Capítulo 9: Loving you must
The army that came from Rampage was taken by surprise, but was confident that their tanks and helicopters would give them the advantage. However, a strong explosion exploded right in the middle of the war machines. It was Calhoun and her men.
“Come on, ladies, let's show these newcomers what a real army is!” the sergeant harangued them.
The enemy army suddenly found itself at a disadvantage, had accommodated its forces to the center of the VCS in order to facilitate the invasion of the other games, and were now surrounded on all sides.
All the players attacked and it didn't take long for them to win.
The scientists at Hero's Duty repaired the headquarters and opened the entrances to the games. The surge protectors had lost their memory of the last 24 hours and did not remember anything that had happened, nor did they remember when the enemy had access to their memory the day they destroyed the central office, nor did they know who was behind the plot.
“I've never seen anything like this before in my life," Ralph said. I think we will now say "Rampage" when all the players in a game try to become turbo.”
“Corporal, take charge until I return!” Calhoun ordered one of her men and headed for Rampage's game.
“Wait Calhoun, I'll go with you to find Felix," Ralph offered, and he wasn't the only one, since neither Lancelot, Madmartigan, nor Ken appeared.
In the end: Arturo, Merlin, Percheval, Willow, Ryu, Chun Li, Cammy, Zangief, Mishaela, Q*Bert and their friends decided to accompany the duo.
“I want to go too!” Percy and Vanellope shouted, but Calhoun forbade them to go to the game with a look that made them both freak out.
“Take care," Lydia asked and the players entered Rampage.
Inside the game they saw that the army they defeated at the central station was only a third of the total, fortunately, they were not discovered because the soldiers were busy dismantling all the tanks and helicopters among others that were there.
“What's the plan now, Sergeant Calhoun?” Zangief asked with his characteristic Russian accent.
“This is the plan: I'll go to those guys and kick their asses until they tell me where my husband is," the woman snarled without taking her eyes off the soldiers across the street.
“I'm fine with that," said Ralph.
“So do I," Ryu said with a serious expression.
“I don't think it's the right thing to do," said Merlin, "it's a large army and we're so few.”
“Merlin is right, we need a plan," said Willow.
“I offer myself to distract the vandals, while you look for our brothers in arms,” Arthur offered himself in a noble way.
“No, we have to plan something better," interrupted Calhoun, who cursed herself for losing control, after all she was the commander of a whole battalion of soldiers. “Q*Bert, you and your friends are very quick, you will go to investigate first to find Felix and the others, you must not make yourself seen.”
Q*Bert replied and together with his friends went out to look for Felix and the other missing players.
Calhoun feared that the soldiers would notice that none of their comrades were returning from the central station, or that they would send someone there, and fortunately Q*Bert and his friends returned quickly.
“#=/$@ *¨[)(&% (we found them! Everyone is in one place, including your husband)” said happy Q*Bert. Ralph translated what he said to Calhoun.
“Well, listen carefully that this is the plan: Cammy, Chun Li, you girls are very fast, go with Q*Bert and his friends and rescue the boys," Calhoun explained, "so that they are not discovered we need a distraction. Arthur, I want you to go out and order those soldiers to stop the invasion at Central Station, but don't tell them we've defeated their army, I want them to laugh at your orders, when they prepare to assault you, Ralph, Percheval and Zangief will come out and attack you head on, you three boys will be our strike team so I trust your brute force and Arthur's skill and power.”
"Before any of the soldiers get into their vehicles, Ryu, who is also fast, will stop anyone from trying to get into the helicopters from the left flank," Calhoun continued, "I will take care of the land vehicles on the right flank. Mishaela, Willow and Merlin who know magic will have our backs. Cammy, Chun Li, as soon as Felix and the others are rescued, escort them and Q*Bert and their friends to the central station, then return as quickly as possible and help Ryu and me to stop the soldiers.”
They all agreed and timed the time, then according to Calhoun's calculations, Arthur stepped forward decisively and carried out the sergeant's plan.
As the woman predicted, the soldiers laughed at Arthur's words and took things slowly, then several men went to face Arthur and he received the support of the three friends.
As the soldiers saw that the four players were very powerful they decided to go to their tanks and helicopters, but did not count on Ryu and Calhoun covering those sectors.
The battle was hard, thank goodness they had the magical help of their other three friends and it wasn't long before the other two fighters joined the fight.
Fortunately, most of the military vehicles were dismantled in advance of the battle so that they could be easily transported to the central station, which facilitated Calhoun's plan.
“All right, everybody back off!” The sergeant ordered and as they had planned they ran to the central station while they were covered by the magic of their friends, however, their passage was cut off by three individuals who looked at them badly.
He was an old man with gray hair and a beard, apparently he was in charge of the whole army, even though he didn't wear military clothes.
“Who are you people?” Ralph asked.
“We three are the ones who control this army, Lizzie is on my left, George on my right, and I am Ralph.”
“Lizzie?” You're supposed to be Ken's girlfriend! Calhoun shouted.
“Girlfriend? None of that," the woman laughed coldly.
“When we went to the central station, we saw Ken and those two other idiots and we knew they would help us carry out our plan," said George.
“And what plan was that?” Willow asked.
“We learned about Felix's magic hammer, with it we could take all our war machine to any game we wanted, then with the help of Scumlabs, we took the places of those three fools without anyone noticing and so we tricked Felix into entering our game, captured him and decided to start the invasion.”
“I understand there are three huge monsters in this game. How did you prevent them from attacking you as you prepared for your invasion?” Merlin questioned them.
“I must say that it was difficult, but without pain there is no honor," said the old man with the beard with a sinister expression and then began to tremble, suddenly all his clothes were torn as well as those of his two companions. Their bodies grew and everyone realized that the three individuals were actually the three monsters in the game.
“Lydia was right, these three are much bigger than the monsters in the Primal Rage game," said Ralph impressed, but he didn't have much time to watch the monsters as they threw strong roars at him and his teammates.
Although the previous two battles against Rampage's army had tired them out, the friends fought tirelessly, but little by little the scales were tipping in favour of the three wicked men.
Cammy was knocked down by Lizzie's huge tail and then the monster proceeded to crush her with it. At the same time Chun Li was defeated on the ground and George's fist was directed at her. In turn, the monster Ralph had imprisoned Mishaela in one of his fists and carried her into his jaws.
Before the monster's tail crushed Cammy, Arthur fearlessly went out to protect her and with a blow from his sword Excalibur cut off Lizzie's entire tail.
“Are you all right, milady?” Artur asked her as he carried her in his arms and took her carefully to a safe place.
“Yes... thanks Artur... I know you are a king, but let me embrace you as if you were my prince," Cammy said, blushing and wrapped her arms around Arthur's neck.
Chun Li covered herself with her arms awaiting the fatal outcome when she saw that Percheval stopped the blow by grasping the monster's fist with his arms.
“If it's brute force, I don't lose to anyone," said the young warrior, then his body changed to that of an adult with a bald, broad beard. Percheval, though it may seem incredible, threw the monster to the ground and then gently extended his hand to help the warrior up.
“Percheval, what happened to you?” Chun Li asked him.
“This is my form every time I get to the last level of the game, I don't know how I did it when I was away from it.”
“I think both ways suit you well," said the woman, and time seemed to stand still for both.
Mishaela shouted as she saw the terrible fangs when a mass of muscles was directed right at the muzzle of the giant werewolf, the most sensitive part of the monster.
The fist holding the sorceress opened and she fell into the void, but just before she crashed to the ground, the figure that had released her now held her in her arms and saved her from certain death.
“Zangief can do more than just crush skulls like grapes between his thighs," said the fighter with a wide smile.
“And I can do other things besides my dark magic," said the woman and simply planted a kiss on the man who made him blush like a little boy.
“That's enough, surrender!” Calhoun ordered them.
“Never, never,” the monster Ralph snorted exhausted.
“Why are you doing this?” Ralph the wrecker asked them.
“You would never understand it, after the experiments at Scumlabs we became monsters, we can only enter the central station if we are first shot down by bullets, that's why we do it!” said the wolf and directed his fist at our hero Ralph.
Suddenly a flash passed through the monster's eyes, causing it to deflect the blow. All present saw that the flash had been caused by an axe thrown and that it was now nailed to the ground.
Ralph turned his face and saw the zombie throwing axes on a hill.
“Labels not like you. Good! Bad! Arghhhhh!” said the zombie as he first pointed to Ryu, then to Zangief and finally to himself... “Loving you must.”
“Loving you must.”
“Loving you must," said Lydia, who suddenly appeared beside the zombie.
“Loving you must," Percy also said, standing next to Lydia.
“Loving you must," said Vanellope, as she pixleleted but smiled at the same time.
“I told you guys to stay out of the game!” Calhoun shouted, but before she continued he saw Rampage's army approaching.
“Sorry, Calhoun, but I had to go to the House of Death game to get help.”
“Loving you must.”
“Loving you must.”
“Loving you must.”
They said over and over again the mutated zombies and the bosses of every level of the horror game.
“They are not bad guys, they just didn't go out to the VCS so as not to cause panic about their appearance, but I can assure you that as our friend said, believing in the labels they put on you is a bad thing, you have to love yourself and they do it right now and they are willing to help us," Lydia explained.
Rampage's army moved forward more and more and pointed their weapons at them, but there were also more horrendous and grotesque zombies who repeated the same phrase: "loving you must", as if it were a song.
When confrontation seemed inevitable, the giant monster Ralph raised his hand.
“That's enough, the Gothic girl is right, we give up.”
In the end everything went well, Calhoun met with Felix and although she later wanted to settle accounts with all the characters in Rampage, Lydia and Felix begged her not to restart hostilities. The Surge Protector decreed that none of Rampage's characters would ever step on the VSC again.
“I'm sorry none of the girls are interested in you, brother," Felix comforted Ralph.
“Are you kidding me? I'm happy, I thought I was going to get mugged sooner or later because of the weird way they looked at me!”
“Sparks and more sparks, Ralph, you're a hopeless case.”
“I'll have time for romance another time, don't worry, Felix.”
“Lydia, do you think the other characters in the game will accept our friends from the House of Death game?” asked Percy.
“I trust they will do it in time, however, they already want to go out to the Video Central Station, I'm afraid there will be several conflicts.”
“There's nothing we can do?” Percy asked, and Lydia fixed her eyes on the three windows at the back of the station.
Lydia asked to have a private conversation with the surge protector and he was happy to accept, after all it was thanks to Lydia's help that this problem was solved.
“You want me to help the characters in the game House of Death and Rampage?” the man asks incredulously.
“I know it's up to you to do it," said Lydia, "once we went to the VCS, we saw the person responsible for the graffiti that is affecting the place.”
The surge protector dropped its lenses from the shock as he was discovered.
“I don't want to blame you in front of others, but how did you write the phrase Aerith lives? that character belongs to the game Final Fantasy 7, a game that was not released for the arcade, are for private consoles. How did you know about this game?”
“There is actually a place where information from the Internet is leaked to the VCS," admitted the man.
“The station's windows are more than just holograms, right, couldn't you create a place for the characters of the two games in question to come in until they are accepted by the other players over time?”
“I don't know, it never occurred to me before, I don't know if that's possible.”
“I think we could do it, if we use your power and my magic, and if the worst possible scenario in the real world were to occur, we could evacuate all the characters in Litwack's arcade to that place.”
“Okay," said the blue stain guy and they started talking about the process of how to do such a large task.
It took time and effort, but in the end, it was possible to recreate a space parallel to the Video Central Station that would soon be used by the characters of the game House of Death and would also serve as an emergency evacuation site for any possible eventuality.
“And that castle that floats in the air?” Vanellope asked Lydia, who along with Sticky, Calhoun, Felix and Ralph had gone to see the site before its "opening".
“Well, as you know Vanellope, I like castles and I took that from all the 2D games in the Castlevania saga, especially the Aria of Sorrow.”
“Lydia gathered all the castles together and formed one huge one," Percy said.
“Of course, there is still work to be done, many parts of the interior of the castles are in ruins or flooded, and it will be difficult to renovate the whole place.”
“You really like Gothic castles, Lydia," Sticky said.
“When I'm finished, I'll have a party, but only Japanese Gothic music, I think the songs of the group Ali Project will be the best for that event.”
“I wonder how the nicelanders would dance to that kind of music, because from what Ralph and Felix told me, the nicelanders are very funny dancers," Percy said, and Lydia, Vanellope and Sticky laughed.