“I actually have to go. My friends want to go to some party and I told them I would tag along.” I cleared my extremely dry throat and dried my clammy hands on my dress. Peeking through the red curtain I saw them whirring their heads around no doubt trying to find me.
“As do I. I don’t usually leave the bar.” He looked past the curtain. There was a long line circling the bar.
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Wren. I’ll see you…” When? And how? I wasn’t even legally allowed to be in here but was because of Aiden. I felt a little less confident than I did before.
“Right. Should we exchange numbers then?” looking at Wren I could see he was older. Not by a lot, maybe a few years? But I could see by the fine lines on his forehead he was older than me. I pulled my phone from my purse and handed it to him. He typed his number in and handed it back to me. As I put my phone into my purse he grabbed my free hand and pulled me closer. He kissed me again with such heat and passion that an embarrassing moan escaped my lips. I think he liked it because he kissed me harder. I pulled away trying to create distance between us. If he sucked me in as he had before I wouldn’t be able to pull myself away.
“Goodbye Wren.” I disappeared behind the red curtain and maneuvered my way through the crowd. Aiden and his band continued playing and I managed to make my way back to Lacey and Jamie.
“Girl finally! We’ve been looking everywhere for you. Where did you go?” I glanced over my shoulder to the bar.
“I was getting water. The line was monstrous over there.” It was. The line had managed to wrap around the bar twice. No doubt because Wren left the other bartenders to practice CPR with me. LOL.
“Let’s get out of here.” Jamie turned on her heel and we headed up the stairs. One more look over my shoulder and I saw Wren back to work pouring drinks. What a crazy night it had been.
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The cold air hit my face and for the first time tonight, I had registered the events that had taken place. What was I thinking making out with a man so much older than me? I cannot believe I let myself do that. Twice. I could feel myself changing within this city. Then I thought about what Miss Coco Chanel said. “I’d rather have disaster than nothingness.” Maybe Wren could be my disaster? This sounds like the beginning of a bad Taylor Swift song.
We all piled into another Uber and made our way to the party. I was definitely not going to be drinking. Thinking about how much those Sex on the Beaches, Sexes on the Beach, whatever it’s called, lowered my inhibitions enough that I made out with a complete stranger. That’s something I NEVER thought I would do.
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Teenagers decorated the lawn accompanied by their practically empty beer bottles. Without knocking we walked right into the party. ‘Toothbrush’ was blaring loudly by DNCE. I didn't mind one bit. Joe Jonas was easily one of the hottest guys around and his gorgeous tenor voice is what made him so famous along with his washboard abs. Not to mention his striking dark features. Yum. People were walking around and talking in every direction. Lacey must have been here before because she led us straight to the kitchen for drinks. She poured herself cranberry vodka. Jamie told her she wanted a gin and tonic. Lacey was apparently a secret bartender. I laughed to myself quietly. “Okay B, what are you drinking?”
”Nothing for me. I think I’m still tipsy.” I clung to the edge of the countertop to steady myself. Rolling her eyes she poured me a shot of tequila.
“I know you’re not wimping out already.” She arched her eyebrows and gave me a playful look. Peer pressure is no joke. I downed the shot trying my best not to make it come back up. I chased it with this pink lemonade punch.
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“Whooo! That’s how it’s done!” Lacey yelled and poured us all another round. She sloshed the intoxicating liquid everywhere as she poured.365Please respect copyright.PENANAFojCLSEXp6
I really shouldn’t be drinking. I was such a lightweight in comparison to my counterparts. We all lifted the small glasses to our lips and downed the strong liquid again. Jamie took our hands and led us to the living room where a makeshift dance floor and dancing took place. There were lights strung across the ceiling and red solo cups littering the floor. I didn't know anyone here besides Lacey and Jamie so I sent a silent prayer up and hoped they would stay with me. We talked for a few minutes about who all was here and who was dressed the sluttiest. Apparently, it was some girl named Jessica who was wearing out-of-style Steve Madden boots. She actually wore a modest outfit. I think the word ‘slutty’ here meant something different entirely. Here, it meant she couldn’t afford the newest clothes and accessories. It was going to take some time to adjust to living here. I told Lacey and Jamie that I needed to pee and they pointed me in the direction of the bathroom. I peed quickly since the line was so long. As I exited I ran into a hard… something? I was a little tipsy and my legs felt like jello so I couldn’t exactly pinpoint if it was the door or a person. It turned around to apologize.
“Brooke you did make it tonight.” The soft male voice spoke or really purred. Oh no. A tall, beautiful blond stood in front of me looking at me with wild green eyes. Everything was becoming fuzzy. Wren. Wait no, why would it be him? Caspian. I should have known by his woodsy scent that engulfed my nostrils.
“Yeah, I did. It was Jamie and Laceys’ idea.” If I were going to have to face him and Amanda tonight I would need a lot more alcohol in my system. I looked around but didn’t see Amanda anywhere. Was it possible he came without her? Hating myself for asking, I spoke again.
“Is Amanda here?” he rolled his eyes in response.
“Yeah, she and her friends are doing student council stuff upstairs in Tiffany's bedroom.” The student council was very suitable for Amanda and her very organized manner. I looked back at Caspian and he was fixated on the small amount of cleavage showing. He was definitely tipsy because he didn’t make an effort to look away. I peered down at myself suddenly, self-conscious, and noticed how much skin I was revealing. Oh well, looks like I’m throwing caution to the wind tonight.
“Caspian?” I challenged as he tore his gaze away from my chest. I was becoming sassier by the minute. Even in my state, I was absolutely going to call him out. His eyes met mine and lust-filled his beautiful, blazing, green eyes.
“I couldn't help myself." He growled. What the actual hell. This guy who is in a relationship with a goddess is looking at me like I'm something to eat. I loved it and hated it all at the same time.
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He placed his hands on my hips tightly and I loved how his grip felt. I knew this wasn’t him though. Drunk or not I could not allow my desires to conflict with what was already in place. I also would hate myself if Amanda saw her drunk boyfriend clutching me like his life depended on it. I pushed past him because I knew it was the alcohol talking and not him. As I left Caspian’s presence to get some water and helo sober me up. As I was walking back to the kitchen I felt the wall catch me as I tripped over my left foot. Maybe I consumed more than I originally thought. Caspian’s arm slinked around my waist as he helped me get back on both of my feet. Where the hell did he come from? I thought I left him by the bathroom. I guess he followed me. It’s not like I’m sober enough to catalog my surroundings. He helped guide me to the kitchen where I grabbed another cup. 365Please respect copyright.PENANAn4XjPxIuHI
“Hey, maybe you should take it easy on the alcohol.” He grabbed the tequila bottle to my right and placed it on the high shelf beside the fridge. Little did he know I was going to the sink to get some old-fashioned tap water. I figured I didn’t need more liquid courage since I already felt weird. I filled my cup to the top and chugged it down quickly. I don’t know why I was so thirsty. 365Please respect copyright.PENANADp6CC2xDPC
“You do not get to tell me what to do,” I practically yelled and some people next to me shot me dirty glances. Oh sorry, did I interrupt your super in-depth conversation at a party where everyone is drunk? Bite me. I was consumed with sexual frustration and anger.
“I just don’t think you can hold your liquor as well as you think you can.” He let the words fall right off his tongue and it definitely made me angrier.
“And you, don’t know me as well as you think you do.” I pointed my finger at him and pulled away as I headed to the living room where everyone was dancing. Pushing past warm bodies and stepping on empty cans I found some random guy who was attractive enough and started grinding on him. I literally don’t know why I did, but it made me feel wanted and desired as he grabbed my hips hard and held me close. I could feel his member becoming hard behind me as I grinded harder into him. Caspian looked furious as he stood across the room watching me with Amanda whispering in his ear. I defs did not see her come in. I spun around to face the guy I had been dancing on and asked for his name.
“I’m Alex. And you’re hot,” he put his hands on my waist as I swayed to the blaring music. I shook my head side to side which made me feel horrible. Like hit-by-a-bus-and-dipped-in-a-fire-ant-nest horrible.
“Actually my name is Brooke,” I shouted to him and hoped he heard. He leaned closer to my ear licking it and sucking on it. My god did it feel amazing. He started kissing my neck, down to my collar bone and left a burning trail where he had been. His lips met mine and I couldn’t stop myself. This was an amazing distraction from everything I had been feeling recently. First Wren and now Alex? Man was I out of control tonight. He paused while panting heavily.
“Do you want to get out of here?” Oh god. I was so fearful he was going to ask me that. I basically threw myself at him so I couldn't blame him for asking.
“Actually… I’m not super comfortable with that.” I tried to be as polite as possible and not hurt his ego or give him blue balls.
“Ahhh damn. It’s always the hotties that wanna escape. But we can keep dancing if you want?” I shook my head again in response.
“I’m actually here with some friends who I should go look for.” I felt bad denying him and giving him so many mixed signals.
“Well hey, maybe I’ll see you around sometime?” He winked at me and I smiled while nodding my head. He kept dancing and eventually I lost sight of him as I made my way through the crowded living room.365Please respect copyright.PENANAxVCeu5hs5y
‘Well, he was a nice guy who didn’t push any boundaries.’ I thought to myself. It doesn’t happen every day that a girl gets drunk and a guy is respectful when she declines his advances. I wondered if I would see him again and if he went to Greenwich. God I hoped not, I do not want to explain to him that I was sloshed and looking for an escape. As I made my way through the crowd I spotted Lacey and Jamie standing on the counter while drunkenly singing along to “Body Like a Back Road,” by the oh-so-gorgeous Sam Hunt. Their dance moves were insane and I was surprised they were still standing with all the shots they consumed.
“Brooke! Get your tight ass up here!” Lacey shouted while spilling her drink all over the floor. I extended my hand to her to try and get her to come down, but the next thing I knew she had pulled me up with her.
“Lacey!” I shouted over the music.
“Girl, loosen up.” Jamie swayed back and forth very obviously wasted and in no condition to dance. But they were right. I needed to let loose for a change. Who was I trying to impress? I swung my hips from side to side and let the music consume me. I glanced around the room which was not a good idea. Caspian shot daggers at me and Amanda was gone again.
“Are y’all ready to leave?” You would’ve thought I asked them to cut off their big toes and freeze them.
“Girl, no, the night is infantile!” Lacey hollered loudly and many others followed. I tried hopping down off the counter but it was much higher up than I originally thought. The floor was becoming the countertop and I couldn't figure out how to get down. Two large hands made their way around my waist and brought me down to the safety of the dark-stained wood floors. I turned around to see Caspian's face looking down at me.
“Brooke, you should really be more careful.” Ugh, this guy was being SO boring.
“Caspian I don’t need a babysitter. And I don’t need you to protect me. Go find your girlfriend or something.” I rolled my eyes and dusted off my dress. Maybe I came across as too harsh. Whatever. He had no right telling me what to do. I accidentally pulled the dress down in the process and flashed my hot pink lace bra. I turned red instantly. I looked up at Caspian and saw complete desire burning in his eyes.
“Sorry, I was just trying to straighten out my dress.” With the way he was looking at me I was so sure he was going to kiss me. He was probably the sexiest man to ever live. His blue Levi jeans held his body so nicely and his maroon shirt highlighted his perfect biceps. Wren was hot of course, and Silas was nothing to be complacent about, but they weren't the familiar, warm, charming people that Caspian was. His name tasted so good in my mouth.
Was he thinking about me in the same way? As he inched forward a small hand with black nail polish snaked around his arm and pulled him back.
“Babe, come play beer pong with Jenny and me! We need a fourth member!” His eyes never left mine even as she spoke. They were dead set on my lips. She shook him lightly and he came out of whatever deep thought process he was in.
“Wait, what? Sorry, I think I might have drunk too much already. I didn’t hear a word you said.” He looked down at her. She sighed loudly and repeated herself. 365Please respect copyright.PENANAqXjMBcie79
All of a sudden my brain boggled in pain at the thought of them breaking up. It felt like someone shot me with an airsoft gun and the small metal ball was ricocheting off the edges of my skull. I messaged my temples trying not to make a scene. After a few moments, the pain subsided and I saw Caspian and Amanda looking at me as if they were waiting for me to respond.
“Huh? What did you say?” The ear-splitting headache I just suffered from was completely eradicated. I must have looked crazy to those who witnessed my agonizing episode.
“I asked if it was okay to sweep Caspian away for a game. Are you feeling okay?” Amanda's arm was carelessly slinked through Caspian's arm. Her smile and carefree attitude was refreshing but something was off. I just couldn't place my finger on it.
“Absolutely. I was just heading out.” She frowned at the news but led Caspian away to the inflated beer pong table. There was a game already in place. Caspian looked over his shoulder at me as Amanda stood beside him. I smiled weakly at him. Amanda turned around and saw the exchange but she waved at me. 365Please respect copyright.PENANA3MxRa5gwYr
I looked over the room and spotted Jamie. Walking up to her I spoke slurring my words, “Jamie I think I need to go home. I feel like a bus just hit me.” I held my stomach with one hand and my head with the other. I’m not sure what was going on with my body but lately, I have been getting the worst headaches known to man. Enough to make the Rock cry, I'm sure.
“What happened? Did you drink too much?” Concern colored her voice and dread entered her face.
“Yeah maybe. But you guys stay here I’ll call an Uber.” She grabbed my arm and spun me around to face her gently.
“Don’t be silly. Aiden is actually on his way to come pick us up. Lacey got roofied again. She's way too trusting of every man bringing her drinks. I figured Silas was our best option.” I was shocked beyond a shadow of a doubt. Maybe these New York Kids were too much to handle. Drugging a barely 18-year-old?
“Roofied again? Does this happen often? Is she okay?” the words were flying out of my mouth faster than Jamie could answer them.
“She lets guys get her drinks for her and sure enough they try something every time.” She shook her head and looked over to where Lacey was sitting on the sofa. The room we were in was smaller and less crowded but there were a few bodies on the recliner.
Jamie glanced down at her phone and motioned for me to help her with Lacey. Getting her to her feet and grabbing her purse we made haste. Struggling down the porch steps and onto the grass I saw Silas get out of his car to come and help us.
“Jesus guys what happened?” He held Lacey bridal style and carried her towards his black, shiny Audi.
“Lacey was roofied,” Jamie said.
Aiden unlocked his car and slid Lacey into the back seat. Jamie climbed in after her and started tying her hair back.
“We might have to pull over a few times on the way to Brookes’ just in case.” I’m guessing there was a high chance of Lacey throwing up.
“Looks like you’re sitting upfront with me.” Silas's voice tickled my right ear as he opened the door for me. I was a sucker for manners.
I told him the address to my home and he didn’t need any directions to my surprise. He said he had a buddy that used to live there.
After about 15 minutes and two pit stops to allow Lacey to puke up her dignity, we made it back in one piece.
“Alright, ladies home at last." He said quietly.
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