I am soooo sorry. i got so busy in writing that i forgot to even post on the site. as such i'm in the proccess of posting three chapters today as an apology.
enjoy!659Please respect copyright.PENANA2hZEMhmmkX
Luna harshly swallowed as a dreaded silence washed over her as she stood before the gate of her school. There was a heavy increase of guards and it didn’t sit well with her.
The six guards at the gates stood like statues, faces stern and cold green eyes critical of its surroundings, even josephs face was stone as his eyes refused to move to where they were allocated.
Timidly, Luna walked through the gates. Her skin crawled as she walked past the guards and through the desolate front garden towards a fork in the path. Luna stopped for a moment and her eyes skirted round her surroundings. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, before exhaling and opening them once more in effort to calm her nerves.
Reinvigorated, she took confident strides straight down her path and walked through the door, passing the receptionist who refused to meet her form and kept tapping fervently at her keyboard.
Taking out her schedule from her large side bag, she quickly scanned her schedule and her lip twitched as a result.
“Business,” she huffed annoyed. “How the hell am I meant to find that?” she continued and quickly looked around to find that the corridors where also empty, causing her to stop in the middle of it.
“Now that I think about it, we didn’t finish the tour either,” Luna said as she started wondering aimlessly. Luna took it upon herself to student or a teacher as she walked down the corridor and randomly took turns. Unfortunately for her the corridors were completely barren as she continued her journey and all the doors, she had opened in hopes of finding a teacher were empty too.
Momentarily she stopped at a picture of two wolves and a small cub etched into the wall, almost like it belonged in the stone walls of the school. One black, the other white and the cub in the middle being exactly black and white, like it was purposefully put straight in the middle. They were circling one another while nuzzling each other and the cub affectionately while it slept.
The picture reminded her of the Ying and Yang opposite yet completely inseparable to the natural world that it gave birth to new life, a child of perfect balance.
Luna took out her phone and stood back to take a picture of the mysterious yet fantasy like piece of art and then saved it on her phone.
A sudden wave of pain crashed into her as took another random turn causing her to cry out in pain and stumble back in surprise.
A yelp escaped the other who she had bumped into and was also a girl clear by the feminine cry of pain.
The other girl recovered quicker than she did, “Luna suga’, there you are!” She exclaimed in surprise the flash of purple braids helped with the confirmation.
“Figures I meet you again like this,” Luna mumbled as she sighed and rubbed her head.
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly sucking on her lip. “I wasn’t looking at where I was going…again.”
“Whatever.” She said with a shake of her head whilst putting her phone inside her bag. “I want to ask you something.”
“Let’s walk and talk. You have business, right?” Penelope asked walking past Luna and looking back urging her to follow. Luna nodded, jogging slightly to catch up ever so slightly. “Good I was right.” She continued to her self out loud. “Ask away, by the time we are done talking we should be at business its not too far away.”
“I did some research on the incident we were talking about. The kings massacre.” She started and Penelope turned her head in curiosity with a raised brow, simultaneously walking faster and turning a corner.
“So, hold up, you just typed up the event and it appeared on your laptop?” Penelope asked sceptically.
“Yeah, it’s a major event.” Luna scoffed at the thought. “Why wouldn’t it.”
Penelope stopped in her tracks and turned her full attention to Luna her face clearly dreadful. “Luna.” She started worriedly. “There was no recorded event of that event happening. Whatever you read - .” she stopped herself in thought.
“What!” Luna exclaimed. “Does that mean what I read is some undocumented file of - .”
“– Can you send me that file? Please.” Penelope cut of desperately. “You did save the newspaper, right?”
“Yeah” she said quizzically unsure of herself. “No problem.”
“Anything else?” Penelope asked as she stopped in front of another door.
“Yeah, what’s going on with you. You seem kind of rushed and the corridors are completely empty.” Luna said worriedly.
Penelope froze, then sighed as she combed her hand through her hair. “Sorry, so many things to do and so little time. We will talk about this later. At free period yeah?” she said quickly before walking away giving Luna no time.
Luna blinked owlishly, shocked at being dismissed in such a way and looked at Penelope’s disappearing form in confusion. She bit her lip and looked at the door that she was dismissed at before deciding to go into the room.
Taking a deep breath, she entered the room and looked around noticing that the room was almost and sighed in relief. Deciding to take the closest seat, she walked up a few steps and took a seat that was next to a tall but smartly dressed, short haired boy. Placing down her bag she turned towards him and smiled, tapping his shoulder to get his attention.
The boy quirked his head to the side, his dark brown eyes gazing into hers from the corners of his eyes. He looked at her up and down before his lip twitch downwards and his eye seemed to twitch in disgust. Taking out a wet wipe from his black suit case which was next to him, wiped the area which Luna touched fervently. Then he took out a handkerchief out from his left black trouser pocket and wiped his hands before depositing it into a small clear bag which he quickly grabbed from his case.
“Rude,” muttered Luna her eyes curt before shifting her body away from him in order to face the teachers desk and jumped in surprise as the teacher happened to be sitting there going through her phone as a few more students silently snuck into class.
“Is there any reason why you touched me mädchen?” he said in a germen accent he said almost snappily.
“Germen?” Luna thought quizzically before speaking. “I just wanted to say hey, that’s all.” She started, “no need to be so rude.”
However, the boy didn’t seen to like her attitude and turned to face her, and Luna took that as her opportunity to observe is face. He had a strong jawline and already had thick facial hair appearing showing that he clearly wasn’t a man yet but was approaching it. His dark brown eyes were unforgiving, almost like dark caramel which always left a bad taste lingering in her mouth but always looked delicious.
“Now you listen here,” he started with a growl in his throat.
“Attention class!” exclaimed the teacher her strong voice echoing throughout the room forcing the boy to resort to giving her a scathing look before turning to the teacher.
“I know it’s a bit sudden but today were are going to be doing group projects in teams of two, I’ll have already paired people up but I think you all with be pleased who you are paired with.” She declared with a wink and the majority of the class cheered happily as a result.
Luna’s eyebrows furrowed unsure if she should be happy or upset at the announcement before deciding to be upset as the boy next to her happened to click tongue at the declaration.
“…And the last group is Peirce King and Luna Violet, coincidentally you two happened to sit next to each other. Perhaps its fate,” she declared with a cheeky grin.
“Du musst mich verarschen!” growled the boy angrily before turning to face Luna.
In response Luna ducked her head sheepishly and waved. “Err, hi again.”
Peirce only huffed in response before turning away refusing to look at her before taking out a laptop that was already logged in and tapped away in attempt to ignore her.
“Geez, what did I do to you?” she mumbled and turned her head to the teacher as she spoke after chatter died down.
“Now that you are in your pairs let me tell you what you need to know...” the teacher started once more, but this time Luna blanked out completely from boredom and before she knew it the class had ended by a loud chime of a bell breaking her out of it.
“Mince,” cursed Luna loudly and quickly turned to Pierce giving him a silent plea through her eyes which he completely ignored as he continued to tap away at his laptop before pressing a button and closing it suddenly.
“I’ve already sent the notes to your school email and sent you the portion that I want you to do. It isn’t extremely important, but it isn’t boring enough to make you dose off.” He answered while packing away refusing to look at Luna’s blushing form. “By going to the reception at the end of the day they will give you your school email.” He finished off before getting up and walking towards the door.
“Hey pierce,” Luna called out standing up while doing so and walking towards the door.
Grunting Peirce looked at Luna from the corner of his eye which Luna caught. “Thank you.” She said with a sunny smile.
He answered with a grunt again before walking through the door disappearing in the waves of students. Slowly Luna followed him out and leaned on the wall next to the class door and looked in the direction that he went in.
“Not really a happy guy, is he?” she sighed closing her eyes in thought.
“Hey” said a voice loudly right next to her ear.
“Putain d’enfer!” screamed Luna loudly holding her beating heart as she leaned forward looking at Penelope with hatred filling her gaze. However, it seemed no matter how much Luna put into it Penelope’s Cheshire cat-like grin held strong.
“Don’t do that!”
“No promises,” she continued smiling innocently. “On another note” she continued with a curious look, “was that Pierce King just minute ago?”
“Yeah, why?” replied Luna.
“Germaphobe with a superiority complex who happens to be rich with insane amounts of arrogance,” Penelope answered swiftly, before grabbing Luna’s hands and started to drag her into one direction.
“That’s a new one. Kind of.” Said Luna.
“When you read a lot of books like I do. Then not really.” Shrugged Penelope as she brought Luna up the second flight upstairs.
Luna huffed heavily as she went onto the last set of stairs leaning heavily onto the railing contrasting Penelope’s energetic self as she stood on the balls of her feet and stretched dramatically and peaked behind her.
“You are really out of shape you know that?” she said innocently.
“I could care less, no school should have three sets of stairs,” replied Luna sharply.
“Whatever you say suga’” smiled Penelope before walking down the corridor and opening the door to the garden that they were at last week and Luna immediately slouched into the first chair which she saw and sighed in relief.
“So now are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Luna asked curiously.
Penelope rubbed her temple and leaned back with closed eyes before opening them once more, revealing her steel eyes.
“Tadashi was in an accident yesterday.” Penelope started and Luna’s eyes widened, quickly rising out of her chair out of shock.
“Is he okay? What kind of accident was it?” Luna asked biting her lip.
“Apparently.” Penelope started making Luna sigh in relief. “According to sources it was a hit and run, he was able to get out of the way mostly, but he still got hit. Not sure how bad though. But considering he is up and running, I’m guessing it wasn’t that bad.”
“Why would anyone target him though?” Luna asked.
“Most likely messed with the wrong crowed and they wanted payback,” Penelope casually shrugged as she rolled her wrist. “Enough about him though, what was in that article. What was it that you saw?” interrogated Penelope.
Luna looked away from Penelope nervously and scratched her head. “I don’t know what it was really. I couldn’t really stomach it.”
“A summery would do.” Whispered Penelope.
“The pictures were completely inhumane claw and teeth marks. Dismembered bodies and blood everywhere. Limbs hazardously left across the room and-” Luna was interrupted by a sudden rush of liquid rushing up her throat and she quickly rushed out of her seat in vomited violently into the bin.
Quickly, Penelope got up and rubbed Luna’s back. “Let it out, Let it out and don’t say no more.”
Luna gripped the edge of the bin and leaned back, heaving as she went. “No. I have to finish.”
“Okay.” Penelope whispered.
“There was something in the back in one of those pictures. Behind all that gore and destruction.”
“What was it?” Penelope asked.
“Eyes. Dark molten gold yet red blood thirsty eyes.”
“That’s what scares you so bad?” Penelope asked again rubbing Luna’s back slightly firmer. Luna shook her head.
Luna harshly swallowed as a dreaded silence washed over her as she stood before the gate of her school. There was a heavy increase of guards and it didn’t sit well with her.
The six guards at the gates stood like statues, faces stern and cold green eyes critical of its surroundings, even josephs face was stone as his eyes refused to move to where they were allocated.
Timidly, Luna walked through the gates. Her skin crawled as she walked past the guards and through the desolate front garden towards a fork in the path. Luna stopped for a moment and her eyes skirted round her surroundings. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, before exhaling and opening them once more in effort to calm her nerves.
Reinvigorated, she took confident strides straight down her path and walked through the door, passing the receptionist who refused to meet her form and kept tapping fervently at her keyboard.
Taking out her schedule from her large side bag, she quickly scanned her schedule and her lip twitched as a result.
“Business,” she huffed annoyed. “How the hell am I meant to find that?” she continued and quickly looked around to find that the corridors where also empty, causing her to stop in the middle of it.
“Now that I think about it, we didn’t finish the tour either,” Luna said as she started wondering aimlessly. Luna took it upon herself to student or a teacher as she walked down the corridor and randomly took turns. Unfortunately for her the corridors were completely barren as she continued her journey and all the doors, she had opened in hopes of finding a teacher were empty too.
Momentarily she stopped at a picture of two wolves and a small cub etched into the wall, almost like it belonged in the stone walls of the school. One black, the other white and the cub in the middle being exactly black and white, like it was purposefully put straight in the middle. They were circling one another while nuzzling each other and the cub affectionately while it slept.
The picture reminded her of the Ying and Yang opposite yet completely inseparable to the natural world that it gave birth to new life, a child of perfect balance.
Luna took out her phone and stood back to take a picture of the mysterious yet fantasy like piece of art and then saved it on her phone.
A sudden wave of pain crashed into her as took another random turn causing her to cry out in pain and stumble back in surprise.
A yelp escaped the other who she had bumped into and was also a girl clear by the feminine cry of pain.
The other girl recovered quicker than she did, “Luna suga’, there you are!” She exclaimed in surprise the flash of purple braids helped with the confirmation.
“Figures I meet you again like this,” Luna mumbled as she sighed and rubbed her head.
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly sucking on her lip. “I wasn’t looking at where I was going…again.”
“Whatever.” She said with a shake of her head whilst putting her phone inside her bag. “I want to ask you something.”
“Let’s walk and talk. You have business, right?” Penelope asked walking past Luna and looking back urging her to follow. Luna nodded, jogging slightly to catch up ever so slightly. “Good I was right.” She continued to her self out loud. “Ask away, by the time we are done talking we should be at business its not too far away.”
“I did some research on the incident we were talking about. The kings massacre.” She started and Penelope turned her head in curiosity with a raised brow, simultaneously walking faster and turning a corner.
“So, hold up, you just typed up the event and it appeared on your laptop?” Penelope asked sceptically.
“Yeah, it’s a major event.” Luna scoffed at the thought. “Why wouldn’t it.”
Penelope stopped in her tracks and turned her full attention to Luna her face clearly dreadful. “Luna.” She started worriedly. “There was no recorded event of that event happening. Whatever you read - .” she stopped herself in thought.
“What!” Luna exclaimed. “Does that mean what I read is some undocumented file of - .”
“– Can you send me that file? Please.” Penelope cut of desperately. “You did save the newspaper, right?”
“Yeah” she said quizzically unsure of herself. “No problem.”
“Anything else?” Penelope asked as she stopped in front of another door.
“Yeah, what’s going on with you. You seem kind of rushed and the corridors are completely empty.” Luna said worriedly.
Penelope froze, then sighed as she combed her hand through her hair. “Sorry, so many things to do and so little time. We will talk about this later. At free period yeah?” she said quickly before walking away giving Luna no time.
Luna blinked owlishly, shocked at being dismissed in such a way and looked at Penelope’s disappearing form in confusion. She bit her lip and looked at the door that she was dismissed at before deciding to go into the room.
Taking a deep breath, she entered the room and looked around noticing that the room was almost and sighed in relief. Deciding to take the closest seat, she walked up a few steps and took a seat that was next to a tall but smartly dressed, short haired boy. Placing down her bag she turned towards him and smiled, tapping his shoulder to get his attention.
The boy quirked his head to the side, his dark brown eyes gazing into hers from the corners of his eyes. He looked at her up and down before his lip twitch downwards and his eye seemed to twitch in disgust. Taking out a wet wipe from his black suit case which was next to him, wiped the area which Luna touched fervently. Then he took out a handkerchief out from his left black trouser pocket and wiped his hands before depositing it into a small clear bag which he quickly grabbed from his case.
“Rude,” muttered Luna her eyes curt before shifting her body away from him in order to face the teachers desk and jumped in surprise as the teacher happened to be sitting there going through her phone as a few more students silently snuck into class.
“Is there any reason why you touched me mädchen?” he said in a germen accent he said almost snappily.
“Germen?” Luna thought quizzically before speaking. “I just wanted to say hey, that’s all.” She started, “no need to be so rude.”
However, the boy didn’t seen to like her attitude and turned to face her, and Luna took that as her opportunity to observe is face. He had a strong jawline and already had thick facial hair appearing showing that he clearly wasn’t a man yet but was approaching it. His dark brown eyes were unforgiving, almost like dark caramel which always left a bad taste lingering in her mouth but always looked delicious.
“Now you listen here,” he started with a growl in his throat.
“Attention class!” exclaimed the teacher her strong voice echoing throughout the room forcing the boy to resort to giving her a scathing look before turning to the teacher.
“I know it’s a bit sudden but today were are going to be doing group projects in teams of two, I’ll have already paired people up but I think you all with be pleased who you are paired with.” She declared with a wink and the majority of the class cheered happily as a result.
Luna’s eyebrows furrowed unsure if she should be happy or upset at the announcement before deciding to be upset as the boy next to her happened to click tongue at the declaration.
“…And the last group is Peirce King and Luna Violet, coincidentally you two happened to sit next to each other. Perhaps its fate,” she declared with a cheeky grin.
“Du musst mich verarschen!” growled the boy angrily before turning to face Luna.
In response Luna ducked her head sheepishly and waved. “Err, hi again.”
Peirce only huffed in response before turning away refusing to look at her before taking out a laptop that was already logged in and tapped away in attempt to ignore her.
“Geez, what did I do to you?” she mumbled and turned her head to the teacher as she spoke after chatter died down.
“Now that you are in your pairs let me tell you what you need to know...” the teacher started once more, but this time Luna blanked out completely from boredom and before she knew it the class had ended by a loud chime of a bell breaking her out of it.
“Mince,” cursed Luna loudly and quickly turned to Pierce giving him a silent plea through her eyes which he completely ignored as he continued to tap away at his laptop before pressing a button and closing it suddenly.
“I’ve already sent the notes to your school email and sent you the portion that I want you to do. It isn’t extremely important, but it isn’t boring enough to make you dose off.” He answered while packing away refusing to look at Luna’s blushing form. “By going to the reception at the end of the day they will give you your school email.” He finished off before getting up and walking towards the door.
“Hey pierce,” Luna called out standing up while doing so and walking towards the door.
Grunting Peirce looked at Luna from the corner of his eye which Luna caught. “Thank you.” She said with a sunny smile.
He answered with a grunt again before walking through the door disappearing in the waves of students. Slowly Luna followed him out and leaned on the wall next to the class door and looked in the direction that he went in.
“Not really a happy guy, is he?” she sighed closing her eyes in thought.
“Hey” said a voice loudly right next to her ear.
“Putain d’enfer!” screamed Luna loudly holding her beating heart as she leaned forward looking at Penelope with hatred filling her gaze. However, it seemed no matter how much Luna put into it Penelope’s Cheshire cat-like grin held strong.
“Don’t do that!”
“No promises,” she continued smiling innocently. “On another note” she continued with a curious look, “was that Pierce King just minute ago?”
“Yeah, why?” replied Luna.
“Germaphobe with a superiority complex who happens to be rich with insane amounts of arrogance,” Penelope answered swiftly, before grabbing Luna’s hands and started to drag her into one direction.
“That’s a new one. Kind of.” Said Luna.
“When you read a lot of books like I do. Then not really.” Shrugged Penelope as she brought Luna up the second flight upstairs.
Luna huffed heavily as she went onto the last set of stairs leaning heavily onto the railing contrasting Penelope’s energetic self as she stood on the balls of her feet and stretched dramatically and peaked behind her.
“You are really out of shape you know that?” she said innocently.
“I could care less, no school should have three sets of stairs,” replied Luna sharply.
“Whatever you say suga’” smiled Penelope before walking down the corridor and opening the door to the garden that they were at last week and Luna immediately slouched into the first chair which she saw and sighed in relief.
“So now are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Luna asked curiously.
Penelope rubbed her temple and leaned back with closed eyes before opening them once more, revealing her steel eyes.
“Tadashi was in an accident yesterday.” Penelope started and Luna’s eyes widened, quickly rising out of her chair out of shock.
“Is he okay? What kind of accident was it?” Luna asked biting her lip.
“Apparently.” Penelope started making Luna sigh in relief. “According to sources it was a hit and run, he was able to get out of the way mostly, but he still got hit. Not sure how bad though. But considering he is up and running, I’m guessing it wasn’t that bad.”
“Why would anyone target him though?” Luna asked.
“Most likely messed with the wrong crowed and they wanted payback,” Penelope casually shrugged as she rolled her wrist. “Enough about him though, what was in that article. What was it that you saw?” interrogated Penelope.
Luna looked away from Penelope nervously and scratched her head. “I don’t know what it was really. I couldn’t really stomach it.”
“A summery would do.” Whispered Penelope.
“The pictures were completely inhumane claw and teeth marks. Dismembered bodies and blood everywhere. Limbs hazardously left across the room and-” Luna was interrupted by a sudden rush of liquid rushing up her throat and she quickly rushed out of her seat in vomited violently into the bin.
Quickly, Penelope got up and rubbed Luna’s back. “Let it out, Let it out and don’t say no more.”
Luna gripped the edge of the bin and leaned back, heaving as she went. “No. I have to finish.”
“Okay.” Penelope whispered.
“There was something in the back in one of those pictures. Behind all that gore and destruction.”
“What was it?” Penelope asked.
“Eyes. Dark molten gold yet red blood thirsty eyes.”
“That’s what scares you so bad?” Penelope asked again rubbing Luna’s back slightly firmer. Luna shook her head.
“No, it wasn’t that. It reminded me of Tadashi’s Brother.” Started Luna as she leaned back to look hardly into Penelope’s eyes.
“Those eye’s reminded me of Kaiser.”
Penelope sighed and her shoulders relaxed. “That’s ridiculous, lets get you a drink. You’re going loco.”
“Yeah, perhaps I do. Where’s the closest water fountain?”
“No, it wasn’t that. It reminded me of Tadashi’s Brother.” Started Luna as she leaned back to look hardly into Penelope’s eyes.
“Those eye’s reminded me of Kaiser.”
Penelope sighed and her shoulders relaxed. “That’s ridiculous, lets get you a drink. You’re going loco.”
“Yeah, perhaps I do. Where’s the closest water fountain?”