Capítulo 8: This army
Lydia and Percy were inside the diet-cola volcano accompanied by Vanellope who guided their friends along with Sticky Wipplesnit.
“This place is unbelievable, too bad the mint pills are no longer on the boiling cola," Lydia lamented when she saw the mountain opening in the shape of a soda.
“As a colored player, I didn't abuse you, Vanellope, but I still feel very ashamed that I didn't help you... Please forgive me.”
“Don't make that sad face, Sticky, besides, everyone (including you) asked me for forgiveness and I made peace with everyone.”
“It rains in Sugar Rush? Because if it rains on the cola," Percy said, looking at the boiling cola apprehensively.
“Is the kitten afraid to get her coat wet?” Vanellope said mockingly.
“Don't worry, Percy, there's no rain anywhere in Sugar Rush," Sticky reassured him, "it just snows in the snowy area, and it's still not real snow, but sprinkled sugar.”
“Wow, at first I thought being at Sugar Rush would be like a dream, but now I think I'll get cavities just by breathing in here," said Percy, who was holding his tail nervously and starting to play with it.
“Don't exaggerate, Percy, no character in the games has a cavity," Vanellope told him.
“But Ralph's mouth stinks a lot," Percy said.
“Well, not anymore," Lydia corrected him.
“Hey, yeah, thanks for the idea of the mints, I mean, Ralph is my best friend, but something needed to be done with that deadly breath," Vanellope thanked her.
“Is it true what I heard from Vanellope that three women from Bad-anon are interested in him?” Sticky asked.
“Yes, there are three women, one is Mishaela, and the other two come from the game Street Fighter and are Chun Li along with Cammy White," said Lydia.
“Now, you're fast, Vanellope," Percy mocked, because of how quickly she was his friend with the gossip.
“If you keep mocking me, I won't tell you what I heard about the two newcomer games, yes, I mean the ones Lydia likes so much," said Vanellope in a perverse tone, the same one she used when she joked about having the Sugar Rush runners executed.
“What did you hear, Vanellope?” Sticky asked ahead of time.
“Lancelot, Madmartigan and Ken Masters have been missing their games. Well, in the case of Street Fighter, there is no problem since there are many fighters to choose from, however, in Knights of the round, there are only three players to choose from, and in Willow the thing is worse because there are only two characters to play.”
Lydia was worried, but Vanellope reassured her.
“Don't worry, Lydia. Arturo, Percheval and Willow are very popular and no one will complain to Litwack.”
Back at the Video Central Station, Ralph told Lydia that he had spoken with Arturo and Willow, and that both told him that both Lancelot and Madmartigan had returned to their games.
“Just one thing, it seems they're both acting strange," Ralph said.
“What do you mean?" Lydia asked.
“They didn't explain it very clearly, but they seem to act differently than they usually do," Ralph replied.
“Do you think the same thing happens to Ken?” Lydia asked, but Ralph only raised his shoulders.
Suddenly Ryu, who was next to them at Tapper's bar, said: "I think the same thing is happening to him.”
"I'm sorry I overheard your conversation, I didn't mean to,” the fighter excused himself.
“What's wrong with Ken?” wanted to know Lydia.
“He paid for the beer," answered Ryu succinctly. Ralph laughed in his face.
“You don't know him, Ken is very rich, but also very stingy, the only times he agrees to go to Tapper's with me is if I pay for the drinks, but the last time I talk to Ken, he paid for the drinks.”
Ryu rushed the drink and without turning around or saying goodbye, he stepped out of the place firmly.
Although the behaviour of the "trio of idiots", as the girls in the other games called them, was suspicious, no one took it seriously.
A day later, Lydia and Percy, who had nothing to do (Calhoun reminded them every time she saw them not to enter the other games) and wanting to take a break from Fix it Felix junior, went to the VCS to go to Sugar Rush and chat with the six runners who were not participating in the day's races, when they saw that the information office was destroyed.
The boys called the surge protector but couldn't find him.
“We better go to Sugar Rush and tell the other runners andSour Bill," suggested Lydia, and with Percy went to the game.
Sour Bill and the other runners were surprised at what happened and went with the guys back to the VCS. The information office was as good as new and Sour Bill looked bad.
“Lydia's not lying!” Percy shouted as he saw the annoying expression on the greenish guy.
“Wait a minute," Lydia intervened and approached the surge protector, "excuse me, sir, could you tell me if the window on the left is already open?”
“The window on the left has always been open," said the man.
“Don't you remember there was a sign that said to come to this line?” Lydia asked.
“There's never been a sign like that," the blue one told her.
“I do remember that this sign has been there for months," said Sticky, "I remember it well, because it is supposed that the protector can repair anything inside the station, but due to a manufacturing defect it cannot resume the attention of that window.”
Sour Bill and the other runners exchanged confused looks.
“Sour Bill, do you think someone manipulated the memory of the surge protector?” Lydia asked him.
“I don't know, Turbo did it with all the inhabitants of Sugar Rush, but I don't know how the same could be done with the surge protector," replied the greenish, abandoning his characteristic boring, monotonous tone for one of real concern.
“How did Turbo do it?” Lydia asked.
“He entered the program and with the help of a rope he floated weightless and proceeded to seal everyone's memories. I don't know what the key was to open the entrance, he never showed it to me.”
“What's going on, Lydia?” Sticky asked nervously.
“I don't know, friend, but I have a feeling something really bad is going to happen.”
A couple of days passed and no other strange events happened at Video Central Station.
“My love, I'm going to Lancelot and Madmartigan's for the Ken thing," Felix told Calhoun.
“I still can't believe that Ken decided to grown up, I mean, I just got here a few weeks ago, but the guy seemed like a real pain in the ass to me," Calhoun said, showing off his refined vocabulary she had learned in the military.
“Now, now, don't get anxious like a priest with a ferret in his pants, you better go to those three and make sure you advise him well, so that he doesn't screw up or repent right at the altar and start running away like a chicken without a head.”
“Don't worry, as I am one of the oldest characters and got married, the boys want me to advise Ken about proposing to his girlfriend. Ah, don't forget, we must keep this a secret, not a word to anyone, in case things don't work out well for ken and his girlfriend.”
“What did you say her name was again?”
Lydia couldn't stop thinking about what had happened to the surge protector, somehow she knew that this incident and the strange behavior of Lancelot, Madmartigan and Ken were somehow related.
“Tomorrow they're closing the arcade, I hope Chun Li and Cammy followed Ken to see if he had anything to do with this," Lydia told Percy.
“Don't worry, Ralph asked them and they gladly accepted.”
“I hope those two don't fight over Ralph. What about the Bad-anon boys?”
“Zangief, went to Willow's game and Mishaela went to Knights of the round. Calhoun wanted to accompany one of the two, but she is very busy, apparently her game is still very popular and she doesn't have time to rest.”
The weekend arrived, and Lydia and Percy went to the Video Central Station, everything was going smoothly when suddenly the image of Tapper on the information cylinders was replaced by that of the surge protector.
“Attention, an energy overload is approaching, everyone present must immediately address their respective games!”
Several surge protector stands were placed next to the inputs of each game and repeated the alarm.
“Hurry up, if you forgot something, you'll get it back later!”
“Has this happened before?” Lydia asked Ralph.
“Not that I can remember.”
“Where's Felix!” Calhoun shouted, “Tell him I won't be able to go to his game because this is an emergency.”
“And Felix?” Percy asked.
“I don't know, but don't worry, Felix is very fast, he's probably already in Niceland," said Ralph.
Everyone went to their games and soon the whole place was deserted.
An hour passed and the nicelanders along with Lydia and Percy went to the entrance of the VCS.
“What's going on! why we can't get through!” Gene shouted, but the surge protector replied that soon the energy overload would come. Lydia sensed something.
“Sir, this is the third time this month that we have had to take refuge in our games, do you know what could be the cause?”
“I don't know, but I assure you that the emergency will soon pass, don't try to cross the barrier, it is set up for your protection.”
Everyone at the entrance exchanged glances and Gene was about to ask what the hell was going on, since something like this had never happened before, when Percy covered his mouth and the little guy understood.
“What's going on?” asked Gene in a whisper.
“Someone modified the memory of the surge protector," Lydia whispered back.
“Can we get through the barrier?” Percy asked.
“It's impossible, and where is Felix anyway?” Ralph asked, unable to see his friend anywhere.
Neither the nicelanders nor Q*Bert or his friends had seen Felix.
Suddenly, they heard loud noises coming from somewhere in the station, but they couldn't see what it was about.
At the entrance of the Sugar Rush game, Sour Bill caught Vanellope's eye.
“President, we must go to the castle.”
“To the castle, what are you talking about?”
“Miss Lydia asked me to look for the note that Turbo used when he erased everyone's memory, I think I located where the note is, but I need your help to get it.”
“What is Lydia planning to do?”
“I don't know, but since the incident with the surge protector, she asked me to look for the note everywhere.”
“All right, come on," said Vanellope and holding the green one, she pixelated at full speed to the castle.
They came to the obstacle that Sour Bill was talking about, it was the same as the barrier at each entrance to the central video station.
“This is the place," said Sour Bill.
“Well, Vanellope, it's your turn," said to herself with a strong, determined look, ready to use her power to get through the barrier.
“Wait a minute," Sour Bill stopped her and then gave her a pity face. “I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean Turbo, he erased my memory, everyone's memory, but I knew he had done it, I knew that if you crossed the finish line we would recover our memories, but I still helped him... I'm a shame, I'm the one who should have been treated like an outcast, not you... I'm so sorry.”
“Don't worry, there's nothing to forgive," Vanellope said, hugging Sour Bill, then pixelated and crossed the barrier.
At the entrance to Fix it Felix game, Percy was beginning to get nervous.
“Do you think that Sour Bill located the key of turbo?”
“I'm sure he's been looking for it since I asked him to, I just hope he's found it.”
“Lydia!” Suddenly shouted Vanellope, who had entered the game without the surge protector noticing.
“Vanellope, how you got into the game!” exclaimed Ralph.
“I used my glitch power without the surge protectors noticing me," said the girl with the frightened face. “Lydia, you're not gonna believe what I saw at Central Station!”
“Calm down, Vanellope, tell me what you saw” Lydia reassured her.
“From the Rampage game, a whole army is coming out, they're also bringing in several shattered parts of machinery and with the help of Felix's hammer they're repairing them, it's tanks, helicopters and other things!”
“Vanellope, you saw Felix over there!” Lydia asked anxiously.
“No, I didn't see him.”
“Ralph, what's the biggest thing that can come through one of the game entrances?” Lydia asked.
“Sometimes the dinosaurs of the Primal Rage game happen, but that's rare because those things are very big and they happen with difficulty.”
“The Rampage monsters are much bigger, so I don't think there will be any problems, but there's still Felix's whereabouts. Vanellope, didn't Sour Bill give you a note that belonged to Turbo before?” Lydia asked her.
“Here it is, what do you plan to do with it?”
“I have a plan to get out of here before all the military vehicles are repaired. Percy, come with me.”
Lydia and Percy rushed to the basement of the Niceland building and the girl opened what appeared to be a secret passage, the corridor leading to the game's code configuration.
“Gene, who is the building manager, told me the entrance, but he didn't even know how to get into the game's configuration center, but with the note Vanellope gave me, we'll be able to get in.”
Lydia used the key (which was universal for every game) and a space that seemed bottomless and weightless appeared in front of her. Percy turned into a house cat and, stretching his tail, held Lydia tight at the waist.
After a while Lydia and Percy returned to the entrance where their friends were.
“Vanellope, here's the plan: I modified the features of Ralph and Q*Bert, so they could pixelate just like you and get through the barrier. But I could only make you do it once, I want you to go to the other games and following the instructions in my notebook, do the same with all the characters who want to help us, before you must ask them to indicate the entry to the internal configuration of their games.”
“I understand, but what about the surge protectors?” Vanellope asked.
“It takes a strong electrical current to deactivate the central office, that will prevent the surge protectors from sending us back to the games, I think Blanka will help with that," said Lydia.
“We want to help too," asked the nicelanders.
“I'm sorry, but you must remember that now that the surge protectors are under the command of whoever is planning this, I can't assure you that when you die, you will be able to regenerate in your game, maybe you will play game over” warned Lydia and all the nicelanders exchanged scary looks.
The two girls calculated the time to carry out their plan and agreed on a signal to begin the attack.
At the Video Central Station, the military was about to finish the repairs, when Vanellope came before them.
“Hey, you ugly, malformed sea bream heads, stop it right now!”
“Who the hell are you, girl, and how did you get through the barrier of the surge protectors?”
“I'm the honorable President of Sugar Rush and I order you to get back to your game right now," Vanellope commanded, inflating her chest and putting on her characteristic bossy expression. The men laughed.
“So, you and what army?”
“This army," said the girl, and Q*Bert and his friends stood beside her.
The men laughed loudly and the surge protectors began to surround the group.
As the surge protectors were distracted, they didn't notice that Blanka was running from the Street Fighter game, and crashing into the station's headquarters at full speed.
The entire central office emitted short circuits and the surge protectors remained petrified in the place where they were.
“This army," said Ralph.
“This army," said Arthur.
“This army," said Willow.
“This army," said Percheval.
So they repeated over and over again, the players who were good or "evil" who joined the previous four and came to help Vanellope and Q*Bert, while they were threateningly cracking their knuckles, while the other players still trapped behind the barriers cheered them on.