"Baby, what's wrong?"
"The baby, James. The baby is coming."
"Shit what?! Sirius the baby is coming!"
"James get home right now!"
"I'm coming!"
. . .
James apparated home with Sirius in tow. Lily was sat waiting on their sofa with the bags they had prepared for this exact moment.
"Shit, what do I do?" James cursed, running a hand through his unkempt hair.
"Calm down, Jamie." Lily soothed her husband, even though she was the one who was about to push out a baby from a place a baby should not be able to be pushed out from.
"I called Remus," Sirius said, just as frantic as James. "He should be here in like five seconds."
As soon as Sirius had said that Remus popped right into the living room of their house.
"Alright there, Lily?" He asked calmly as he helped her up off the sofa.
"Better than James," Lily joked. "Let's get me to St. Mungos now, yeah?"
Remus nodded, taking hold of Lily and stepping into their fireplace. He grabbed a handful of floo powder before shouting 'St. Mungos'. Flames erupted, swallowing them into the fireplace.
James and Sirius apparated behind them, taking the bags that were left on the floor.
. . .
"My wife is having our baby!" James shouted, getting the attention of almost every single person that was waiting in the St. Mungos waiting room.
A mediwitch came over to where the were, conjuring up a wheelchair for Lily to sit in.
"Oh calm down, would you Jamie." Lily muttered. "You're more frantic than I am and I'm the one having the baby."
"Okay, Mrs..?"
"Potter," Lily answered the mediwitch.
"Right then, Mrs. Potter. You're doing great so far. We'll bring you to a room and then we'll see how far apart you are, yeah?"
Lily nodded, watching her surroundings as she was pushed into a room. She was then helped onto the bed and James came and sat down beside her, taking hold of her hand.
. . .
Hours passed by before a pale-faced James came out of the room that had been assigned to Lily.
"She's um, she's uh-" James gulped, obviously sickened by what he's seen so far.
Mrs. Potter then came out, a smile situated on her face. "Go back on in there, James dear. Be there for the birth of your child."
James paled more before being pushed back into the room by his mum.
"Lily's just gone into labor, James is a bit squeamish as you can see," Mrs. Potter said to the group that was waiting outside the room. "Soon enough we'll have a baby Potter on our hands!"
Thirty or so minutes had passed before James opened the door once more, a huge smile written on his face.
"Well then, we've got a healthy baby boy," he said. "Sirius, Remus. Would you two like to come see him first?"
The two nodded, standing up hand-in-hand to follow James into the room. When they entered the first thing they saw was a tired Lily already nursing a tiny baby boy.
"What'd you name him?" Sirius asked, looking at his godson in awe.
"Harry James Potter," Lily whispered, cooing over her son.
"Bloody fantastic he is," Sirius whispered, walking over to the boy. Lily raised him up, allowing for Sirius to hold him.
He took the boy into his arms and sat down in the armchair next to the bed, Remus coming over and sitting next to him on the arm of the armchair. Sirius sat with his godson in his arms, his boyfriend (soon to be husband) next to him cooing over the baby just like Lily had.