Clay grunted as he pushed a heavy metal cart down the hall towards Tabitha's garage. He was already having a hard time holding Experiment A who was wriggling in his grip, and it didn't help that Clap-Trap had to be wheeled by cart.
“Will there be no end to the maintenance you require?” Clay moaned as his Clap-Trap sparked and creaked on the cart.
Experiment A was wildly excited by his new surroundings. He had never been to this part of the facility before and didn't know what to expect. The air here was thick and muggy, almost metallic in taste. Clangs and pings echoed through the corridors as robots were fixed or taken apart.
“A” tried to leap from Clay's arms so he could poke around an oil stain on the floor, but the scientist wasn't budging.
Clay gave a sigh of relief when he saw Tabitha's garage door open, just across the hall.
“I have a great opportunity for you.” Clay paused, hearing a strange voice echo from the open garage.
“What kind of opportunity?” He recognized Tabitha as she answered the man. Clay snuck a quick peek around the corner, spying what looked to be Tabitha's overseer leaning against the metal wall. He had his back to Clay and was eyeing the mechanic as she slaved over another pointless robot. Clay quickly darted back into the hall before either could see him. “A” catching on that it was time to be sneaky, hunkered down in Clay's arms, holding his hands over his mouth.
“There is this new project in the works. A new base that Hyperion wants to build near this little planet called...Pandora.” Tabitha's overseer began. “I've been instructed to gather up some of my best mechanics and ship them out to work on it. I have one spot left...and I think you would be perfect for the job.” He stated. Clay's brows furrowed, Tabitha couldn't leave, the very idea made him feel alone and empty inside.
“I don't know, that sounds...important.” Tabitha sighed.
“It is, but your work is just amazing Tabitha. You are one of my best mechanics, there is nothing you can't build...or fix for that matter.” He complimented, but something in his voice was a bit off, Clay imagined. There was a pause before Tabitha finally responded.
“You flatter me. As much as I would love to be a part of this big project, I can't simply give you a yes or no answer right away, you'll have to give me time to think about it.” She sounded panicked and stressed. Clay took the cue to make his presence known. He pushed the cart around the corner and bumped it against the metal garage wall loudly.
“Tabitha I...oh sorry, I didn't realize you were busy.” He fibbed, startling both the mechanic and overseer.
“Clay, no, you're fine.” Tabitha sighed, a smile beginning to spread across her face.
“You have two months to decide.” Her boss winked. A blush grew over Tabitha's cheeks and she chuckled,
“You have two months to convince me, you mean.” She corrected him.
“Challenge accepted.” He snickered before slipping out of the garage. Clay tried not to straight up scowl as the man passed him, and opted for putting all his attention on making sure “A” didn't flip out of his arms instead.
“What the heck happened to Clap-Trap!” Tabitha practically yelled when she saw the malfunctioning, fritzing robot sprawled out in a heap on the cart. Immediately she got to work on him and lugged him onto her work bench.
“I'm not exactly sure. He got into some stuff in the kitchen and did what he always does best, screw things up.” Clay pouted, his mind still on the conversation he had heard. Tabitha looked up to Clay, concerned, but her expression of worry soon faded when she saw “A” squirming excitedly in his arms.
“He's gotten so much bigger sense I last saw him.” she cooed, taking a screw driver from her belt. She began to take the robot apart.
“He can walk already, and all his teeth have grown in.” Clay informed her, “And apparently he can climb like a freaking spider!” He recalled how “A” had scaled the door frame like it was nothing.
“Your work is really starting to pay off huh?” She smiled but Clay could see something distant in her eyes. It was almost as if she was regretful, or longing for something just out of reach.
“So uh...who was that guy?” Clay shifted the child in his arms, wanting so badly to just drop on his knees and beg Tabitha not to leave the facility.
“Oh, that was my boss, Everett.” Tabitha let out another long sigh. She furrowed her brows and her movements began to slow, clearly something was bothering her.
“He seems...nice. I hate my boss, he sucks.” Clay snorted, hoping to lighten the mood, but Tabitha was too distracted.
“Do you ever feel like...the work you do just doesn't amount to anything in the long run?” She suddenly asked, refusing to make eye contact with the scientist. Clay bit his lower lip, where was all of this coming from? Was Tabitha not satisfied with her current work? Was she longing for more? He recalled his yearning for recognition in Hyperion and wondered if she longed for something similar.
“Who am I kidding.” Tabitha didn't give him a chance to respond, “You're now the director of a super cool project that's bound to leave a major impact on Hyperion.” Her tone grew so melancholy that Clay hardly recognized her.
“She's going to leave.” Clay's mind screamed at him. There was no doubt in his mind that her boss would succeed with winning her over to the new project, she was practically begging for something more. Clay couldn't let this happen, he couldn't even begin to fathom his life without her, he didn't want to try. His heart wanted to break into a million pieces just picturing her empty work area, no more tools, oil stains, beat up robots, and no more Tabitha. He had to do something.
“I-i need your help.” Clay suddenly blurt out, catching her attention again.
“With what?” She looked down at Clap-Trap wondering if he wasn't the reason Clay was there.
“Remember when I came to you asking if you could make an assassin robot?” His mind raced to catch up with his mouth, where was he going with this?
“Yeah...” Tabitha raised a brow as she picked a fried circuit board from Clap-Trap.
“Can..can you still make one?” He scratched at the back of his head, looking down towards “A”. “I know you said a robot wouldn't make the best assassin, but with my project going so well, I figured “A” here would need to start practicing his skills. If he had a robot to practice with, I think it would really help.” Clay sighed, it was a good idea after all. Tabitha was quiet for a moment, lulling it over in her mind.
“Oh Clay Jar, that's such a fun idea. Yes, I'll do it.” She exclaimed, glad to have the chance to do something other than fix busted up robots all day. Clay couldn't help but beam from ear to ear, now she had to stay, well until the project was done that is. “I'll just have to come up with another reason for her to stay after the robot is built.” He told himself, no need to stress about it now.
“A”, who had been squirming and fidgeting non stop sense they stepped into the garage, finally slipped out of Clay's hands, landing on all fours like a Stalker.
“AAAH! A!” Clay shrieked, horrified he had dropped the child. However, before Clay could reach down to check for injuries, 'A' scurried off, laughing to himself. He darted across the room and slipped under Tabitha's work desk, where Clap-Trap was lying.
“Gosh he's fast.” Tabitha commented, peaking under the desk to see two emerald green eyes peeping back at her. She reached her hand under the desk, when his silhouette suddenly vanished into thin air.
“WHAT THE!” She gasped, motioning for Clay to come over. “He's gone, he was just under here, I saw him.” She explained. The two of them stood up and began to slide the desk away from the wall, sure enough, there was nothing under neath.
“How...I didn't see him crawl out.” She scratched at her head, completely bewildered. Clay pinched the bridge of his nose.
“A, come out, where are you hiding!?” he demanded. A giggle echoed from the other side of the room and immediately Clay and Tabitha turned around.
“Shhh, hear that?” Clay grabbed Tabitha's shoulder as she moved towards where the laughter had come from. She paused, straining her ears. After a moment she could hear the faintest sound of little feed padding across the room back towards the desk. In an instant, Clay whirled around and leapt onto the ground, grabbing at nothing. All at once 'A' re-appeared as Clay wrapped his arms around the child. Experiment A laughed wildly, clinging to Clay's neck as he lifted him up off the ground.
“ he invisible just now?” Tabitha blinked in confusion. Clay looked down at the child in is arms who was snickering in a naughty manor.
“I...I think so. I designed his DNA in such a way that he would gain that ability from his Stalker side...but I never expected him to be able to use it this early. This is the first time he's ever done it!” Clay wiped at the sweat drops forming on his brow. Experiment A was already a hand full without having to worry if he would vanish from sight or not. He could see it now, it would be the day of the meeting with the board, and he wouldn't be able to find 'A' anywhere.
Time flew by for Clay, and before he knew it, he was being shaken awake the morning of the meeting.
“C-clay-ay.” Clay peaked an eye open, finding Experiment A staring back at him.
“Is it morning already? I feel like I jus fell asleep.” Clay grumbled, he pushed himself up and tried to rub out the headache that was already starting to form in his temples.
“Mhm...Cla-ap” Experiment A frowned, fumbling with his words.
“Clap-Trap?” Clay guessed, earning a nod from 'A'.
“H-he....get-get” It was a real struggle for the experiment to form his words, and sentences were even harder for him, but he understood everything Clay said perfectly. Clay couldn't help but smile every time 'A' fumbled over his words, it was just too cute.
“Ugh, I wouldn't be surprised if next month comes around and you are taller than me.” Clay teased as he slipped out of bed, ruffling 'A's hair. A blushed and hurried out of the room. The development enhancer had worked wonders and already A looked like a 3 or 4 year old. He was running, jumping, climbing, stalking and turning invisible whenever he pleased, but Clay noticed that his speech was a jumbled mess.
“I'll have to get a therapist for that.” He muttered to himself, he should have known he would have some challenges along the way as a result of his Stalker DNA.
“Sir, you better be awake. I sent A in here to wake you up but I don't know if he actually did or not, I can't decipher a word of what he says.” Clap-Trap wheeled into the scientists bedroom, a small apron tied around him.
“Cooking again? I thought you would have learned your lesson.” Clay raised a brow suspiciously at him.
“It wasn't me, I told you already, it was that dang blasted toaster, she has it out for me I just know. Jealous of my free will and all that. No, today I made pancakes.” Clap-Trap exclaimed merrily.
“You know we're in a rush this morning.” Clay grumbled, pulling his lab coat on and running a quick comb through his hair.
“Well, you sure don't act like someone who's in a hurry, about to be judged by a huge board of super important Hyperion CEO's who could crush your project like a bug under a big hammer, or take your experiment away and strip you from your title and kick you out of..”
“CLAP-TRAP!” Clay slammed his fists on his dresser, sending a threatening glare towards his robot. “You are NOT helping.” He hissed, he was already nervous as it was, and despite how wild the robots imagination could be, none of it was impossible for the board.
Clap-Trap shrugged, and turned to leave, allowing Clay a few moments to himself. The on edge scientist inhaled sharply, letting his shoulders droop. His stomach was flip-flopping and he couldn't even think of eating breakfast. He had already prepared a speech and knew what he was going to show the board, however, he feared they would see right through him and spot all sorts of problems. Experiment 'A's speech issue wasn't helping either.
“A!” Clay called as he entered his lab. The young boy, who was currently half way up a door frame, leapt down and scurried over to him, sitting at his feet like an obedient dog. “You know I told you to practice your speech as much as possible?” Clay asked.
“Y-ye.” A nodded.
“Well today, I don't want you to practice it at all. It is very important that you don't say a word until after we get through with this big meeting. Do you understand?” Clay stared hopefully at the child, fingers crossed. 'A' held his hands over his mouth and nodded quickly before turning around, and with the flick of his tail he pounced on top of Clap-Trap, perching there like a wild cat.
“Hey! I'm not your bench, your pedestal, your branch. I am a highly intelligent piece of machinery, and I just made you pancakes so be nice A!” The purple robot hummer in irritation, shoving a pancake up towards the child who refused to move an inch.
Clay grabbed his papers, notes and blue prints, trying his best to organize them better. His nervous were shot, they always were, but this time more that usual. 'A' watched his caretaker carefully, he could tell something was wrong but he didn't know what. His keen eye caught the timid shake in Clay's hands, the single bead of sweat that trickled down his brow, and the concerned way he bit his bottom lip.
'A' leapt off of Clap-Trap, who muttered “finally” under his breath. Cautiously, 'A' neared Clay, like a shy puppy. He paused for a moment before wrapping his arms around Clay's leg and hugging him tight. Clay paused from his panicky chatter and glanced down at the child wrapped tightly around his leg.
“A, are you alright, is something upsetting you?” Clay momentarily forgot about his own troubles and focussed on Experiment A. The child shook his head and just continued to lovingly hug the scientist. Clay shrugged and grabbed the last of his research.
“Wish us luck Clap-Trap.” Clay called to the robot who in turn crossed his arms bitterly.
“You didn't eat anything. I spent so much time on the pancakes, just for you, but you don't even show your appreciation. Why do I even bother? Don't wonder where I'm at the next time you wake up hungry, because I wont be making breakfast again...” Clap-Trap began another one of his rants as Clay left the lab, 'A' following close behind.
Completely stressed, Clay muttered under his breath the whole walk to the meeting room. He ignored the smiles and nods he got from fellow workers, and even forgot to make sure 'A' was following him the whole time. His mind was on the meeting, and before he knew it, he was there outside the board room doors.
“Ok 'A', let's do this, but remember, no talking!” He took a deep breath, trying not to vomit. 'A' nodded obediently and stuck close to his heels as they entered the spacious meeting room.
“Clay, how nice to see you again.” The board members all greeted him, strange smiles plastered to their pale faces. Clay felt a bubble rise in his throat and he immediately swallowed hard.
“Good afternoon.” He gave a quick bow, then hurried his pace as he spread all his papers out for them to read. However, none of them even glanced at the notes, theirs eyes knitted on the small experiment hiding in the scientists shadow.
“Here's the thing Clay,” the oldest member broke the silence. “We called this meeting for...several reasons. To begin with, we have reason to believe that you are...purposefully delaying the project.”
Clay snapped his head up, shock written all over his face.
“N-no sirs. That's a misunderstanding. I know it looks bad that I took...uh...the experiment and postponed the project for three months, but I was in no way trying delay our progress.” He stammered.
“But why did you feel it necessary to take the experiment to begin with?” Another board member raised their brow.
“I....I felt like my under-workers didn't understand how delicate the first few months of the experiments life was. Sense he is part stalker, there could be many complications, and things needed to go slowly. However, they went over my head and injected him with a dangerous development enhancer that wasn't designed for his infant stages. I feared they would do something that would ruin the project, so I made the decision to postpone the project for three months, just to make sure there would be no...miss haps with the child.” Clay explained, hoping they would be understanding.
The board members took a moment to deliberate between themselves before coming to some sort of agreement.
“We will excuse this decision for now, it seems you have a justifiable reason for this behavior.” The eldest announced. “Now, please, we are wanting to see the experiment.” He pointed down to 'A' who had been listening from behind the scientist. Clay gulped then nodded as he turned to scoop 'A' off the floor, placing him gently in the middle of the table.
“He is three months old, with the physical and mental growth of a human three year old.” Clay stated.
“Well, it appears that development enhancer was a good call on your under-workers part.” The board members noted. Clay furrowed his brows for a moment, his fists clenching but he quickly caught himself, and exhaled calmly, letting go of any negative feelings. However, 'A' had noticed his angered look and shaking fists, he frowned, concerned for his dear Clay.
“H-his wings allow him to glide down from great heights. His claws permit him to climb practically any surface, much like a spider. His tail serves as a balancing limb during flight and also acts as self defense, will whenever his spines fully develop.” Clay showed off his experiment, he couldn't help but feel proud.
“That's all...interesting, but it's not as impressive as we were hoping.” One of the board members sneered, leaning into his hands. 'A' noticed again as Clay fought back his emotions and stiffed a smile.
“Well he can also turn invisible. A, please demonstrate.” Clay grumbled, trying to hide the irritation in his voice. 'A' obeyed and vanished into thin air, earning pleased “OOOH”s and “AAAAh”'s from the CEO's. 'A' quickly darted up the wall like a squirrel, he then leapt down from the ceiling over the board, turned himself visible again, and glided down gently in front of the board members.
“Now that was better!” they clapped in agreement, their wrinkled lips turning up into smiles. “Definitely assassin like.” Clay gave a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his brow.
“So, what are your plans now that the project is starting up again?” They asked eagerly.
“Well for now I was planning on allowing the team to observe him as he grows and learns. Then once he hits adolescence, we will begin training.” Clay explained. There was a hush over the group and immediately Clay could tell they were irritated again. He bit his lip nervously, was there nothing he could do to stay on their good side.
“Really? That's your great idea?” The oldest barked all at once. Clay winced, trying not to let his feelings get hurt.
“He needs to start training now! The younger the better! We want to see him fighting, killing, practicing for the day we can send him out into the field to rip those Lance soldiers apart!” Another board member shouted, waving his fist in the air.
'A' gasped, glancing between the board members and Clay, his scientist was clearly upset. 'A' clenched his little fists, his tail swishing in irritation, how dare they yell at Clay? Clay was kind and took care of him and these old men just didn't understand how smart he was. 'A' growled under his breath and climbed back onto the table as they continued to loudly fuss as Clay.
“We aren't going to wait around while you sit here and play house! This isn't your son that you need to raise!” The head of the board scolded.
All at once 'A' shouted at the top of his lungs, baring his teeth and hissing angrily. The room fell silent as the board members froze, their eyes wide as moons.
“A-a, get down!” Clay stammered, but was cut off as 'A' attempted to speak.
“B-b-be e ni-ice. M-eani-meanie...s” 'A' practically screamed, stamping his foot on the shiny wood table. Clay felt his heart drop into his gut, there was no way the board hadn't heard him. Clay leaned forward quick as lightning and yanked 'A' off the table, holding a shaky hand over his mouth.
“What...what did he just say?” The oldest stuck a pinky in his ear, making sure it wasn't clogged.
“I'm not sure, it was so jumbled...” another speculated.
“Sounded almost like gibberish.”
“Clay, you told us he currently has the mental capacity of a three year old. Yet here he is sputtering like an infant. What is the meaning of this?” They frowned bitterly.
“I-i can explain.” Clay practically whispered, things were looking bad, surely they would strip him from the project now.
“Well hurry up!”
“Y-you see, he needs speech therapy. It''s a side effect of his Stalker DNA. He's not stupid, he understands every word you say perfectly, he just has difficulties speaking. It can easily be corrected.” Clay explained.
“For your sake, I hope so.” The oldest member warned. “We are willing to let you continue on tis project of you agree to begin the speech and assassin training immediately.” He folded his arms stubbornly.
“Y-yes sirs. I will, right away, no need to worry.” Clay assured them as he began to gather his papers nervously.
“Good, now...before we adjourn, we want to inform you of the Hyperion Honor Gala coming up this year.” Clay paused, looking up from his blueprints. He had heard of the Gala before, it was a big to do that happened each year. Only the most accomplished workers and soldiers were invited, some would receive medals of recognition for things they had done to better Hyperion, it was definitely a big deal.
“Y-yes sir?” Clay encouraged him to continue.
“Your boss has placed you as a runner up for the project reward. You are here by required to attend the Gala sense you are a candidate for a reward. You may not win, but if you do, they will call you on stage and you will give a small speech. Do you understand?” They asked, sly smiled spreading across their faces.
Clay could hardly believe his ears, his heart was about to skip a beat.
“Yes, yes I understand.” He whispered, at a loss for words.
“You will receive a formal invitation shortly, bring it with you on the night of the Gala, until then, remember, speech and assassin training!” They reminded him as he neared the doors of the board room.
“Yes sir, of course, I won't let you down!” He was beaming from ear to ear. All is previous anger and frustration had completely melted.
“A, I can't believe it, after all these years I might finally get the recognition i've dreamed of!” Clay practically shouted as he left the board room. This was it, nothing could stop him from rising to the top, well, that's what he thought.
AAAACK, it has been too long sense I last updated, I apologize. This chapter has yet to be edited, I'll do that later -_-
Any who, enjoy Clay and his random panic attacks.