We walked down the hall in silence, Nathan was still sulking that I got the better of him. He knew better than trying to jump me. I will always be better than him and no matter how long I was in hospital for, will stop that. Nathan knocked before opening Jackson door for me. Nathan sat down in front of Jackson’s desk, while I stayed close tot he door. I was getting a little sense of uneasiness in this office, something I don’t feel which was making me feel uncomfortable.
“Olivia, still down”
“I’m fine thank you sir”
“Alright then, lets get down to business. I know it might be a bit soon for you Olivia, but you are needed out in the field. Both of you”
I nodded, eyeing the expression on Nathan’s face. He was going to protest but Jackson cut him off.
“Have you got the files then Nathan?”
He nodded and pushed a couple of files across the desk. I still hadn’t seen what was in them but I did notice the red stripe across them. I was going back to the Cobras then. Great. Please tell me I can kill Nathan on my way out.
“Alright, the man you will be disposing of with will by John Neale”
Frowning, I moved closer to his desk, almost making Jackson jump in surprise. What was he playing at? This is a stupid idea.
“He is the leader of the black Cobra’s, the most wanted gang. Three years ago, a witness was to stand trial about one of the Ruth murders, but we found he body three weeks later. The evidence is stacked against him but we just need to catch him first”
“Since when did the Hawks become hit men?”
“This is the way the Hawks have been since you’ve been away Olivia. Don’t question me”
We stared at each other before he looked down at the file. What in gods name was going on around here? I haven’t been anywhere for the past three years. Is this what happens when I no longer work for either side.
“What happened to the treaty?”
“We never had a treaty with the Cobra’s”
“Oh. Well continue then”
“Alright then. Since we’ve never been able to come in contact with Neale himself we are going to going through his son, Jonathan Neale. You two will be attending his university, Saint Jude’s. We have already sorted out your identities so study them closely. Olivia, you will need to get close to Jonathan, and I don’t care how you do it. Here is his file, study it over the weekend. You are dismissed”
Nathan grabbed his files off the desk and left. I waited until I knew he was gone before sitting down in front of Jackson.
“Is there something you need Olivia?”
“I don’t think so sir”
I study him for a second longer, before grabbing my own files from his desk. My instincts were off and they are never off. I feel something that I shouldn’t be feeling. Fear. I don’t like where this mission is going, but if he wants Mr Neale dead than I shall deliver his head on a plate. I headed back downstairs, where Nathan was waiting for me outside.
“Are you alright Oli?”
“You seem a bit off, like you’ve gone back to the way you used to be”
“I don’t understand what you mean by that. I’m off the gym, I could use the exercise, I’m a little rusty”
I heard him chuckle before I headed home. Mum still wasn’t home and I snuck back up to my attic. It turns out the house was in fact bugged but they failed to get my attic. My phone rang and I looked at the number. Why was he calling now? He said it would be a couple of days.
“Your place has been swept and its clear of bugs”
“Mum’s house isn’t though”
“Are you alright Oli? You sound off”
“I think Jackson’s up to something. Look if you don’t hear from me in about a week, send reinforcements. The battle is soon to start”
“What side are you on?”
“I still have no idea what is going on. I feel strange and I’ve only been awake for a couple of days. Look out for yourself J, I don’t want this coming your way"