyright protection375PENANATXk4Na9Sm3 維尼
" I thought I would recreate our first meeting." He wiggled his eyebrows. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAgYSCCcEAVj 維尼
I walked around the counter and stopped in front of him. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA8IfH1gQCS9 維尼
Then I grabbed the cream and whipped in on his face.8964 copyright protection375PENANALpi0Q2Cc1P 維尼
" Now it's perfect." 8964 copyright protection375PENANA9UkVOxoeVw 維尼
Trevor's mouth was open.8964 copyright protection375PENANAgwqcBp2vc0 維尼
" Oh? Are you sure?" 8964 copyright protection375PENANAiRCPVJuIYe 維尼
Oh no.8964 copyright protection375PENANAtYUjuxLv79 維尼
He put whipped cream on my face. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA6uXnpaJCur 維尼
" That's better." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAeEFwxUtCfG 維尼
I tried to grab some more cream but he pulled me up on his shoulder and twirled me around. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAxSHyiHxqkh 維尼
I slapped his back laughing. " Put me down." 8964 copyright protection375PENANA9IAxQaiKPV 維尼
" What? I didn't hear you," He started to run around.8964 copyright protection375PENANAvfeLNfFWk9 維尼
I couldn't stop laughing.8964 copyright protection375PENANAdnyzEQcLJo 維尼
" Sto-, Trevor." 8964 copyright protection375PENANA9gsbsFEAzo 維尼
He chuckled and put me down.8964 copyright protection375PENANAgPxx97snGT 維尼
I chuckled. He put a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.8964 copyright protection375PENANAwEYg53Y6hA 維尼
" You have such a beautiful laugh." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAE1bhitbwfB 維尼
I looked up at him. " I sound like a masturbating donkey." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAhO0qnymDmU 維尼
Trevor looked at me, then he burst into a fit of laughter.8964 copyright protection375PENANAhaBgW6ylOi 維尼
He had to hold his stomach.8964 copyright protection375PENANAMONqbqNYv2 維尼
I had to stop myself from laughing at him. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA5qL9ti8SSu 維尼
He took a deep breath. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAt3QALnKfkT 維尼
" You say the weirdest things." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAPiEHMWfOX8 維尼
I chuckled and put my arms around his neck. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAfUsGj6hBWv 維尼
" Really?"8964 copyright protection375PENANAS3H47KjvTZ 維尼
I kissed his jaw and made my way down his neck.8964 copyright protection375PENANAzlCGLiPRal 維尼
He moaned.8964 copyright protection375PENANAHqN9wBlFCJ 維尼
When he was about to kiss me, I put my fingers to his lips.8964 copyright protection375PENANAxt9Z57ggQi 維尼
" The eggs are burning." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAY9U78G2t1L 維尼
He took a second to take in what I said. Then his eyes went wide and ran to the stove.8964 copyright protection375PENANAfEFcBhLIot 維尼
I chuckled and sat on the table. 8964 copyright protection375PENANArosBdOGPZE 維尼
" You did that on purpose." He said.8964 copyright protection375PENANAofXuwr1jn5 維尼
I winked. 8964 copyright protection375PENANASjRl3PY5G1 維尼
He grabbed two plates and started to place the breakfast in them.8964 copyright protection375PENANA1SGtKHtNSj 維尼
I nibbled some fruit. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA4nUSBJYjO1 維尼
" At what time are you going to pick your sister from school?" 8964 copyright protection375PENANAteVgjQ2V48 維尼
" About 3. Wanna come?" 8964 copyright protection375PENANA1uMABnNibE 維尼
I shrugged. " Sure." 8964 copyright protection375PENANACXU64gy1Pv 維尼
He stopped what he was doing and came near me. He placed his hands on the counter on each side of me. 8964 copyright protection375PENANALiBa8LzDKX 維尼
" What's wrong?" 8964 copyright protection375PENANAd2gXBsmQkQ 維尼
I shook my head. " I just thought for a second how you never get to have a break. When you aren't with Rachel you are with me. I wish-"8964 copyright protection375PENANAAn0OvRfCCf 維尼
He planted his lips on mine. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAnoQb1ayfwe 維尼
" This is enough for me." He kissed me again and went back to the plates. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAQmndg4cyPT 維尼
I smiled softly.8964 copyright protection375PENANAy4fLkTRO8z 維尼
" Are you sure?" 8964 copyright protection375PENANAP3Rjw76xlM 維尼
He turned to me, with two plates in hand.8964 copyright protection375PENANA8glPJ6BfQz 維尼
" Would I have sneaked in your house and prepared you breakfast if I wasn't sure?" 8964 copyright protection375PENANAgTFq73aKxG 維尼
I chuckled and got down from the counter.Then I took one plate and kissed him.8964 copyright protection375PENANAhNORzBG6Qs 維尼
" I guess not." 8964 copyright protection375PENANACmlfIZvEG6 維尼
He smiled and we went to the table.8964 copyright protection375PENANAn4zIntD2SF 維尼
" Tonight is my turn to cook," I said humming to the taste that enveloped me when I took a bite of the food. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAtU3MAjgviy 維尼
" Are you sure? You have to go to the excavation, I could cook."8964 copyright protection375PENANAF19qH79Z1k 維尼
I shook my head. " It's the least I can do."8964 copyright protection375PENANA7zksBmJ4hI 維尼
He smiled softly and took a bite of his food.8964 copyright protection375PENANAugr5qbjc5M 維尼
" I could wake up to this every day." He said.8964 copyright protection375PENANArxAs0AtwXy 維尼
I looked at him. " Me too." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAjbQM0RaBgw 維尼
" I'll come cook you dinner every day if you want." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAHY7uxBaLqZ 維尼
I smiled at the idea. " I'll do the same then." 8964 copyright protection375PENANA4lb3wh39Hh 維尼
He looked at me.8964 copyright protection375PENANAukheCZhjX0 維尼
" Do you know where the spare keys are?" 8964 copyright protection375PENANA9M9B5BFiUG 維尼
I chuckled at his reaction. 8964 copyright protection375PENANA6N39MCcASD 維尼
" Rachel told me the first time I saw her." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAolsmOIZMFW 維尼
Trevor rolled his eyes. 8964 copyright protection375PENANAhxURV6p56Y 維尼
" Well, you have to admit that if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have met. We have been living near each other for some time and we never noticed." I said.8964 copyright protection375PENANAKQrBjPgyAn 維尼
" True." 8964 copyright protection375PENANABbxo8wiatL 維尼
He looked at me. " Well, I guess I should thank her." 8964 copyright protection375PENANAlx7TekFee7 維尼
I smiled at him and focused back on my amazing breakfast.8964 copyright protection375PENANAvozchQFROf 維尼