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The next morning as Jade rolled over from a dreamless night for once she looked at the clock seeing that it read just after 8 AM, and she would have just rolled back over in bed but with Chance awake already and barking at the door she knew that she would have to be up soon anyways. As she groaned and started to sit up she heard the knock on the door as she then remembered that all of her friends were going to be there and as she stood from the bed feeling more tired than normal she didn’t even fix her appearance as she opened the door “Morning sleepy….uh Jade” and as she looked to Maxwell who looked to her and then signaled down she realized that her robe was still open from the night before. In embarrassment she quickly closed it and as she saw Drake standing there with Maxwell and Hana she could see the smirk that was coating his face. “Looks like you had a good night Morgan” and as he gave her a small wink she sighed and let them into the room.
“Drake said that you had some news for us. What is going on?” Hana asked as she walked into the room immediately hugging Jade and as Jade hugged her back she took in a deep breath “Yeah I do have some news, I figured out who used their card to pay for the photographer” and as Hana pulled away she looked at Jade wide eyed “Who?” she asked and Jade looked to her and showed them into the room a little bit more shutting and locking the door as she then turned and saw Hana and Maxwell sitting on the chair together and Drake on the edge of her bed as she looked to him she caved and walked to him and started to sit next to him “How are you first Jade I mean really how are you doing?” Maxwell asked as Hana was sitting on his lap just across from them. She looked to Drake and then to Hana and Maxwell “Well to be honest, could be worse, but to be honest I am not okay. I found out it was Penelope that used her card to pay the photographers” and as she looked down to the floor it was all of a sudden so silent in the room that she could probably hear heart beats if she tried hard enough. As she looked up and saw both Hana and Maxwell sitting there with their mouths open she started to explain how she found out and soon they were talking about how she wanted to approach her and talk to her.
Drake looked right at her and said “You are not going to go at this alone. You have no idea who she was working with, if they know that you know. There is no way I am letting you confront her alone” as he took her hand in his and as they looked at each other they didn’t realize that Maxwell and Hana were staring at them seeing the connection just flowing through them as they sat there. “Jade Drake is right, we have to do that fashion show tonight so if you want to confront her tonight, I am going to be there with you” and as Hana spoke Maxwell started to hold her a little bit closer “I don’t like either of you walking into a lion’s den” Maxwell said as he leaned up kissing her cheek and then cuddling her neck gently. “Well I have to do something so it’s either alone or tonight with Hana’s help” and as she looked to Drake he let out a breath and said “Alright but you know that we will all be there and I want you to have me on speed dial just in case” and as Jade smiled to him she nodded and thanked them all.
After they all talked for a little bit they all left Jade to let her get ready and she told them that they would meet her at the limo to head to the fashion show but before Drake could leave the room Jade grabbed his arm and turned him back to her and wrapped her arms around him hugging him. Drake stumbled a little bit at the sudden jerk towards her but wrapped his arms around her “I really wish that you would reconsider. Let Liam or I be with you please Morgan, I just…I don’t like this at all. If she was able to stoop that low to do something like that, who knows what else she is capable of” and as he held her and his hands were running up and down her back and starting to slowly massage where his hands went. Jade looked up to him and said “I promise you with everything that we will be alright. I will make sure that we are somewhere still in the open but not too open and of course I will have you on speed dial…you already are to be honest” and as he looked down to her he smiled “Really” and as she nodded he leaned in kissing the tip of her nose “You better get ready to head out. I will meet you at the limo” and as he went to turn she stopped him again “You forgot something you know” and as she smiled up to him he took the sign and the little smile on her face as a hint and leaned in capturing her lips with his. The kiss was sweet and gentle but still ignited that flame that happened every single time they kissed. As he pulled away and grunted “You know I could just tell them that you are not feeling well and can’t go” and as she chuckled a little but she stepped back playfully pushing him away “Out now I have to get dressed” and as she smiled to him he leaned in kissing her forehead before turning and walking out of her room.
About 10 minutes later Jade left her room and headed to the limo and just like Drake said he was standing there leaning against the limo. Her spring dress that hugged her hips and had a slit up to her thigh flowed a little bit in the breeze as her messy side braid showed off that she really didn’t have a care in the world right now, she walked to Drake “I am ready” and as he mentioned that Justin was already in there he opened the door and let her get in first though inside he was thinking about how amazing she looked and as they took their seat he looked at her “You look great you know that?” he asked as he started to sit right next to her not wanting anyone else to take that spot. “Good Morning Jade are you ready for the fashion show” and as he smiled to her she nodded as he went into a speech about how the show was to raise funds for the earthquake the shook part of the country. He also mentioned how the press is more so going to grill her for questions as it’s getting closer and closer to the end. Jade sat there listening though found it hard too as Drake was sitting so close to her that it was distracting. He was in a tight black beater and a plaid over shirt instead of his normal blue and as she nodded in agreement to Justin she really didn’t hear what he was saying but didn’t want him to know that for sure. The rest of the ride was mainly in silence and as she was sitting there and just waiting for the limo to finally stop she looked to Drake “You are staying the whole time right” and as she looked at him he smiled to her “Of course. I won’t leave you” and as he smiled to her she felt her heart starting to beat a little bit more knowing that she felt so safe with him and knew that if it wasn’t for him, she would have given up a long time ago.
Fifteen minutes later they finally pulled up to where the fashion show was going to be taking place and as they filed out of the limo Drake immediately started to head to find Liam and soon Hana was right next to Jade as they stared to walk in towards the show. As they reached the entrance they were then ushered to the backstage area where they saw all the ladies standing and relaxing with a glass of champagne. “Well look who actually had the courage to show her face…the lady that tried to kill me last night” and as Madeleine looked to Hana, Jade felt the heat starting to race through her seeing the smug look on Madeleine’s face. Knowing how badly she wanted to call out Madeleine on her lie from the night before she knew that she couldn’t – at least not yet. “Countess Madeleine I promise you that I never meant you harm. I am so sorry and that mistake will never ever happen again” Hana said trying to apologize and all Madeleine did was just sit there as she sipped her drink. Jade could see the smirk that played across Madeleine’s face and all she could do was shake her head “Oh I am sure Madeleine knows that you meant no harm, it’s not like you know everything about her” Jade said starting to look to Madeleine who shot her a look with an arched eyebrow.
Madeleine then stood up and explained that they had a private tour of the fashion show backstage given by none other than the fashion icon himself Lancelin St. Claire. Once the ladies were introduced to Lancelin he began showing them around where the models dressed and to where all the clothing pieces were held. Though all throughout the tour Jade couldn’t keep her mind straight she was thinking about how she was going to get Penelope to be alone so she could talk to her about what it is that she found out. Knowing that it was not going to be an easy task she let her mind wonder about how it could go, what could happen and if Penelope would deny it, how she would go about proving it. As they ended up back in the room where the models dress Lancelin was talking about how one of the models that he was supposed to have walk in this new amazing piece never showed up the ladies began getting a little bit excited about the possibility about being chosen. “Lady Jade would you do me the honor in wearing my new dress?” and as Jade heard her name she looked up and in the eyes of the other girls there was a shock but when she looked at Madeleine there was an anger/jealousy that was creeping into her eyes. “Sir Lancelin I would be honored” and as he then lead her away to be fitted quickly she soon walked back out and was in white and gold dress with off the shoulder straps, and a crisscross over her chest. The pattern had a floral design sporadically throughout the material. The dress literally clang to her body like a glove and when she stood before the ladies they all gasped and smiled – except for Madeleine of course. “Jade you look simply amazing” Hana said as Jade turned in the dress “Absolutely stunning” said Penelope and as Jade looked to her she knew that she had to play nice. “Penelope you could be a model, you resemble Audrey Hepburn so much” she said with a smile.
“Oh…no…me a model, I don’t think so. I have always loved being on the opposite side actually designing the clothes, especially for my poodles” and as she said that there was a loud exhausting sound of disgust as Madeleine said “You’re always talking about those dogs like they are your family or something, it’s rather discouraging to know that this will keep you from finding a mate” and as she looked to Penelope she bowed her head. Jade looked to Madeleine and knowing that the anger that was building inside of her with everything that was going on and now knowing that she had to be there for the one person that stabbed her in the back she took a deep breath and said “Madeleine I understand that Penelope does talk about her poodles a lot, but this is something that is important to her. They are a part of her life and if she wants to talk about them she should be able to. It should show a sense of dedication if I am not mistaken” and as Jade looked to her and Madeleine shot a look back to her she simply sighed and stepped off.
Penelope watched Madeleine leave before turning to Jade “Thank you for that. You have no idea how much that just meant right now” and as she smiled a little bit to Jade wiping the last of a tear that was falling from her eyes. Jade looked to her and though she knew that she wanted to bring up the credit card she knew that she couldn’t just yet “Hey no worries, I have your back. If you want to ever discuss our canine friends you can with me” and as she smiled to Penelope she felt her heart aching as she did feel bad for her but know that she had to find out answers. “Hey Penelope I was just wondering if we could…” but by the time that Jade could get the rest of her sentence out Sir Lancelin came walking through to usher the ladies back out to their seats besides Hana. “You…my dear are wearing one of my original dresses. It would do my heart well if you would walk with Lady Jade down the walkway or alone to showcase an original classic right with a new design” and as Jade looked to Hana who didn’t seem to believe that this was happening she accepted the offer and soon both girls were standing behind the curtain to go out “How do you want to do this?” Jade asked Hana smiling from ear to ear loving that she gets to do something so exciting with her best friend. Hana smiled to her and said “I think that you should go out first and then stop at the end of the runway. I will then head out and we can do a pose together and then walk back together” and as she looked to Jade, Jade smiled and nodded in agreement. Though as they stood there and the other models were getting ready as well Jade looked out the side curtain and saw Penelope close by and as she knew that Madeleine was giving her a hard time she wanted to do something nice to maybe also get some more information.
“Penelope” Jade whispered and as Penelope looked over Jade signaled for her to come over. Once she was over there Jade pulled her back into the waiting area with herself and Hana “What is going on Jade?” she asked starting to look around a little bit nervously. “I talked to St. Claire and he agreed that we could bring you with us! Come on!” Jade said starting to pull her more into the back. Penelope looked terrified but knew that it was going to be super fun. As the music started and the normal models began walking the state it was soon their turn and as Jade started to walk out she grabbed Penelope’s hand and started to pull her up with her. They headed down the walkway in front of all the guests that were there and as they walked down towards the end where they then stopped and waited for Hana where they then all posed smiling and showing off the dresses that they were wearing. On the way back Jade heard a whistle coming out from the side and when she looked over she saw Liam, Drake and Maxwell giving a whistle to them. Though as her eyes scanned and saw Madeleine looking furious she could feel a happiness slide over herself as she walked back the rest of the way with Hana and Penelope. Once they got to the back they all hugged each other and Penelope thanked Jade over and over for the experience that she was just given, but before walking out Jade stopped her and asked if she could talk to her in a little while and Penelope agreed.
Once Penelope left the back room leaving Hana and Jade, Hana looked to her and said “Now you know you are not going to be talking to her alone right?” she asked making sure that Jade was still going to listen to them about having someone there with her “Yes you are going to be with me if you want to be or I can see if someone else will” and as she looked to Hana, she soon felt Hana just hugging her “No I will be there. You are my best friend Jade and I am not going to let you go at this alone” she said and as they soon broke Hana smiled and said “Looks like you have a visitor” and as she smiled and walked the other way Jade looked after her friend before turning around and coming face to face with “Liam, or should I say your majesty, what are you doing back here?” she asked with a smile knowing that she has missed seeing him. Liam smiled as he got a little closer but before he could even say anything he felt two little paws at his legs and a panting from down below and as he looked down he saw Chance “Well who is this little guy?” he said starting to reach down and scratching Chance behind his ear which he loved and as Jade laughed a little bit “This is Chance and I think he likes you” and as Liam chuckled to the little Corgi he stated “Well the feeling is mutual Chance, may I borrow your mommy for a moment” and as Chance let out a little bark they soon heard Hana call for Chance out towards the curtain separating them from everyone else. Liam looked to Jade reaching out for her hand and starting to pull her to him “You looked absolutely stunning up there” and as he smiled to her leaning in and kissing her cheek letting his lips linger there just a moment longer than he should. “Well thank you, I am glad that I could deliver” and as she smiled to him he wrapped his arms around her bringing her to him a little bit more “I was actually stopping by because I wanted to personally invite you to one of the most iconic locations that Paris has to offer” and as she looked to him raising her eyebrow a little bit he leaned in and kissed her forehead “I would like to take you to the Eiffel Tower, just us, kind of a little private showing” and as he looked to her catching her eyes she could feel the pull that he still had on her and as she smiled she said “Hmmm alone, with you, in Paris and at the Eiffel Tower? It seems like a plan to me” and as she smiled to him he lifted her up a little bit.
“Well that is only if you really want to come. I know that you are going to be talking to Penelope soon and so it all depends too on how that goes, but I figured would be a nice little get away” and as he looked to her again she was looking right back to him. “I surely wouldn’t mind it” and as she smiled to him again she soon felt his soft lips on hers kissing her lips tenderly. Her hands immediately went to be on the back of his neck running her fingers over his soft skin there as she kissed him back. Though they both knew that this moment would again be short lived she knew that she loved this little moments even if they were few and far between. Though as the kiss broke and Liam let out a deep sigh he told her that he head to head back out before Madeleine sent out a search party and with a last parting kiss he walked away from her leaving her in the back alone. Jade knew that she would want to go with Liam to get away from it all but knew that in just a few moments she could be finding out even more information and that began to make her a little bit nervous.
Over the next hour or so they were all still there, soon collecting the donations from the houses that were there and as Madeleine got to Penelope, who accidently forgot the check that her mother had written, Madeleine made her feel so bad talking down to her and telling her that this was unacceptable as all houses were supposed to contribute to the cause and as they all sat there Jade took out some additional cash and once Madeleine got to her she made the first donation on behalf of “House Beaumont” and then added in the other amount and told Madeleine that it was on behalf of Penelope’s house. Madeleine looked furious at Jade knowing that she was doing it out of actual niceness and not just to gain anything she soon huffed and walked away. Penelope looked towards Jade and mouthed “Thank you” and Jade smiled and nodded to Penelope as she started to take a few more deep breath’s knowing that it was almost time.
After a little bit more time spent talking and mingling Jade looked to Hana and gave a nod, it was time. Jade started to get up from the table that she was sitting at with Maxwell and Hana and as they started to walk towards the back the signaled for Penelope to come with them. As they entered what looked to be a completely empty hallway Jade pulled each of them to the side. “Jade what you did for me back there was amazing. I would have been so mortified if it had gotten out that my house didn’t contribute. I can for sure pay you back” and as Jade looked to her and said “Hey it’s not a problem we are friends and that is what friends do. But there is something that I have to ask you Penelope and I want you to be 100% honest with me” and as she looked to her she had tears in her eyes “Of course, what is going on Jade?” Penelope asked as she looked right to Jade and as they caught eyes Penelope could see the tears there “Jade are you alright?” she asked. Jade looked to Penelope and finally after a few deep intakes of breath she got out “Penelope, I need to know why you had to frame me?” and as Jade looked right to her, it was as if Penelope saw a ghost as she started to stutter a little bit “I...what…I…I don’t know what…” and as she went to continue she started to play with her hands. “Penelope please don’t try to lie to me” Jade said starting to look at her “I know that it was your card that paid the photographer. I just need to know why, and who told you to do it” and as Jade looked to her letting a tear go, she then realized that Penelope had started to tear up too.
“Jade you have to believe me I never meant to hurt you. You have been so nice to me and I…I did something terrible. I am so sorry Jade” and as Penelope looked to her and Jade could see the sadness that was in her eyes and a deep truth to what she was saying. “Penelope I understand that there might be reasons behind your actions and I know that you are sorry, but I need to know everything. Before I can continue to try and clear my name I need your help. You may have set me up but I know that you wouldn’t do it unless you had no choice. So please tell me what you know” and as she looked to Penelope and took her hand gently as if starting to plead with her in just her eye contact. Penelope took in a deep breath “I am so sorry. I didn’t know that it was going to happen the way that it did. It was my only way to stay in court. I was told that if I did this that I would never lose my spot. That no matter how much I mess up or how often I talk about my poodles that I would never have to worry about it” and as Penelope looked to Jade, Jade could see the pain that was in her eyes. Jade looked at her and said “Penelope please, who told you to do this? I know you have other reasons to why you did it but right now I just need to know who put you up to it” and as she looked to Penelope, Penelope covered her mouth trying to hold back a sob. “I….I don’t know what will happen if you find out now or later but I can tell you that you are going to have two very angry males around you once you find out who it is” and as she wiped away her tears and looked right to Jade she took a deep breath and as she stalled again, Jade looked at her “Please Penelope I need to find out who…” and before she can finish Penelope looked down to the ground for a moment and then back up to Jade. “It was Bastien” and as Jade looked to her with a questioning look to her face she said “Bastien? As in Liam’s security Bastien? As in Drake’s closest person Bastien?” and as Jade stood there she could feel her heart starting to race as she couldn’t believe her ears. Penelope nodded her head and began to tell them everything from the instructions to the actual act of how she set up the room and everything.
For a few moments Jade just stood there looking at Penelope with disbelief. “I…thank you for telling me Penelope, you have no idea how much this helps and now I have more information to help clear my name” and as they hugged each other Hana was right there with them as Penelope apologized again and then walked off Jade started to feel sick. She could feel her heart starting to race knowing that she would be telling the two men that she cared for the most that Bastien was the one behind all this. Though as Hana sat Jade down due to looking like she was going to fall over Jade finally let the tears go but not just sadness but because she was now scared knowing that Bastien pulls a lot of power here and as they sat there for a few more minutes to let the nausea go down that Jade was feeling they were soon starting to head back to their rooms. Though once in her room Jade collapsed onto her bed and started to just cry into the pillow knowing that there was like a zero percent chance that she would be able to take down Bastien and as the time passed she soon realized what time it was and that if she wanted to meet Liam she would have to get ready.
Getting dressed and ready seemed to take forever as she re-did her hair and applied just a little bit of makeup, changing into a nice summer dress that she had and then headed out to the car that was waiting for her. Though as she got into the back of the car to head to the Eiffel Tower she pulled out her phone and text Drake “Hey. I am getting ready to meet Liam. But we have to talk. I found out some more information and you are going to want to hear this. I will let you know when I am back” and as she sent that she felt the tears again starting to fall knowing that instead of this being the beginning to the end of clearing her name, it could now very well be the road block that could stop her from ever being cleared.
After about 20 minutes the car finally pulled up at the entrance to the Eiffel Tower and as Jade got out of the car and looked around she saw that there was literally no one around and as she shut the door and turned towards the tower she saw Liam starting to walk towards her. Without thinking at all as soon as she got close enough, she met him almost in the middle and wrapped her arms around him right way resting her head on his chest trying to fight off tears. Liam could already sense that something was off with the way that Jade was holding onto him and as he held her he whispered “Let me guess you found something out?” and as he held her there she nodded and as she looked up to him the tears started to fall. Liam reached in wiping them away. “Come on I want to take you to see something, and then we can talk” and as she nodded and started to following him they were soon in the man operated elevator and they rode that all the way to the top. Once there the elevator guy let them off but then headed back down as thy were now completely alone “We have an hour…that is if you want to stay that whole hour” and as he smiled to her she smiled softly back as they headed to the side of the viewing deck and looked out “Wow this…this is something else. I have never seen something so beautiful and so peaceful” she said starting to smile to him a little bit, her real self-knowing that she was about to tell him something that could break his heart.
Liam walked over to her starting to wrap his arms around her waist starting to hold her close to him as she looked out over the view that was in front of them. “You know this could be a normal stop when we are finally together. Travel all around the world if you want too” and as he started to lean in kissing the top of her head she leaned back to him trying to find the right moment to bring up what she had found out. Jade smiled hearing the words that he said and as she looked back at him he continued “I love moments like this especially when it’s getting harder and harder to get time with people that matter to me, you, Drake, Maxwell, even Hana and Olivia. I just hope that this little tour can make up a little bit of my absence that has been happening” and as he looked to her she nodded. “Liam I know that it’s hard but right now we just have to do what we can. I can almost guarantee that they all can understand what is going on and knowing that if you could you would be around more. I know I personally understand it and we will work through it.” Jade smiled up to him still feeling her heart starting to race a little bit more and as he started to lean in cuddling her to him as they stood there looking out to the city below he leaned in whispering “You know I have been thinking a lot about that first night that we met, how happy we were and how you pulled in every possible favor to show me something that I had always dreamt about, not a lot of people would ever do that for a stranger” and as she closed her eyes feeling his warm embrace around her body she leaned her head back a little bit more when she then felt a kiss on the side of her neck. “You’re just lucky that you made a good first impression” she said with a giggle in her tone “No I am just lucky that I met you Jade. That night meant so much to me, more so than you will ever know” and as she started to turn in his arms to look at him he started to share a story about how his dad would always promise him that he would take him places, but when he would become too busy he would go alone. But that night that she showed him one of the places that he always wanted to see its stood out to him all the time when he thought about it and the more that he thought about it the more it meant to him.
Soon over the next little bit he started to show her to a telescope and began showing her the city including the churches, the rivers, and even the Arc De Triumph. As Jade looked around at the buildings and locations that he was explaining it was perfectly clear that he really knew his history of this amazing city. Though as she watched his passion when talking about the city she could see in his eyes that he loved this kind of thing, loved being out in the open and be exploring, and knowing that she knew that her life with him, if she decided to be with him, would never be a bore. As Liam started to turn her more to him after showing her a few more places, he took her hands and started to look right at her as he said “The way that you have stood by me through all of this craziness, and the engagement tour I have come to realize that you…you are far more than I will ever deserve. I know that I am not the only grateful one either. You have not only stayed by my side but Maxwell, Hana, and even Drake’s and I know that they all love you” and as Jade smiled hearing that she looked to him “Well I love them all too just as if they were my family. I mean everyone here…well besides maybe Madeleine and a few others, I consider to be like my family and that is never ever going to change” and as she smiled to him she soon felt his soft lips kissing right next to her lips. Jade gasped knowing that though her heart was torn she did have to admit to herself that being this close to Liam was starting to get to her, and as she leaned to him just a little bit she started to wonder what their life would be like knowing that he loved to travel and she knew that he would do for her anything that he could.
As they continued to stand there, Liam admitted that he wishes that it was Jade that was standing next to him. During all the events that he had to endure with Madeleine, knowing that it was becoming tiresome, he knew that with Jade it never would be. Though as they started to sit on the little bench that was there Liam talked about everything that was going on with the recent events, telling her the story about how Madeleine wanted to leave Maxwell behind as he was late getting to the limo and he knew that she would never do that to a friend. He also recalled the funny moment that Adelaide decided to fling escargot and almost hitting one of the servers in the face, and although it was funny to everyone else, Madeleine of course was embarrassed by her mother’s mistake. “I wanted to laugh out so badly but I knew that I would then get the look of death, but I know that if it would have been you, I know I would have been able to just look over to you and laugh together. Everything is just always so serious with her and that’s another reason why I know that I might not be able to do this much longer” he said starting to lean to her nuzzling her head and neck as they sat there.
As the time started to continue to just fly by Liam soon leaned in whispering that he should get her back though as they went to stand up Jade brought out her phone and pulled him close for a photo. “What is this for huh?” he asked as she smiled to him “Just something to remember this moment that we did have” and as she smiled to the camera he did too and then she did another one where he kissed her cheek and then another one with goofy faces. Though as she smiled to them he started to turn her to look at him and as his eyes met hers she could see there was something on his mind “Take one more” and as she looked at him a little confused he smiled and started to turn to where more of the city could be seen and as she brought her phone up he leaned in pressing his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. Jade kissed him back as she was holding her phone out and although her mind was racing and her heart beating fast she was able to snap the photo and then soon wrapped her arms around Liam’s neck starting to kiss him back. She could feel the shivers racing up and down her spine as his kiss deepened a little bit more and though he heart was conflicted as she knew she felt so deeply for Drake, she could still feel the heat that Liam’s kisses pushed through her body and as he pulled away hesitantly as if he could tell that she was thinking about something he said “No matter what happens in the end, I want you in my life. I don’t care how but I want you to know that I always want you here” and as he looked her in the eyes she smiled and said “I will be here as long as you want me here” and as he smiled back to her he leaned in again capturing her lips with his again.
Moments later they were interrupted by the ding of the elevator coming up and as he pulled away again and let out a sigh he said “I guess that is our cue. I better get you back huh” and as she cuddled to him as she didn’t want to go, she nodded as he then started to lead her to the elevator and then down to the base of the tower and soon was getting her back to her room. As he walked her partly to her room he knew that he had to stop before getting to her room just in case and as he took her hands he said “I had an amazing time tonight Jade, I just wish it could last longer” and as he looked her right in the eyes there was a tint of sparkle in his baby blues that ignited a fire she didn’t know he could do to her. She looked to him and nodded in understanding as she said “I wish it could too” and as he brought her to him one more time he kissed the top of her head and started to then turn to leave. Jade watched as he walked away again and soon turned and continued down to her room. As she walked back to her room she could feel her head was pounding, what was this new feeling that Liam was awakening in her for him? She knew that she felt that way with Drake but only once had ever felt something more completely for Liam. But soon she started to feel guilty as she knew that she has given Drake so much and barely been given time to be with Liam, but maybe that is the way that it should be. Though as she continued to walk and soon walked past her room she headed to a little sitting area that was down the hall and sat on the couch bringing the pillow that was there right to her chest and began to think to herself about what it is that she was going to do. She knew in her heart that she cared for Liam and knew that her life would be amazing with him – not just because he was going to be King but because of how Liam is as a person in general. Though when she thinks about Drake she remembers the way that he makes her feel and the comfort that she has with him and how, without him, she would probably be crashing and burning right now. Though as the time clicked by she soon dozed off right there on the couch, not even realizing about thirty minutes had gone by.
She laid there sleeping so soundly and so deep that she didn’t even realize that Drake had come into the sitting area, got her into his arms and brought her back to her room. Drake then tucked her in and instead of leaving her right away he sat there on the edge of the bed talking to her as he stroked the hair from her face and stayed with her just in case she had any of her nightmares. Drake slowly got into her bed and cuddled up next to her, trying so hard not to wake her and when he doesn’t immediately fall asleep, he ended up talking to her as he cuddled behind her holding her to him. “God Jade what are you doing to me? Not only do I know that I am never leaving your side, I know that there is something so much more that I have never felt before” and as he whispered that to her he also said “I feel like I am” and as he heard her take in a deep breath as she slept he went quiet. As she continued to sleep, he leaned in pressing a kiss to her head as he then laid there with her through the night never moving an inch.
Jade’s eyes began to open shortly – or what seemed to be shortly later- and as she looked around to the room it was dark and as she started to focus a little bit more she then heard a soft breathing behind her and as she looked over she gasped when she saw Drake laying there in her bed. Knowing that she was out in the sitting area, the last moment she remembers, she soon put two and two together that he must have found her and brought her back to her room. She soon smiled to him leaning over and kissing his forehead gently, but not gently enough as he took in a deep breath and then opened his eyes. In the faint light of the room with the moon shining in she could see how tired he looked. “I didn’t mean to wake you, go back to sleep” and as she smiled to him he looked up to her and before she could even say anything he was leaning up towards her and pressed his lips to hers cupping her cheek with his hand. The kiss was so, so gentle and the way that his lips were in so much control right now she soon felt her body giving in to the temptation as he soon started to bring her over to him and getting her right by his body. His arms wrapped her up as if to be a shield as the kiss started to intensify but as he kissed her again and then pulled way he smirked and said “Now I can go back to sleep” and as he smiled and let out a small laugh he held her closer to him and Jade did not mind one bit as she leaned up kissing him again, her hands running up and down his sides and as he felt her hands on him he let out a very muffled moan indicating that he liked the feel. Her kisses became urgent but she knew that they couldn’t do more than that she pulled back breathless as she could see his smile looking right back to her “I could get used to this you know, sleeping in the same bed night after night” and as he looked to her she nodded her head and said “I could see it too” and as she looked to him he soon brought her right to his chest as they both dozed off into a dreamland sleep.
Over the next few hours neither one of them moved as they both slept in a deep slumber, right in each other’s arms, holding on to the moments that they did have. Though as the sun started to creep into the room through the curtains, casting a small light over them as they were still laying there Jade soon started to open her eyes and as she did she felt Drake’s arm still around her as her hand was on his chest and as she opened her eyes even more she could feel his head was resting on hers realizing that they really haven’t moved all night. She slowly started to lift her head to look down at him seeing the light starting to dance over his face a little bit she saw how even in sleep he was so handsome. She smiled to herself as she brought her hand up and started to run her hand through his hair as she said “I hope you know just how much you mean to me. I know that this hasn’t been easy for you, but I promise you soon you won’t have to wonder anymore. You have always been there for me and I know that you will continue to be there no matter what happens. I wish with everything that you could see what is in my heart and you would know then just how much you mean to me and how much I feel for you” and as she started to look at him she said “I think I love you…but I just don’t know my own heart yet. I hope that you continue to stand by me through this and then we can finally talk about what I am going to do” and as she looked to him still sleeping she leaned in gently pressing her lips to his in a gentle kiss. Though as soon as she went to pull back she felt his hand cup her cheek kissing her back, and in an instant her heart started to race thinking that he may have heard what she had just said. He soon broke the kiss and said “Well that is one way that I could get used to waking up” and as he smiled to her she smiled back. “I didn’t mean to wake you as you looked so peaceful but you just looked like you needed a kiss” and as she bit her lip he looked to her “You know what that does to me Jade…you and that damn lip bite” and as she giggled she started to look at him and asked “Did you hear anything that I just said to you?” and as Drake looked to her he said “No I just woke up to your kiss babe” and as he smiled starting to sit up a little bit she took in a sigh of relief knowing that she didn’t want him to know just yet.
Over the next few moments they sat there talking a little bit and soon Jade knew that there was something that he did need to know. “Drake, you know how I talked to Penelope about what she did, I…I found out more information from her. I was going to wait until everyone was together, especially you and Liam but I feel like I should tell you alone first” and as she looked to him trying to hide the sadness forming in her eyes she took a deep breath. “Jade you know whatever it is you can tell me, I am here to help. I won’t be able to unless you tell me what you found out” and as she looked to his calming eyes she knew that she had too but she was so scared that he might not believe it. As she looked down he cupped her cheek “Hey, you’re going to be okay. The son of a bitch or just bitch that did this to you is going to pay. I will make sure of it” and as he looked to her eyes he could see that there was a hurt that was there in her eyes. Soon he could tell by the way that she was acting that this was not only going to be hard for her to tell him but it was going to be hard for him to hear. “Jade what is going on, who set up Penelope to hurt you? Who is the one that is…” and before he can even continue she looked to him with the tears falling as she said “Drake it was Bastien. Bastien is the one that paid Penelope to do what she did. I…I didn’t want to tell you like this but I wanted you to hear it first” and as she looked to him he looked as if he was going to be sick. “Jade, please tell me you are pulling my leg right now. Bastien the man that looked after me after my father died, the man that has been protecting Liam…that same Bastien did this” and as she looked to him she nodded feeling her heart starting to swell she said “It was him Drake” and as she looked to him she could see the hurt on his face and it broke her heart.