Master Stone was waiting for us in the car to pick us up when we landed. Master Gaines put our bags in the trunk while I climbed in the backseat. The ride to the house was quiet and tense. When we got home Master Stone looked at me through the rear view mirror, "While Pet and I put your things away go into the play room. Strip and wait for us." He instructed. "Yes Master." I said and got out.
I did as I was told and waited naked and kneeling on the floor of the play room. It was a little while before they came in. "Bed over the bed Kitty." Master Stone instructed. I bent of the bed and heard him get a belt. "I'm going to give you a spanking for every curse word you used, one for breaking the rule, one for disappointing Pet, and one for disappointing me. Understand?" He asked. "Yes Master." I said with a nod. "Keep count." He instructed.
I then felt the first spanking, "One." I said. When he spanked me I gripped the sheets, "Two." I said. When he did it again I knew I was starting to become wet, "Three." I said. After a three more I was having to hold back the moans and tears because even though it gave me pleasure it hurt like hell. When he did it again a tear dropped on to the sheet but I kept my voice steady, "Seven." When he did it one last time I almost sighed, "Eight." I said.
I then felt his hands rub lotion to soothe the pain. When he was done he had me stand up then turned me to face him. He pulled me into his arms and I buried my face in his chest, "I'm sorry for being so harsh when I yelled at you yesterday." He kissed the top of my head and I pulled my head away from his chest. "It's ok Daddy." I said honestly. He gave me a quick kiss, "Get dressed and then come meet us in the living room." I nodded and picked up the clothes I was wearing. I knew it would hurt if I put on pants so I didn't. I went to our room and put on sweat pants and a tank top. I went downstairs and went to the living room and sat next to Master Gaines on the couch since Master Stone was in an armchair. A tabloid had their picture and the caption Dominating CEOS Dominant in more than their business.
"How bad is it?" Master Gaines asked. "Very bad. There is even a picture of the contract in it." Mast Stone replied. I picked it up and found the page and read the article. "If you look at it from a positive perspective, she'd lose in court. She clearly broke the contract. Although she is no longer your submissive the privacy clause will always stay in effect. She can declare it as the first amendment, but really it isn't. Plus it shows she signed it meaning she was a willing participant." I said. "Well because of her we lost clients." Master Stone said.
"Just play it off that she faked it. Say she was your girlfriend and you broke up with her because you didn't love her. She got mad and took pictures of both of your signatures and found one of the contracts online and photoshopped them." I offered. Master Stone shook his head, "If we tried that angle who knows what she would do."
I sighed and put the magazine down on the coffee table, not having any other ideas. "We need to find some way to squash this and fast." Master Gaines said. "Don't you think I know that?" Snapped Master Stone harshly. "Don't take your anger out on us." Snapped Master Gaines back. "We're only trying to help you come up with a solution."
"Well try harder." Master Stone snapped again. "This isn't our fault. If you would've handled her before things got this far then we wouldn't be in this situation." Master Gaines yelled. "Don't take that tone with me." Master Stone said and stood from his chair. Master Gaines stood to meet him even though he was shorter, "Haven't you stopped to think at how this will affect more than you? What about me huh? We keep it secret for more than just your reasons." "Oh so your mother doesn't find out and want to exercise demons from your soul?" Master Stone mocked and that had Master Gaines punching him. Master Stone glared and wiped the blood from his busted lip. Instead of getting anymore physical Master Stone stormes out of the house and left in one of the cars out front. Soon Master Gaines also left in another car. I waited on the couch with Mason Luna the rest of the day and after numerous calls to both of them I hadn't received anything back. When I fell asleep on the couch at two in the morning, neither had come home.
It's been three days. No calls no messages. Nothing. I had blown up their phones till their voice mailboxes were filled and I've sent so many texts. Tonight will be the fourth night I go to bed without them home. I laid in bed and curled up with Luna and Mason. Usually they weren't allowed in the room but I didn't want to be alone. At around four in the morning Mason shot out of bed and whine at the door. I got up and went to go see what he was whining about. Standing in the foyer was both Master Stone and Master Gaines. I took in their clothes and noticed those weren't the clothes they left in and they were freshly showered. I crossed my arms and glared at them from the top of the stairs. They looked up at me and they both looked worried I would explode. I shook my head at them then went back to the bedroom, but I left the door opened. Soon they were in here watching me. "Do you both not understand how worried I was about the both of you? Three days. Three freaking days you were gone. I didn't know where either of you were or if you were even alive. I called and texted but neither of you thought to atleast let me know you were ok. I love you both and the idea of losing either of you scares the crap out of me." I snapped. They were shocked by my confession and in all honesty I was too. I didn't know I loved them till the realization just hit me but I was to pissed to let the shock show.
"You love us?" Master Stone asked. I nodded, "With all my heart. Y-You can't just do that. I was so worried about you two." I said with tears now falling down my face. "We're sorry Kitty." Master Gaines said softly. "We won't do it again we promise." Master Stone said. "You do it again and good luck getting back in the house." I sniffled. Master Stone pulled me into his arms and Master Gaines hugged me from behind. "We love you too." Master Stone said and then he smashed his lips to mine. Then I kissed Master Gaines. "Now go take a shower, and from the amount of dishes in the sink we can tell that you barely ate anything during our absence. Pet will make you something to eat while you shower." Master Stone said and I nodded.
I took a quick shower before putting on only a bra, thong, and a big t-shirt before going downstairs. I went into the kitchen and saw them giving each other a sweet gentle kiss. I smiled and they turned to see me. Master Gaines had made me a grilled cheese with a side of bacon. He got me a glass of milk and I sat at the table. To say I was tired was an understatement but once I smelled the food it made me realize how hungry I was. It was placed down in front of me and they sat on either side of me. When I had eaten half of my food they seemed to relax. "Where did you go when you both left here?" I asked after I swallowed a bite. "I went to a friend of mine and got black out drunk." Master Gaines said. "And I went to Lebow's." Master Stone said. Lebow's is a bar inside a very fancy hotel.
"What did you do while we were gone?" Master Stone asked. "Well barely ate, barely slept, thought of ways I could kill you once you got home, cried, spent most of the day in the living room until about three in the morning, then I went and cuddled with Mason and Luna in our bed since neither of you were home and I didn't want to be alone." I answered. They had looks of guilt and when I was done eating we went upstairs. I climbed in the bed and after they stripped to their boxers they climbed in bed with me. Tonight I'll be able to get some sleep knowing the men I love are home safe and sound.