It was 6 in the evening when my flight landed in Miami. There was a part of me that wanted to find Fi right away and know she was ok. But the larger part of me knew for a fact that Fiona wasn't anything like my 14-year-old sister. She could handle herself just fine. So instead I called my uncle to get a ride. I had given my Uncle Mike and Aunt Indira a call before my flight, so at least they were expecting me. My uncle and aunt and cousin were one of the only family I had left. My Dad died in a work related accident....and he was a High School Special Ed. Teacher...there might be a reason not to hold those yearly team exercise meetings in a curling Dad fell, fractured three vertebrae wings....only the hospital didn't catch it on the x-rays and sent him home. Barely 3 days later the pain got so bad we had to call the ambulance to come get him and take him back to the hospital...a short time later, he had an e-coli attack. Funny thing, our bodies. E-coli is commonly found in your body...but if it gets into the wrong'll likely never recover from it. Dad survived a month on a ventilator in a coma before he finally passed....all because of a stupid team-builder meeting for high school teachers. I was about 13 at the time. Phoebe was 6. My Dad's check was the most solid income we had. Mom was a horse trainer. She was well-known enough to keep the house and property we lived in....but she struggled to pay for our education. And Phoebe was already a wild child. We lived in a small town in Illinois called Cherry Valley. Mom was ethnically croatian, though she grew up in Wisconsin. Dad was ethnically german...though his mother also grew up in Wisconsin. We don't really know all about our ethnic background because...we don't really know who Grandpa on Dad's side was. Grandma was a bit...wild herself. Hell, we don't even really know if Uncle Mike and Dad are full brothers...somehow, although they look alike, I doubt it. Grandma never really struck me as the type to keep a guy around. Grandma on my Mom's side died from surgery complications on her knee. Grandpa died a couple years after, on Thanksgiving in a horrible vehicle accident. Then Mom passed away from a horse accident when I was 19. Then, a year later, Phoebe's getting involved in all the wrong people....and she gets killed in a drive by. My grandma passed away 3 years ago from old age...and probably loneliness. And we will not talk about my uncles, aunts, and cousins on my mom's side. So yeah, that just left me with Uncle Mike and Aunt Indira, who lived near Miami. And my cousin Richy, whom had moved up to Illinois recently...actually close to Cherry Valley, in Rockford. Rockford, where Phoebe had been killed. Right, I wasn't going to think about that. "Jordana, I was just about to call you. I won't be able to pick you up at the airport. I sent a friend over. He's a cool guy. He's agreed to bunk you up for as long as you're staying in Miami. We'll meet up tomorrow, ok?"620Please respect copyright.PENANAmZKKv2KrU3
"Ok." I replied. That was so like Uncle Mike and Aunt Indira. Didn't really know what was going on with them, but whatever. Suddenly I froze at a thought as I put my phone back into my brown purse that was strapped loosely across my shoulder....See, my Uncle Mike and Aunt Indira were a little out there. They liked a lot of erratic stuff...and were currently into well....They lived in a nudest colony.... Maybe staying with your Uncle and Aunt in their birthday suits was one thing....but a total stranger? ~Oh god, please tell me he's not part of the colony. Please god, don't do this to me.~ I groaned. ~Wait. How exactly am I even supposed to find this guy? Damn, he didn't even tell me his name!~ Suddenly Shadow was barking and taking off up the steps to a plaza next to the airport that was shrouded in thick greenery.620Please respect copyright.PENANAElG7uWFtDY
I saw a flash of white as a cat ducked up ahead, Shadow pulling me after it until I found better footing at the top of the steps. I scowled, "Shadow!" He stopped barking immediately, looking up at me as if asking, 'What?' A long form caught my eye and I turned to see someone sleeping under a tree. He looked so peaceful I found myself scouring the ground, looking for a blood pool that proved my suspicions. I was lucky Shadow was minding me and staying quiet as we came up to the guy. He had handsome, clean-cut features. Dark brown hair falling into his eyes. He wore a white button down t open over a muscular chest, broad shoulders, rippling 6 pack. Black jean shorts and sandals. The wind picked up, ruffling my white tank and blue skirt. My caramel blond hair that fell a little past the shoulders was pulled up off my neck, twisted and clipped against my scalp, some fell out to frame my face. Some leaves from the tree fell on the man, but he didn't stir. I looked around again. It was getting dark. I should probably wake him. I looked back at him, and felt myself get drawn in closer. He really was handsome as he slept. I don't know what possessed me but my hand reached forward and took a leaf off his forehead. His chocolate brown eyes opened and stared at me. For some reason, his eyes reminded me of a cat. His shocked expression as he looked up at me was so cute too! Then he snatched my hand. I tried to pull back as he sat up, but I couldn't budge him.
"Hello." His voice was attractive.
I was uncomfortable, stretched over him as he held my hand fast, I was totally exposed. I didn't like this. I always had to be extra careful because I was only 5'3'' and petite. At this position, I was a sitting duck. I gritted my teeth and twisted against his thumb, breaking his grasp and finally able to lean away from him. "Hi. I just wanted to make sure you didn't sleep the whole night there. It's starting to get dark out you know." I turned, now embarrassed and started to walk away, grasping my wrist where he had grabbed me. I had been careless. Suddenly Shadow shot off, and I was too slow to grab his leash as it slipped from my hand. He chased that white cat up the nearby tree. "Shadow!" I scolded again, dodging for him while my eyes studied his body language. But he was solely focused on the cat as he barked and jumped at the tree. It wasn't until I was towering over him, his leash firmly in my hand that he suddenly stopped barking and looked up at me, trying to look innocent, his tail between his legs and his brown eyes big. I looked up at the white cat, clinging to a branch, mewing pitifully, frantically looking everywhere as the branch it was on bent under its weight. "Shit." I looked around, I had been so nervous I had just walked away...and not the same way I had walked into the plaza. Oh well, at least that guy wasn't in sight....although I could use someone to hold Shadow. I gritted my teeth and looked around. "Shadow, come here." I growled and Shadow slinked at my side, trying to kiss up to me. I kept my scowl in place. He knew why I was mad. I found a slim tree the size of my wrist and held onto Shadow's blue collar with one hand, with the other I slung the leash around the tree, threading it through the hoop in the end before hooking it back on Shadow's collar. I stood up, softening to Shadow's slowly wagging tail and pleading eyes. "Stay." I pointed, ordering softly. Shadow's tail wagged more, and he held his ground, making me smile softly, before looking back at the panicking cat. ~Oh god, why did I have to be wearing a skirt today?~ I scrambled up the tree fairly easily though. I paused next to the cat. "Hey Kitty." She meowed to me as if asking for me to help. "Hey, yeah. Hi. Come here." I stretched a hand out to her, resting it on the branch in case she was wild and my presence only made her freak out more, but I didn't get that vibe from her. She finally faced me more, wobbling on the branches that were little more than twigs underneath her. "Pretty Kitty." I crooned again. She came slowly toward me, "Good Kitty." The branch underneath her cracked. She managed to slow her fall as she clawed at the wood and I swung down and caught her in one hand. "Whoa!" Only now she was clawing at my skin. "Ouch! Hey!" She had wiggled out of my grasp, and I had to loosen up on her, for fear of crushing her in my hand. She was using me like a tree, her nails sinking into my skin as she climbed her way up me. I jumped, the cat now happily on my shoulder as I heard a laugh. I looked down and gasped. The man from before. He had a cigarette in his hand, unlit, and was laughing his head off. I felt my face heat up a little as I once again realized I was wearing a skirt.
"That's unexpected." He informed, but started laughing again, "Really, what are you doing up there?" His wide grin, the way his eyes lit up and his face flushed a little...his posture, all of it, drew me in, and I felt my face involuntarily go into a smile of it's own. Why? Don't ask me, I had no idea. This guy, he had me acting weird. He finally settled for smirking up at me. Thank god his eyes were always locked on mine, instead of elsewhere. His was so handsome, I wanted to see that everyday....all of his expressions he had made so far. His eyes, were just as chocolate brown as his hair. "You're so pretty." I jerked back in surprise again, the cat on my shoulder keeping balance. I almost felt like he had slapped me, ~Yeah right.~ I immediately thought. "Like a cat."
I smirked at that, immediately relaxing at the compliment, but at the same time I narrowed my eyes at him. "Okaaay." I muttered under my breath, brushing his words off. I studied the tree, plotting my way down and turning slightly to start.
"Here." He stepped closer to the tree, starting to raise his hands up to meet me. It was like time had stopped as I studied him over my shoulder as I started to climb down towards him, the cat obediently balancing on my shoulder. The way his hair moved in the breeze and fell back into place. His facial features, lips, jawline, neck, the way he looked up at me. Oh god his eyes. I never wanted to look away...the way he looked at was like I was the most interesting creature he had ever met before. He was smiling up at me. "Gotcha." He told me and a thrill shuddered through my body as his hands clasped my hips. My eyes actually fluttered for a moment. ~Whoa. Shit. What's happening to me?~ "Let go of the tree." He whispered. I actually did as he said, letting him take my weight and lower me slowly to the ground, his muscles rippling around me. I held my breath, afraid I'd actually sigh in bliss. Whoa. What the fuck. This wasn't a cheesy romance movie. I hated those....although cheesy action flicks? Now those, those were ok. I straightened a little, realizing we were just standing there, his arms around my waist, my back to his chest. "You're not afraid of heights?" Another tremor went through my body as he whispered in my ear.
~Isn't that obvious?~ But I heard myself answering anyway, idly realizing the cat had abandoned me at some point. "No." He gently wedged his right hand under mine and spun me around to face him, lifting my hand up a little, his eyes widening slightly. Oh god, did I mention how amazing this guy's expressions were? A flicker of black caught my eye and I noticed Shadow shifting. "Uh, I should go." I tried to turn, but, like before, he held me fast. It annoyed me slightly...but it was impossible to think straight with him standing in front of me. I've never thought the word gorgeous pertained to a guy...but as I looked at this man's features...sometimes I thought they fit. Like his face when he had been sleeping...
"You're bleeding." I glanced down at the scratches welling with blood all up my arm. A scratch near the tip of my right index finger was bleeding pretty bad, a droplet forming at my fingertip. He brought my hand up to his mouth and sucked on it. My eyes widened and I straightened, my heart hammering in my ears. At least it stopped that cut from bleeding. His eyes, as he looked at me, the leaves whipping around us, was just...hypnotizing. His eyes, oh god, did I want to see them everyday from now on. He took a step back from me, studying me just as hard as I was staring at him. When he suddenly pulled me forward and kissed me....and for some reason I let him. Normally I'm the type of person who would freeze up and then came the slap..but I let him. His beautiful dark hair falling toward me, smelling of mint. His eyes captivated me...they seemed and welcoming somehow. His mouth now hovered over mine, before he kissed me again. This time, as he started to pull away he whispered against my lips, tickling them and almost making my eyes flutter shut again, driving me insane and pleasure zipped through my body. "Come on." He started to lead me away before I pulled against him some.
My brain struggled to take back control of my body. "Shadow." I said simply before my frozen brain could actually form sentences. "My dog." Oooh, way to go, I said two words instead of one.
He glanced back at Shadow. "Go ahead and clean those scratches in the bathroom. I'll bring Shadow and find some triple antibiotic. Cat scratches spread infection easily. It's best to treat them now." My cheeks flushed at his concern. I don't trust people...and yet, I did as he said, even going so far as to let him take Shadow. The pain of washing the scratches thankfully brought me out of my daze-like demeanor. If, by some miracle, you've never been scratched by a cat, it hurts like a bitch, especially when you add water to the mix. Like a paper cut. The scratches, besides harboring nasty bacteria from the cat, also are fairly shallow, and guess what, shallow cuts expose nerves to the air so that you get that damn burning, irritating itching feeling. Awesome right? Damn cat. I came out to see him leaning against the wall across from me, his eyelids half lowered, Shadow laying happily at his feet. He looked up at me as I approached, watching him as if my life depended on it. He got Shadow's attention and guided him on his other side before handing the lead to my left hand. I obediently took the leash and he was guiding my right arm a little, spreading triple antibiotic onto his left hand before gently spreading it over my cuts. It was hypnotic...and definitely not good for my body. Pulses of pleasure scored up and down my spine as his fingertips brushed my skin. He and I moved in sync, turning my arm so he could see where the scratches were. This is insane, my brain wasn't working right. "What's your name?" At his words my brain was like a pc finally turning on and slowly waking up.
"Uh, Jordana."
He froze, staring at me, "Last-" Was all he could manage.
I was confused, but answered him all the same. "Beringer."
He closed his expressive eyes, leaning away from me and running a hand slowly down his face, before looking up at the sky. "The name's Kal Ingersleben. I'm a friend of Mike Beringer."
"Ha!" The laugh burst from me as I stared at him, once I started, I couldn't stop. I laughed so hard I was doubled over and slapping my knee, a hand around my ribs. He just stood there, watching me. Shadow did to, but he was happy, wagging his tail. "Oh!" I finally managed, straightening, looking up at the sky and trying to breath, "That's rich."
He was watching me closely, his eyes more narrowed than before....there was something...a little reserved to him now. He blinked, realizing I had stopped laughing and was staring back at him. "Yeah." He replied, shifting back. I watched him, my own eyes narrowing. He was retreating. He had been making me feel...weird on purpose, of course he was! He kissed me for god's sake....but that he knew who I was...he was pulling back. The switch was turned off.
And it made me pissed. It opened my eyes. I always knew all along never to let myself get played. All they wanted was to get into your pants. ~And he almost had me.~ I realized. I had been practically wrapped around his pinkie. I wasn't acting like myself a little while ago. I clenched my jaw, before I was able to shift my anger and control myself. I smiled at him sweetly, "Oh, good. I just called Uncle a little while ago, and he said you were coming to pick me up instead...but we hung up before he even told me your name, or how to find you."
He sighed and a soft smirk graced his features...and yet I felt irritated...that smirk was for my uncle....not me, not really. "Yeah," he winced, "Mike's a little like that."
I winced as well. "Yeah." I agreed, trying to lighten up.
He studied me, "How old are you?" He asked curiously. Nope, I was still pissed. I narrowed my eyes at him, trying not to glare, but I turned, my nose a little in the air as I sulked. He chuckled, the sound tearing down the wall of indifference I was trying to build up. Oh, god, you created this man to torture me didn't you? What the hell was happening to me? Without another word, he led me to an orange car with those black stripes down the hood. If you asked me, I'd say it was a mustang, because that's what it looked like ya know, that mustangish look? Don't look at me that way, I know next to nothing about cars....although my dad did teach me how to change the oil and stuff like that, how many people can say that?....just don't ask me about all the different car brands out there, cause I don't pay attention. I folded the front seat and had Shadow climb into the back obediently, (he was still trying to make up for chasing the cat). It was a quiet ride...Which didn't really bother me at all...It didn't...really...Maybe just a little. Which was odd, because usually it wouldn't. And I wasn't really bothered per se....I just...kinda...wanted to hear his voice again. No. Stop. I couldn't think like that. Not now, not ever. I would never be that weak. The drive actually pretty much zonked me out. I had jet lag of course. I lost 6 hours somewhere while coming here. Plus, Kal didn't say a word. I followed him to his apartment, and to my room, Shadow in tow...I barely waited for Kal to leave the room before I let myself flop face-first onto the bed, and immediately dived into sleep.