Capítulo 2: You guys are heroes
Lydia and Percy opened their eyes and discovered that they were inside the game because in front of them was the Niceland apartment building.
“Cosmos!” said the two friends at the same time.
“We'd better introduce ourselves," said Lydia, after the surprise and together with Percy, they went to the main entrance, which was closed.
“Excuse me, could I have your attention, please?" Lydia asked after ringing the doorbell of the building and knocking on the door a couple of times politely.
“Don't pretend you're not there, we know you're there!” Percy shouted, knocking hard on the door.
“Percy, don't do that! Excuse my friend, we just want to talk to you," said Lydia.
Inside the building, chaos was rife in the penthouse.
“And now what do we do, Felix!”
“How did those players get into the game!”
“You have to do something, Felix!”
“Please calm down," said Felix, trying to get the place in order, but the nicelanders were still scared.
In front of the building Percy was getting impatient.
“I'm tired of this!” Percy complained and turned into a cat, then started flying and extended his tail to take Lydia with him.
Inside the building there was still chaos.
“We can't stay locked up forever," Felix told the nicelanders.
“We can try!” One of the nicelanders insisted, when suddenly they saw a black cat standing in front of his window, apparently flying and carrying the strange girl on its coiled tail.
“Please, we just want to talk to you," Lydia asked, but then everyone in the room started screaming and running around.
"We better go down Percy, I think we've made things worse," lamented Lydia and the two friends returned to the ground.
The two friends waited in front of the building for a long time, when they thought no one would come to open the door they heard someone unlock the door.
“He... hello...” Seemed to say someone behind the door, which was ajar and locked with the little chain of entry.
“Good evening sir, we didn't mean to disturb you and the others. I promise you that my intentions and those of my friend are not bad," Lydia explained.
The door closed again and Lydia sighed with pity, however, it seemed that the door closed for whoever was behind, removed the chain from the door lock and could open this one.
“Good... These are the nicelanders and my name is Felix Junior.” Felix introduced himself nervously.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Felix, Mr. Nicelanders," replied Lydia bowing, as did Percy, who did not want the tiny individuals to run in fear again.
“And what brings you here?" asked Felix nervously, but not as much as before.
“When I saw that you had a life of your own... I couldn't suppress my desire to come and talk to you," said Lydia.
“I see, well, I think it's best if you go with your friend, we'll talk more calmly in the penthouse of the building," suggested Felix and the two friends entered the building.
“How nice," Percy said as he entered the building and then went up the elevator with Felix.
The building had several floors, however, only Meg, Don, Mary, Deanna, Nel, Norwood, Roy, Lucy and Gene went with them, the other nicelanders were too scared to leave their apartments.
As they climbed up there was an awkward silence.
“That's a very nice dress," Lydia told Deanna to break the tense atmosphere.
“Thank you.... That dress you're wearing is also very.... unique," said Deanna and Lydia just smiled at her calmly as she was used to people's reproach because of her Gothic costumes.
Upon arriving at the penthouse, Lydia thanked inside her for the high ceiling.
“What a beautiful place, do you live here?” Percy asked.
“No, nobody lives here, we just have the place to have a few parties or emergency meetings," said Gene.
“Well, we'd better take a seat," intervened Meg to ease the tension.
“And tell me, Miss Lydia, how did you find out that we had our own life in the game," Don asked.
“It turns out that a couple of days ago Percy and I were sheltering in this place because of a storm, so I noticed how Ralph was greeting a character from the game Sugar Rush.”
“That Ralph, he's a fool," complained Mary.
“We'd better talk to him," said Nel.
“Oh no, don't worry! I can assure you that no one but Percy and I could have noticed it," Lydia reassured them.
“How's that?” Norwood asked.
“As I once said: "The living ignore the strange and unusual, I am myself strange and unusual", it is not difficult for me to perceive things that other people would never notice.”
“And I have super-developed feline senses," Percy intervened as he happily wagged his tail and ears.
“And what's your story?” Roy asked.
“I used to be a simple house cat, but when I tried to save Lydia from a demon-phantom, I became a cat boy.”
“A ghost-demon?” Lucy said apprehensively, and then Lydia and Percy began to tell their adventures when they first met Beetlejuice.
“What an incredible story," said Felix in amazement, "it's a good thing your father and mother came out safe and sound.”
“Stepmother actually, my mother died many years ago when I was little," said Lydia calmly.
“Sparks and more sparks, I'm so sorry, Lydia.” Felix apologized.
“You don't have to, it happened a long time ago," Lydia shook her head and smiled at him.
“Speaking of your parents, don't you think it's time you went home?” Gene told her somewhat abruptly.
“Gene!” Felix criticized him and looked at Lydia and Percy nervously.
“Don't worry, my relationship with my parents is far from happy. You see, my father is only interested in money and doesn't care who he tricks for a profit and my stepmother, well, let's just say she's a woman who prefers to keep me as far away as possible," Lydia said with unnatural calm, making all the nicelanders look down on her.
“Lydia's parents are horrible," Percy frowned.
“It's the truth, just so you know, they tried to marry Lydia overnight to a supposed oil billionaire, just to satisfy their ambition to make up for the losses they had when they built a vacation resort on a Hawaiian island.”
Felix and all the nicelanders, including Deanna and Gene, looked at Percy in horror, and then went to Lydia and gave her words of encouragement and comfort.
Lydia was surprised and smiled at everyone, with a smile that warmed the hearts of those present in a noble and pure way.
After this, Lydia and the nicelanders talked about several things, but Percy yawned at them.
“I don't think it's convenient for you to go out into the real world and find a place to stay, I think it would be best if you and Percy slept here tonight.”
“Great idea, you can stay in the penthouse," Gene suggested.
“And what happens when the arcade opens?” Percy asked.
“Don't worry guys, tomorrow morning I'll take you to a place where the other players won't be able to see you," Felix told them.
Lydia and Percy thanked everyone and once all the nicelanders went to their apartments, the two boys went to sleep.
As Felix promised, he came early in the morning and took the two boys to the former brick dump of the game.
“A dump site?” Lydia asked.
“In fact, every time Ralph tried to destroy the building, there was a lot of debris falling.”
“Even glass?” Percy asked.
“No, the program was to accumulate only bricks and a few broken doors," explained Felix, "you can imagine that after thirty years, the mountain of rubble was almost as high as the building.”
“And what did they do with the rubble?” Wanted to know Lydia.
“Well, at first Ralph lived in the rubble.”
“He lived in the rubble!” Lydia was surprised.
“Yes, well, I'm not very proud of that," Felix said embarrassed. “You see, for thirty years the nicelanders and I, we treated Ralph very badly, it wasn't as if we insulted or abused him, however, what we did was just as bad, for thirty years we ignored him as much as we could, in fact we didn't invite him to the party to celebrate thirty years of the game.”
“That's horrible.”
“I know, Ralph got upset and went to the party anyway, things got ugly and Ralph decided to leave the game, that's when we saw how important Ralph was to the game when due to his absence they almost disconnected us because they thought the game was broken out there.”
“You don't recognize what you have until you lose it," Percy said as he raised his index finger and made a teacher's face.
“And in the end, how did you arrange everything?” Lydia asked.
“I went to find Ralph and take him back to the game, but in the end he rescued me.”
“What do you mean?” Lydia wanted to know.
“Oh, it's quite a story, but Ralph better tell you, look at his house over there.”
Lydia was able to see Ralph's house, apparently the material of the rubble had been used, so the dwelling had the same aesthetics as the nicelanders' building, with the difference that the construction was higher.
“Look at the size of that door," said Percy, intimidated.
“It looks very pretty," said Lydia.
“Thanks, I built it," Felix proudly inflated his chest. “Ralph wanted to build his house after returning from our adventure, but it went very badly.”
“What about the buildings beyond?” Lydia pointed to a short street with houses at each end of a roadway that had planters and lanterns.
Felix wanted to answer, but the big door opened and Ralph came out with a smile.
“Hi, you must be Lydia and you must be Percy," said Ralph laughing.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Ralph.”
“Wow... Look at him, Lydia, he's so big, he looks like a giant!” Percy snapped as he pointed his finger at Ralph.
“Percy, don't be rude.”
“Oh, I'm sorry Lydia” the cat boy apologized, but Ralph didn't mind, in fact, he was delighted to meet the two boys.
“I'm sorry I didn't come to you guys last night, but I was afraid you'd be scared, you know, that I'm the bad guy.”
“I don't think you're a bad guy, Mr. Ralph, I can see that your aura is that of a brave, noble and kind person," said Lydia.
“Thanks Lydia, but I don't think there's any need for that Mr. Ralph thing, just call me Ralph," said the giant and invited the two boys in.
The interior of Ralph's house was simply furnished but at ease with its owner, as each piece of furniture or other was larger than what was seen in the nicelanders' penthouse.
“Sorry Lydia, you could explain the aura thing to us," said Felix.
“Of course, I have magical powers...”
“Let me say it, Lydia” Percy took the shot and Lydia agreed.
"She can see the aura of people and other things like trees, to see if they are good or bad; she can communicate with ghosts; she can read tarot cards to perfection; and she can summon a magical tsunami to kill the enemy," Percy happily enumerated, wagging his tail and ears with pure joy.
“Felix said something to me last night, I'm very impressed.”
“Well, I think it's time to get to work," said Felix with a smile on his face as he noticed the arcade was opening. “Lydia, Percy, please wait here until I close the place down.”
“That's going to take hours, so don't worry, guys, and take whatever you want to eat," Ralph said with a smile.
“You can go visit Q*bert until it's his turn to play the game," said Felix.
Lydia was impressed and had some questions for Felix, but he and Ralph were already running for their place in the game.
Lydia noticed the sky flashing red, which indicated that someone had inserted a coin, and to the surprise of the two friends, they could see the image of a child through the screen of the game who was beginning to handle the controls.
“Look Lydia, that's the introduction to the game!” Percy shouted happily.
“Don't raise your voice so high Percy, look they can hear us," Lydia advised him, and the guys quietly enjoyed the experience of watching the game unfold from the inside.
"Look Percy, it looks like Q*Bert, Coily, Ugg, Slick and Sam are ready to get into the game now," said Lydia as she raised her arm and greeted the characters as Percy did.
Q*Bert and the other characters who had already been informed of the visit of the two children, responded with a bow and then went to the nicelanders' building.
Although the game was repetitive, the two boys stayed up all morning and afternoon watching it, but by night they felt some hunger and took some fruit and cake from Ralph's table. Then, they went for a walk down the street where Q*Bert and the other guys from their old game lived.
“What are those strollers over there in the back?” Percy asked.
“It looks like a little train station.”
Percy wanted to see where the rails led, but Lydia told him it would be best if they waited for the arcade to close, which came faster than they thought.
The boys waited at Ralph's house, and he and Felix went to them.
“Since you guys are here, I hope you didn't get too bored waiting," Ralph said.
“Don't worry, Ralph, Percy and I had a lot of fun watching the game and walking down the street that Felix built.”
“We had some food too, Ralph," Percy said.
“I hope you liked it," said Ralph.
“Yes, it was good," Percy thanked him happily.
“Felix, could you tell me how Q*Bert and the others ended up playing in this game?” Lydia asked.
“Oh, that was after Ralph saved the Sugar Rush game," said Felix.
"I mean, when Ralph decided to get out of the game and win the medal in the Hero's Duty game, he landed in Sugar Rush in an emergency and then saved it from the cybugs” he tried to explain Felix, but the kids got more confused.
“How about if you tell it all from the beginning, let Ralph start and let Felix fill in the gaps in his story, that is, the part where Ralph went on your search," suggested Lydia.
Although Ralph and Félix told the story to the nicelanders, it was the first time they did it together and in this way they told the whole adventure perfectly without omitting details. Lydia and Percy were very impressed and moved to the brink of tears by the part where Ralph destroyed Vanellope's car, and the part where Ralph was willing to sacrifice himself on the diet-cola mountain while pronouncing the manifesto of the wicked.
“You guys are heroes," Lydia exclaimed excitedly.
“It's no big deal Lydia, your story against Beetlejuice was better," said Felix with a smile.
The four friends were talking and Lydia took the opportunity to take some pictures of Felix and Ralph.
“Now everyone uses modern digital cameras or cell phones, but no matter how many mega pixels they are given, they will never have the quality or personal touch that an old-fashioned roll camera can give them.” Lydia made a professional statement.
“Lydia has a darkroom in our house so she can develop film rolls.”
“Gosh, that's great, Lydia," said Felix.
“I think so," Ralph agreed.
“Guys, I'd like you to introduce me to Q*Bert and the others who are also in this game," said Lydia.
The adults agreed and led Lydia and Felix to the home of Q*Bert and his friends.
Lydia's powers come from the movie "Beetlejuice"; Gems Jonathan's script "Beetlejuice goes Hawaiian" (Beetlejuice 2); the cartoons; and Midori Mezurashi's incomplete manga (the witch from peaceful pines).
The powers of Percy, the cat boy come from the website: clases de chicas gato (técnicas felinas)