Capítulo 7: New games appear
Taking advantage of the fact that the arcade was closed, Lydia and Percy decided to go out into the real world at night to sort out some of the unfinished business.
“It's amazing that inside the game the reception of the cell phone is optimal," said Lydia impressed by the excellent performance of her humble cell phone, which had the exact shape of a violin.
“Lydia, why don't you buy one of those modern cell phones, which have huge screens, work by touch and have thousands of applications?” wanted to know Percy.
“I don't want to have a minicomputer as a cell phone, I don't want to be a slave to technology, I use the cell phone for what it was created for, that is, emergency calls. Besides, just look at it, it's so beautiful, and think that nobody bought it because it was obsolete.... can you imagine the pain and sorrow it must have felt every day to see how people despised it even though it could work?” Lydia mumble, looking sadly and then lovingly guarding the device.
“Do we have to leave the games?” Percy asked.
“I'm afraid so, not everything can be done by cell phone," said Lydia.
“And how will you get back to the real world?” Vanellope asked them, who was with Calhoun, Felix and Ralph.
“That's easy," Lydia replied, and together with Percy they moved a little away from the group.
The youths said goodbye and Lydia began the short spell:
“Litwack's arcade, Litwack's arcade, Litwack's arcade.”
A white light enveloped the two boys and they immediately appeared in the real world. Lydia and Percy waved their hands in front of the screen and then went up to the top floor to get out of the arcade.
The next day, after putting all their affairs in order, Lydia and Percy returned to the arcade in the evening. There they learned that Litwack was planning to buy new games.
“It doesn't matter if they have a musky smell, that can be solved with an air freshener," Litwack told a fat man.
“Then I'll wait for you tomorrow morning," said the man and came out of the arcade with a wide smile on his face for doing a good business.
Closed the arcade, the kids went into the business and then entered the world of games.
“Litwack wants to buy new games taking advantage of the success of old games such as Fix it Félix junior," Lydia told her friends.
“You really have Q*Bert and his friends to thank for that," Percy said uninvited.
“Do you know what games he's going to buy?” Ralph asked interestedly.
“Even Litwack doesn't know," Lydia explained, "the games seem to come from a house that burned down. The owner got the insurance money and then left the place, a demolition company took the gaming machines as part of their pay for agreeing to demolish the house for a low price and then sell the games to Litwack.”
“Then I guess the games will be in bad condition, Litwack will have to fix them," said Calhoun.
“I heard that the recreation room, which was where the games were, was one of the few rooms that were spared from the flames, so they are ready to connect to the arcade," Lydia told them.
“Will you have a welcome party for the new game characters after the arcade closes?” Percy asked as he happily wagged his tail and ears.
“Actually, that's not really the style here," Felix told Percy.
“It's true, no matter what game you come here for, everyone is in business," Ralph explained, and Lydia remembered her conversation with Chun Li and Cammy, how no one knew the truth about the great adventure her friends had in Sugar Rush against turbo and cybugs.
“Now I see why neither Calhoun nor Felix knew each other after a week of connecting the Hero's Duty game, even though both are the protagonists of their games," Lydia reasoned.
"Well, we'd better go to Sugar Rush and let Vanellope know about this," Lydia said goodbye, and she and Percy went to her little friend's.
Vanellope was also thrilled when she heard about the new games, but was disappointed when she learned that there would be no reception for the newcomers.
“Remember your Excellency, you have a lot to prepare," recalled Sour Bill with his everlasting expression of boredom, and any attempt by Vanellope to organize anything was ruled out.
“I hate this, I don't see the day when I have to call elections," complained Vanellope.
The boys' reports were accurate, because the next day, they connected the new games. As their friends told them, no one went to welcome the new PJ's or NPC's once the arcade was closed.
The newcomers entered the place with a steady pace, Lydia assumed it was because they knew about the nature of the Video Central Station.
Several surge protectors were at the entrances of the new games and asked the respective data of rigor to the newcomers.
“I am only asking you to give me your details this once, unless you break the rules, in which case I will ask you again for the relevant information," they said with a tone of authority, but with the flaw that they did not take their eyes off their damn notebooks, which they always carried in their hands.
In some games the line to give information to the surge protectors was long, while in others the line was cleared faster. One of those games was Donkey Kong.
“You knew Percy, they used Donkey Kong's game to design the Fix it Felix junior, game" Lydia told him.
“Well, in that and in Rampage," added Lydia.
“Yes, in that game there are three giant monsters that tear down houses and are fought by the army, in fact, one of the monsters is called Ralph," said Lydia.
“Well, there's Rampage," Percy pointed out to Lydia, who couldn't see the game at first because it was so far away.
“What an excellent view of a cat boy, is superior to that of a human... Percy, could you tell me the name of those two games that are seen in front of Rampage?”
“Let's see... they are Knights of the Round and... Willow," said Percy, and Lydia opened her mouth to the impression.
“I can't believe it... It's Knights of the round and Willow," Lydia muttered, who jumped out of her seat and started to focus on the players in both games with her camera, she looked excited.
“Knights of the Round, it's about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, the game is based on the film Excalibur, which in my opinion is the best ever made of the Arthurian myth.”
“And Willow?”
“Willow is also based on a film, and the main character is Warwick Davis.”
“That name sounds familiar to me, Lydia.”
“He's the actor who plays Professor Flitwick in the Harry Potter movies.”
Lydia and Percy went to the two games that thrilled Lydia and she told her friend that Willow's protagonists looked just like their real counterparts in the film, while in Knights of the Round, only King Arthur and Merlin looked like the real actors in the film.
The two boys were in a hurry and without noticing where they were going, when a bald man crashed into Lydia and they both fell to the ground.
Lydia was helped by Percy and then tried to help the man, but two other people, a woman and an old man, helped the man up and left without explanation.
“We have to be careful about the entrances to the new games, there's a lot of crowding," said Lydia.
The boys arrived at the entrance of the Knights of the Round game and introduced themselves with Merlin, Arthur, Lancelot and Percheval. The players were very polite because of the medieval atmosphere from which they came, however, to Lydia's disappointment, Lancelot turned out to be too vain.
Then the boys went to Willow's entrance and met Willow and Madmartigan. The Hobbit was also very polite, as was Madmartigan, but like Lancelot, the swordsman turned out to be vain and also excused himself from the two young guys and went in search of any girl they could find at the central station.
Lydia invited the players from both games to Tapper's so they could talk to them and they gladly accepted.
“It's a pity that Lancelot isn't with us, that's not the behaviour of a knight," said Arthur, on his way to Tapper's.
“No idea of that, I was not a gentleman, but a simple peasant who had the honor of fighting with you Arthur," said Percheval.
“Madmartigan is not a knight either, but a mercenary who helped me in my mission," Willow told them.
“Well, they're young, what can we do?" Merlin resigned himself in a funny way.
“How old are you, Merlin?” Percy asked him.
“About two hundred and fifty, twenty more, twenty less.”
“Unbelievable," said Lydia.
“Well, we magicians live a long time, about three hundred years," said Merlin.
“Lydia also has magical powers, will she also live three hundred years?”
“I didn't know Lydia was a sorceress," said Willow in awe.
“Actually I am a witch," Lydia proudly corrected, "I know you can have your reservations as you all faced evil witches in your games, but I can assure you that the type of magic does not define the wizard, but how he uses this one.”
The companions agreed with Lydia and resumed their march to Tapper's.
Upon arriving at Tapper's all the companions (except for Lydia and Percy who did not like alcohol and were minors) ordered a few beers and talked about various things, when in the middle of the conversation they were joined by Calhoun, Vanellope, Ralph and Felix.
Arthur and Willow were surprised to see that a woman like Calhoun was the leader of a whole group of "fierce knights", as they called it, but Merlin, who had the most open mind, was not surprised, as was Percheval, who came from a place where women knew how to defend themselves.
“So you were a princess at first, but now you're the president of your Sugar Rush game," said an astonished Merlin, who didn't know that this could be done.
“Yes, I even had a ridiculous pink dress, the game code can't tell who I really am," Vanellope said as she drank a juice.
Friends heard a trio of loud noises and as they turned to see the source of the sound, they saw that it was Ken Masters, who was the billionaire fighter of Street Fighter; Lancelot; and Madmartigan, who were apparently slapped by Chun Li, Cammy White and Mishaela.
“Sparks and more sparks. Sweet bad luck," said Felix and Ralph when they saw the scene.
Calhoun and Vanellope laughed so hard that they caught the attention of the other three women and they approached Lydia's group.
“Hello girls, why did you slap those three back there?” Lydia asked.
“Because those three were behaving like pigs," Chun Li replied with a frown.
“That Ken never understands the meaning of the word "no”," said Cammy.
“And now those two newcomers are just as insufferable," concluded Mishaela.
“And what were you girls doing in this place?” Percy asked.
“Well, Cammy and Chun Li approached me and asked if they could attend the Bad-anon meeting," said Mishaela, causing Lydia and Percy to exchange suspicious looks.
“And why do you want to go to the Bad-anon meeting?” Calhoun asked her who regained her composure.
“We ran into Lydia last week and after talking to her we changed our point of view towards the bad guys!” Chun Li spoke quickly to prevent Lydia or Percy from giving them away their intention to meet Ralph.
“That's why we wanted to go to the meeting and make sure that those who go there are not as bad as Lydia says!” Cammy added.
After the introductions, a funny thing happened when they introduced Cammy to Arturo.
“My Lady, tell me who it was that dared to leave you in those tiny garments, that I solemnly swear to restore your honour and throw the beast into overseas.”
Ralph and Felix explained the situation to the newcomers about Cammy's tiny green suit and nothing more happened.
The conversation continued quietly except for the times when they turned around to see how the trio of idiots as the women called them, were rejected by some of the girls who attended the place.
“These three get along very well," said Ralph, who was beginning to get nervous because Chun Li and Cammy seemed to eat him with their eyes.
“God raised them and the hairy, fat-assed devil brought them together," said suddenly Calhoun, who breathed calmly when she saw that the "good girls" were only interested in the giant and showed no interest in her husband.
Lydia whispered something to Percy and he suddenly excused himself from the group saying he needed to talk to Ralph in private.
“What's going on, Percy?” Ralph asked Percy when they were both in the bathroom.
“Quick, Ralph, put this in your mouth!” Percy told him, and without waiting for a reply from the big man, he put a large group of mint tablets in his mouth.
“Pbego peg gaf gaf fagciengo! (but what are you doing)” was trying to say Ralph, but Percy was moving his jaw making the colossus chew on the mint tablets.
“I'm sorry Ralph, but Lydia's right, it's in your best interest, I know what, trust her," Percy said, and then he shot off to Lydia.
Ralph went back to the group after spitting out the mass of mints. He was upset with Percy, but did not want to argue in front of Lydia who was smiling at him in a maternal way at the time.
Ralph didn't understand the attitude of his two young friends, much less the attitude of Chun Li, Cammy and now Mishaela, who were getting closer and closer to Ralph.
"Wow, I think Ralph brushed his teeth," Felix thought as he noticed his friend's breath no longer stank.
“We'd better go... I mean, it's late, guys," said Ralph nervously as he was getting up at lightning speed.
“Hey, don't bother Ralph, the night is still young," complained Vanellope.
“Ralph is right, it's time to go to sleep, it's going to be a busy day tomorrow," Felix told her, and they all came out of the game.
At the Video Central Station, everyone said goodbye and when they returned, along with Calhoun, Felix and Ralph. Lydia saw how Ken, Lancelot and Madmartigan followed a blonde woman with generous curves who winked at them and invited them to follow her.
“That's the woman before, the one who helped that bald guy up when she ran into you," said the cat boy and explained the incident to his friends when they were in front of one of the newly connected games.
Lydia watched the three men walk away after the woman, for some reason she couldn't understand the whole scene gave her a bad vibe.