Fiona, of course, went overboard. One of the first things we bought was a bikini. A strapless navy blue one with white trim. Sunglasses, which, at least, weren't as big as Fiona's. A white cloth headband to keep my hair out of my face. A large white sun-hat. Turquoise earrings and bracelets. A blue and white tie-dyed dress that came down mid-thigh with more intricate, almost Navajo-like designs mixed in that tied around the neck...and Fiona insisted I change into right away along with at least the hair band and glasses coupled with a new pair of flip-flops she insisted was much more in style than my wrap around leather ones. I almost argued that it was much more difficult to run in flip-flops...but I didn't. I let Fiona have her way for the time being....there was no way I was ever going to wear that sun-hat either. Next she bought me another tan, smaller sunhat, turquoise necklace, and more flip-flops. How many shoes do people need? I tried to tell her I have enough now, but she ignores me, continuing her shopping spree, only this time, she was paying. A short dress that was soft and billowy. Orange that faded to pink on the left side. The sleeves came almost to the elbows. A long bronze necklace with an oval stone that was grey in the center, fading to onyx black. Red and blue bracelets. Next she bought a white t-shirt, v-neck and orange jeans. Then a light blue and baby blue strapless, short dress and a bear-claw bronze which point I was dragging her out of the store and we finally bought more practical supplies. Toiletries. Shampoo, toothpaste, stuff that I needed. I stopped dead in my tracks as we passed a grocery store. Should I try cooking something...would Kal eat it? I'm embarrassed to admit....I'm a horrible cook...I can't even get instant drinks right....well, I can make instant cappuccino really well...but aside from frozen dishes or things like instant's a little dangerous to try. I can make spaghetti ok....and I made chili baked potatoes once....but instant potatoes I'm still working on. I don't really worry about it...'cause I'm the only one eating. Thank god Shadow's safe with dog food. A smirk curves my lips...although, putting Kal's life endanger with my cooking was actually appealing. I snickered. Teach him how dangerous I am! That'll tell him to lay off the playboy hormones! "Hey! Fi!" I call after the model-like woman as she's still walking, having not realized that I have stopped. She looks back and meets my gaze, then saunters on over. I jerk my head at the store. "I'm thinking about trying my hand at cooking."672Please respect copyright.PENANAlJPjn13aef
Fiona shifted, suddenly looking afraid. "Ah, ok, though I can't really stay long today so-"
I smile, "Relax, I'm gonna feed it to Kal."
Fiona eyed me, "Hmm." I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but she takes my bags and I go ahead into the store. I grab a shopping cart and wander the isles...what exactly am I doing? I don't really know how to cook. With no recipe in exactly am I supposed to shop? I wish I could ask Fi...but she's outside, laden with all our shopping bags. I don't even know what he has in stock at home... I stop and sigh. ~Just what am I doing?~ I ask myself once again. I'm in the bean isle and pick up a can of Northern Beans, whatever the hell those were. And on the back I spy a soup recipe. ~Oooo, I like soup. I'll try this.~ I glance at the ingredients. ~Hope it isn't too hot. I can't take spicy. Oh well, it's good to try new things right?~ So I went around, grabbing olive oil, minced garlic, onions, cumin, hamburger, oregano, white pepper, red pepper flakes, regular salt and pepper, kale, green chilies, chicken broth, cilantro, sour cream, lime flavored tortilla chips on a whim, and tomatoes. ~Guess I'll try this.~
Now with us both laden with bags, we started to make our long way home. "Jordan!" A familiar voice called out as a red and black ugly Audi Volkswagen that I recognize pulls up next to us. Fiona stopped beside me and raised an eyebrow. "Whoa, who's this?" I sigh.
"Uncle, this is my friend Fiona Glenanne." I introduce.
"Nice to meet you Fiona." My uncle grins as he steps out of the car. He a handsome man, fit and in his mid-to-late 50s. His hair greyed out though his eyebrows were still black. He was smoking a cigarette, wearing a black shirt under a grey suit jacket and white pants. Fiona gave him a nod, studying him. Uncle's sharp blue gaze switch back to me. "Indira's waiting for you. Let's go." He said with enthusiasm. Same old uncle....cancels one day, shows up the next on the drop of a dime and away we go.
I lift up the grocery bags. "I have to stop by the apartment and drop these off."
"I can take them." Fiona mutters. I turn to study her. She jerks her chin at my uncle. "Go ahead. Besides." She smirks, "There's no way I want to be around you when you try to cook."
"Ha." I offer her a smile and give in. "If you're sure you can take them." I hold up the bags.
"I'm sure." She takes the bags from me and gives me another nod. "Go see your family."
"Alright." I reluctantly agree and Uncle's grin widens as we both get into the ugly car.
"How are you doing with Kal?" Uncle asks, reaching over and gently taking my head, having me flop over into him in a side hug. It was good to see family again. Even if they were as crazy as my uncle and aunt...or perhaps it was especially because they were like that, that it was good to see them?
I smile. It had been awhile since I had gotten a hug from a family felt warm, familiar, comforting. "Fine." I mumble an answer to his question.
I'm glad Fiona had me change cloths when Uncle took me to a restaurant inside a fancy hotel. Uncle and Aunt Indira were retired musicians, that and my Uncle's skill in financing and his job dealing with security and computers...he had quite a bit of money....and liked Volkswagens. Blah. We entered the restaurant, my uncle just behind me. He nodded to the hostess and said, "Beringer." The hostess looked slightly shy, but bowed her head respectfully, coming out from around the podium and leading the way past tables. My aunt caught my eye. She was gazing our way with a gentle smile on her slightly winkled features. Her brunette hair that came just above her shoulders starting to grey. Her make-up was elegant and defined. She wore a silver dress on her slim, fit body well, a cream shawl over her shoulders.
She held up a hand up in greeting, "Jordana, Mike." She called to us.
I smile widely as we approach. "Aunty!" Uncle doesn't give me much room to say hi to my aunt however as he leans over her sitting at the table for four and kissing her on the cheek. They were always very lovey-dovey....something I really admired about them. Even if they were only away for a short time, they always welcomed each other back with a kiss. How sweet. We took our seats, me next to my uncle and across from my aunt, and a blond waitress in a white dress shirt, black vest, skirt, and tie took our drink orders. Both my relatives ordered tea, and I a UV & lemonade...which I got carded for. I practically always get carded...I've even been told I look like a high schooler. Joy. I'm 23 you know! Damn, I guess Fiona's right, that really is pretty young still.
My aunt's green gaze is now on me as she smiles kindly. "So, how have you been Jordana?"
I smile back politely, "Very well. For the time being my job is very quiet." I wink at her, "That's a good thing."
Aunty gave a little laugh before saying, "Well, good. I hope your accommodations are going smoothly. We've known Kal for a very long time." She turned her gaze on Uncle. "He was apprenticed under Mike and he's almost been like another son to us ever since." ~Another son huh?~ I was really trying not to think about Kal. I didn't like thinking about Kal. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realize I hadn't really answered Aunty's question...though it really wasn't phrased as such.
I practically jumped out of my chair when I heard Kal's soft, deep voice right next to me and I see a suited figure standing just within my peripheral vision, "Indira." I stare at the white table cloth and work to keep my breathing normal. "Jordana, Mike." He takes the remaining seat and I glance at him. His dark brown hair is much tamer now, and he's wearing wire-framed oval glasses. Though he's still handsome as all get out, he looks a lot older now. Probably the formal attire. Black suit, white dress shirt, and silver tie. His goddamn eyes are the most attractive thing about him....seriously, why does his face remind me of a cat? And why do I keep catching myself staring at his eyes? Damn. I keep forcing myself to look away, only to find my gaze once again on him. I'm really pissing myself off. I shift in my seat and sit on my hands, as if that would keep my eyes from wandering somehow. In defiance, I look away toward the entrance, the farthest away from Kal. My aunt and uncle are studying us.
After a sip of his tea, Uncle asks, "So how's it going you two?"
"Just fine." Kal answers, "I have no complaints in letting your niece stay with me while she's in Miami."
"Thanks." I mumble.
"Hmm." My aunt says, eyeing me. But I'm still staring at the entrance, and the bright light streaming in from the glass doors and windows. "Yes, well." She suddenly turns to Kal, "Jordana's a bit shy. She's a morning person, she usually goes to bed insanely early. She's a bookworm so if you're ever at a loss with what to do with her, take her to a library or a bookstore. She can stay there for days. Or just give her some paper and a pencil and she'll either write a," she rolled her eyes, "dreadfully gruesome story or create a beautiful drawing." Aunty looked at me fondly, "She's athletic. Let's see," She turned to her husband for some help as she thought, "She loves to sing." Ok, so if I hadn't been blushing before, I sure as hell was now. What the hell was this? ~God,~ I rolled my eyes, ~my aunt and uncle are so weird!~
Uncle grinned at Kal, "Especially in the shower." He leaned closer and said in a loud whisper, "And don't ask her to dance if you value not just your toes, but your whole entire foot as well." I scowled at my uncle and leaned back in my chair, folding my arms in front of me. Now everyone, Kal included was smiling at me. ~Oh god.~ For a moment my gaze was captivated by Kal smirking, looking at me. I somehow am able to look away. Why was it so hard for me to breath right now? "She's actually pretty handy fixing things and doing manual labor." Uncle finally fell silent as his thoughts wandered somewhere else........that happened. When he thought of his brother...and my mom and sister...
Aunty jumped in, "Yes well....we've talked enough, we better see what we want to order before the waitress comes back." Everyone seemed strained as we stare down at the menus and I frown. ~This is just great.~
Me and my uncle ordered steaks. My aunt a fancy salad, and Kal got some kind of pasta. We were relatively quiet while we ate. By the time we were all done, Uncle was back to his eccentric self again. "Hey, let's take a picture over here!" He led the way toward a corner in the lobby, away from the crowd, and where the lighting would be good for a pic. Aunty guided me next to her, Uncle behind and in between us with Kal just behind my other shoulder. One of the hotel attendants snapped several pictures of us. Kal led the way out of the hotel, Uncle behind him.
But Aunty held me back, studying me seriously. "You're really ok Jordan?" I blinked a little in surprise at her and frowned, but nodded all the same, "You'd tell us if you weren't...right?"
I offer her a soft smirk, "Of course I would Aunty. You, Uncle, and Rich are the ones I will always go to for help. I rely on you three." I give her a hug as I see her eyes moisten up. Then we head outside to join the guys. We said our good-byes and I left with Kal. It was a silent ride to the apartment and as soon as we got there, Kal disappeared into his room. I watched him disappear...then took Shadow out for a walk....I think I needed some air more badly than he needed to pee. We walked....and we walked...and Shadow tried to bark at other dogs....and we walked some more. I just kept on going. Kal had me all jumbled up inside. And why the hell was it so hard to clear my thoughts of him? I didn't want to think about him! At all! A blue car stopped at the stop sign across the street from me. It caught my eye. It was a nice shade of royal blue. Pretty, through the car model itself wasn't much to look at. There was a maroon car cruising down the road coming toward us and the brush around the property next to the stop sign made it difficult to see. As the situation caught my attention, the maroon car with silver flames down the sides squealed around the corner as the blue car started to go and slammed right into him, nose to nose, square on, smashing the blue car's nose, though there wasn't that much damage done to the heavier frame of the maroon car, besides totally wrecking the bumper that is. Again, don't ask me what kind it was. One of those two doors, sportsy looking ones. The black guy in the passenger seat looked petrified. And when the driver got out, the first thing I saw was his shinny silver gun. I hold my breath and slink behind a tree. Shadow staying calm next to me. The driver is lean with cropped brown hair and he quickly dashes over to the driver's side of the blue car. The gunman is wearing a light blue t, jeans, and black work boots. He's carrying a black bag with cable ties sticking out of it. ~What the hell?~ The gunmen sets the bag and gun down, nestled in between the wrecked hood and the windshield. He tries to open the car-door, but it's jammed.
The black fellow gets out, staring at the maroon car. He's wearing an orange wife-beater with black trim. A white stud in his left ear and a golden necklace around his neck. "Look at what you did to my car!" He whined, his voice cracking. The white guy was now standing to the side of the driver's door, a heavy, worn work glove on his right hand, holding what looked like a screw-driver. He covered his eyes and smashed the window. ~What is he after?~ I watched curiously, hoping he wasn't about to shoot anybody...and mindful of Shadow by my side. "Oh damn! Look at my car..." Was he crying? He was leaned over his car, stroking the shinny hood. The white guy still hadn't said a single word and was methodically clearing away the glass from the door. He stabbed the airbag, then leaned in and cable-tied the driver to the steering wheel, taking his rolex and fishing out his wallet. The black guy rested his head against his hood in despair, before straightening again. "I just had this fixed! Don't go playin' with my car man!"
"Sheaun, there's cash in his wallet." The white man said clearly and calmly. "The Rolex should take care of the rest." He collected his bag and walked quickly back to the black fellow. "The cops will be here soon, I'd be someplace else." The gunmen handed him the watch and wallet, then started jogging away. I narrowed my eyes at the white guy as he looked over his shoulder as he ran.
The black guy stared at the things in his hands in shock, then shouted, "How do I get home!" I smirked at that, but I'm staring after the white guy. Curious. Very curious. Just what exactly is going on? I swiftly follow the gunmen, as he jogs up to a pink house and starts pounding on the door. I frown and come closer...until a little hispanic boy about 6 or so opens the door. I'm thrown into a panic and dash forward, smashing into the gunmen just as he starts to notice me. Shadow is barking fiercely and the kid screams, running deeper into the house. Too quick for me to keep up with, the gunman puts distance between us...not what I want when I know he has a gun in that bag of his. I noticed this before about the way he moved....but his stance is good...I'm in a bit of a bind as I'm trying to cautiously close the distance, watching his every movement.
He is also watching me...but he hasn't pulled his gun out yet. Very good sign. He's skillfully keeping distance between us however. "Leave the kid alone." He says, trying to capture my gaze with his blue ones. I hesitate, but keep my body ready, not letting my guard down. I finally decide to take a chance and study his face. ~Hmm. He's handsome enough.~ Why do I always think about that right away? Am I shallow? He had a scar on his left cheek.
Finally I make another decision and straighten. "Shadow shh." I signal Shadow, who's been barking near my side, the leash trailing on the ground next to him. He immediately shuts up and sits. Good dog. I take a step back and shut the door, then cross my arms loosely, still tense. "I thought the guy with the gun would be the most dangerous to the kid."
The man sighs and straightens as well. "Who are you?" He demands.
"Name's Jordana. You?"
"I'm Michael Westen."
I frown at that....his actions.... "Ah, shit. So what exactly is going on here?"
"It's complicated. You're only making it more complicated. Come on. I gotta get the kid outta here before more guys come for him."
"Hmm." I take a step in between him and the hallway. Shadow's watching me closely. I narrow my eyes at Michael Westen. "Not until I know more about what's going on."
"Look." Michael said, starting to get a little annoyed but trying to hold onto his patience. "I've been hired by the kid's father. They're in some trouble and now some dangerous people are after the kid, so if you'd excuse me, I really need to get him outta here."
I swear under my breath, then say, "Fiona Glenanne."
He freezes and stares at me, "How do you know Fiona?"
"Damn it, you're Michael McBride!" I accuse him, unfolding my arms. I let out a strangled scream of frustration, but pick up Shadow's leash.
He blinks at me, "Ok, so you're an acquaintance of Fi's. Look. I really need to get that kid out of here."
I glare at him. "I'm coming with you, Michael Westen. You're a burned spy. You could probably use my resources and I want to make sure the kid's safe."
Mike's irritated, "Fine." He hurries on past me to find the kid. I take a peak outside and am lucky enough to hear the back door open. I narrow my eyes and me and Shadow hurry so we are not left behind by the damn ex-spy and the kid. Michael seems a little disappointed I had the initiative enough to follow him. He takes us...quite a ways, to a warehouse....where he's obviously been staying....this was why I had offered him my services. He was a burned spy, he didn't have a whole lot to work with. Inside there were neon signs that weren't being in particular the kid was standing in front of, was of a woman, her legs folded under her and leaning back on her hands, her red hair streaming down behind her, wearing only her, let's go with bikini though it looked more like underwear.
"Lovely Mike." I muttered. Shadow stuck close to my side, laying at my feet.
The ex-spy wasn't listening to me through, he was on the phone. "Yeah, he's fine. Do you have a place to stay? Great. You'll come get him? Good." Michael hanged up and turned toward us. "David, your dad will be here soon. You two are going to stay with your aunt for a while." David turned towards us. Mike nodded at me. "How long are you going to stick around?"
"I work as a private security officer. I'll offer my services to this family."
Michael went over toward the kitchenette area and motioned for me to follow him. "This is some dangerous stuff and they don't have a whole lot of money."
I fold my arms and meet his gaze, "So do most of my clients."
Mike sighed and opened his fridge, getting out a blueberry yogurt and a spoon and setting it down before me. "Here. Have a yogurt." I gaze at it for awhile, then shrug. Shadow follows me over like my own shadow and I take the spoon and peal open the container, licking the lid. Mike leans against the counter. "So, how do you know Fi?"
I shrugged again, dipping the spoon over and over again into the yogurt...I confess, I was doing more playing with it than eating it. Yogurt wasn't my favorite thing in the world, but I wasn't about to turn away food when offered either. "She's one of my best friends. She kept in contact with me when she followed you down here...then offered to spend some time together on the beach...and I needed to visit my aunt and uncle down here anyway. So yeah." I pause playing with the yogurt and look at him. We're silent for a moment.
"My name is Michael Westen you know."
I'm unsurprised, and don't blame him for telling Fi an alias when she first met him....after all she hadn't known he was a spy back then...and the fact that she knew so much about him now means that they were really close to one another...that it wasn't just Fi. I shift so I can glance toward the kid. "Thanks for the info."
David noticed we were watching him as the kid with the curly hair, wearing a light blue and white striped shirt, jeans, black and grey tennis shoes and a shiner starting to form around his right eye, wandered around, staring at everything. "You live here?" He finally asked us.
"Him." I point my spoon at Micheal. "Not me." I take my yogurt, eating some, over to a window and look out at the river. "I'd live in a place with more...greenery."
"I usually stay at four-star hotels." Mike grumbled in defense. "I mean," He said, trying to be more of a conversationalist, "I don't really have a lot of...stuff." I roll my eyes and turn to face them, eating some more yogurt. I'm not even sure the kid can follow what he's saying. "If you're hungry there's a blueberry yogurt in the fridge." He said, crossing his arms as David continued to wander around. I look down at the yogurt in my hand. ~Is yogurt all he has? Jesus. Then again, he is a burnt spy.~ I remind myself. David shakes his head though and wanders to a table filled with electronics. He picks up the sensor and fiddles with it. Michael unfolds a hand and takes a breath as if he wants to say he shouldn't do that, but he stops himself. I watch things unfold with amusement. Maybe I could start to see what Fiona saw in him. Just a little. Mike winces as the kid turns a nob on the sensor. Mike's gaze kept flicking to the kid, then away again, "That black eye-how'd you get it?" I purse my lips and try not to smile before taking another bite of yogurt.
"Kids at school." David answered. Hmm. He was an adorable kid with his big brown eyes.
"Yeah. Why?" Michael's questions were short and to the point.
"I don't know. They don't need a reason mostly. Last time, they took my new shoes." Anger was starting to worm its way into me. People can be so cruel....then again, someone had come after this kid just a second ago, so duh, there were a lot of cruel people in this world. David set down the sensor and wandered over to a different table. "Time before, it was just," He glanced back at them over his little shoulder and shrugged, "'cause." I push off from my spot near the window, watching David's body language and where he's glancing as he starts to move his way toward the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out one of Mike's blueberry yogurts, opening it and grabbing him a spoon. David comes over to me and accepts it.
"How many were there? Is it a group or an individual?" I smile softly at Mike as he asks that. Ok, so I could see what attracted Fiona to this spy. "It matters...tactically."
David's getting annoyed talking about this, "It's a group. They get up in my face and they start pounding me, okay?" David ducks his head, wiping at his eyes and trying to sniff back the tears. I let the boy cry, calmly eating the yogurt.
Mike is visibly uncomfortable, pursing his lips and looking away, though his gaze keeps flickering to the kid, then away again. "Are you crying?" David has himself under control now and shakes his head, still keeping it bowed, staring at his shoes, his hands holding the yogurt. "You're not crying?" I fail to keep the smile off my lips. "Looks like you're crying. Don't ok?" Mike bites his cheek for a second. David is still staring at his shoes. "Alright. Don't cry." Mike comes over a little awkwardly, "Alright. Stop. Alright? Here." I purse my lips to try and keep the smile off my them, as I'm starting to fail again, I shove some more yogurt into my mouth. I'm shaking a little, trying not to laugh. I wonder what Fiona would do if she was here? Shame really. Her crush was being pretty cute. He was pretty awkward with handling kids. Mike pats David's shoulder. "You have to lose some fights so you can learn to win."
I'm impressed with his logic and lean on the counter. "He's right David." I take another bite of yogurt.
Mike glances at me, deciding something, then says, turning to David as the kid finally looks up at us. "I mean, look at this." Mike pulls up his t, showing his bruised ribs and back. I try to keep from wincing, but fail. I look away out the window instead. "I got the crap beat out of me. I have two black belts and they kicked my a-" I clear my throat loudly and at the same time move quickly and whack Michael upside the head. Mike freezes for a moment, his face getting a little red in anger. I nonchalantly eat my yogurt. David's staring at us and I wink. The kid's lips start to twitch in a nervous smile. That's when I notice Mike's staring at me now. I smirk but otherwise refuse to look at him. "What I was trying to say was," Mike says angrily, then takes a moment to compose himself before looking back at David, slightly more calm now, "you have nothing to be ashamed of with me, okay?" ~Sweet.~ Mike was ignoring my presence now, which was ok with me. "I mean, I'm the champ of getting beaten up. But I'm also very good at winning. You want it to stop?"
"Yeah." David says, staring up at Mike.
"Alright." He shoots me a last glare, then turns to David, "The key to fighting a group is taking out its leader. He takes some wire connectors that are on the kitchen table, next to some wires and other electronic equipment. There were four red ones around a yellow and Mike picked up a blue. "Take out its leader, oh, they'll all leave you alone." He knocks down the yellow wire connector, "It's bully psychology." He explained simply. "Works with third world military units as well. When I was in Afghanistan-" He froze, looking up from what he was doing, then glanced over at David, who looked up at him with big, innocent brown eyes. Mike glanced at me, but I hid my face with my hands, starting to shake harder, trying not to laugh. Oh how cute. "Never mind that." Mike says quickly, "Um, who's the leader?" He focuses back on David again.
"His name's Jake."
Mike wrinkles his nose in disgust, "Jake." He repeats. I jump a little in shock when Mike grabs my hand. "I'll show you what to do." He pulls me over into more open space. "Push me." I raise an eyebrow and push his chest. He easily falls back from my touch and he curls into a ball, waiting for the blows to come. "You have to protect yourself from blows ok? Protect your head, keep your legs and arms close to yourself." Mike points at me, looking at David, "They're going to move in, making fun of you. Keep yourself tight. Elbows in so it's harder for them to get you to come out of that ball." I move closer to Mike, giving him a kick here and there half-heartedly. "Good." He mutters to me, before saying more loudly to David, "They're gonna kick you, protect that spleen, protect that liver."
I look at David, "He's saying protect your sides with your arms, lower them if they go for your sides, or move your arms back a little, try to lessen the blows with your arms, but at the same time, keep your arms close to your body, to reach out to meet an attack, you'll only hurt your arms more that way."
"Right, I want you to stand up quick, hit your head right up underneath his chin." He stands up quickly and I barely lean back before his head can hit my chin. I'm unbalanced and stumble backwards. "He's gonna be a little dazed. That's when you strike." Quickly, he throws a punch at me. It takes me by surprise and I feel like he's challenging me. I guide his arm past me and his left is already on it's way for my face, I quickly shift and pull his arm down before he can land the punch. Mike pauses, smirking and I narrow my eyes at him, then turn on my heels and call David over to me. I teach him how to make a fist and practice punches with him. Mike watching us. Then Mike has him demonstrate the whole entire thing with him. Shadow stays near my side as I help out, teaching David to protect his spleen and liver. Afterward, we all pause to eat some yogurt. Everyone comes to attention when there's a knock on the metal door. When Mike opens it, a buff Hispanic man nervously comes in. He and David hug and I step forward, Shadow following as Mike moves to the man's side. I hold out my hand and the man looks at me closely as he eagerly accepts it. He and the boy have the same, innocent looking eyes.
"I'm Jordana Beringer. I'm a Private Security Officer."
The man smiles. "I'm Javier. David's father." He puts his hands on his son's shoulder then squints a little at me. "Are you here to help too?"
I give him my professional smile, "Yes sir. I'll be staying with both you and your son until this whole ordeal settles down." Javier passes Mike a nervous look. Michael is staring at me with a grim expression.
"And your cut in this?" Javier asks me nervously.
I try to reassure him with my professional smile, "Pay for my meals."
"What?" Javier asks, confused.
I keep smiling, "As payment, just pay for my meals. I can send you a bill if you'd like." Reluctantly, Javier nods. "Alright then. I'll be keeping close. I'll ride with you to...your sister's is it?" Again, Javier reluctantly nods. He passes Mike another nervous look.
Michael this time tears his gaze away from me to flash Javier a smile. "I'm sure everything will be fine." With that he ushers us all out of his warehouse.