"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr and Mrs Potter."
Cheering surrounded the area as James and Lily kissed once more, taking each other's hand and walking down the aisle through their friends and family.
Soon enough everyone had used the different portkeys to get to the place where the reception was being held. James and Lily had changed out of their wedding attire and into more comfortable outfits that they could dance and easily get around in.
"There are the newlyweds!" Sirius called out as soon as he spotted them. "How's married life treating you so far?"
"We've only just gotten married, Sirius," Lily laughed, hugging the boy. Sirius returned the hug, kissing the top of her head as well.
"Let me know if he gives you any trouble. I'll kick his ass for you, lily-flower."
Lily laughed again, shaking her head. "Thanks for the offer but I think I got him under control."
"I'll have you know that I would never give my girl any trouble," James stated.
"Sure you wouldn't," Remus laughed, rolling his eyes. James punched him in the shoulder before wrapping an arm around his wife's waist.
"Let's go dance, yeah?" James whispered into her ear, planting kisses along the side of her cheek.
"I'll try," Lily joked. "I'm about the size of a blue whale."
"You're beautiful," he whispered and pulled her out to the dance floor. James laid his hands on Lily's bursting belly, she was due in about two weeks but she still looked as radiant as ever.
. . .
Hours had passed and soon enough everyone was apparating back home, wishing their luck to the newlyweds before leaving.
James and Lily were the only two left, slowly dancing around as soft music played through the air. Lily yawned a bit, laying her head on James' shoulder as they continued to dance.
"Tired, love?" James asked.
"Mmhm," Lily answered.
"Time to go home, then."
"Yeah, we've got a home," James smiled, hugging his wife close to him. "It's in Godric's Hollow, you'll love it. Everyone helped out in picking it, the colors and everything."
"Yeah," he whispered. James led her to the portkey that was reserved for them since Lily couldn't apparate while being pregnant.
Holding her close, James touched the portkey and they were instantly brought to the inside of their new home.