Kahlem arrives at the tent early followed by Arokin, Bevi, Dax, and Asherah. They go over strategy and its decided that the archers will be the first to launch an attack. Kahlem suggests they coat the tips of their arrows with darkbane and Malich narrows his eyes at him. With Lizbet and his heir in Kahlem’s possession, he has no choice but to comply. He should’ve sent Lizbet away along with his parents, but she held no significance to him. He didn’t take into account what affect her demise would have on her people. Still, he couldn’t see Arya agreeing to take Lizbet in and even if she did, she’d probably end up killing her.
War horns blare causing Lizbet to jump. She’s never been to battle before and truthfully, she’s in no condition to be here now, but Kahlem wants to keep her close. If Malich defects in any way, he won’t hesitate to kill her, placing the blame at Malich’s feet and the Winter Court in an uproar.
The archers ready and loose their arrows at Dax’s command. Many arrows halt midair, changing course mid-flight, heading back towards the archers who launched them and taking a dozen of them out with their own arrows. Three soldiers at the front line for the Seelie Court fall, their bodies twitching from the havoc darkbane is wreaking on their insides.
Dax exchanges a worried glance with Malich before readying the next wave of soldiers. Kahlem gives Dax a nod and he raises his sword sending their soldiers into battle.
When Malich imagined going to war he never expected Arya to be on the opposite side. He always imagined having her at his side. Knowing she’s out there amongst the sea of soldiers fighting for the Seelie Court makes his heart clench. Part of him hopes she chose to stay out of battle, but he knows her. She would never sit idly by while her soldiers fight for her. She’ll join them.
Normally he’d join his soldiers in battle too, but as an insurance policy; Kahlem also keeps him at his side. If by chance Arya should manage to win this battle, he wants to have a contingency plan.
Malich spots Arya amongst the sea of red and white soldiers. “Interesting,” an amused smile spreads across Kahlem’s face.
“What?” Arokin asks.
“They aren’t killing the soldiers, they’re subduing them and rather rapidly I might add,” he fixes a glance at Malich.
A ghost of a smile spreads across Malich’s face. Arya doesn’t want to hurt the men and women she’s come to know as brothers and sisters over the years. Recognizing they have no choice, she’s trying to put them down as gently as possible.
“I hope your negotiations with the Autumn Queen went according to plan,” Kahlem studies the battlefield. “Send word, I want this over and the Seelie Queen on her knees before nightfall.”
Malich nods and has one of his soldiers do as Kahlem commands. He hopes his warning will protect Arya, but he can’t be sure.
As he watches from afar he notices a few of his men carefully approaching Arya, flanking her on all sides. He watches helplessly as she is knocked from her horse, but she rebounds gracefully, rolling onto her feet and charging at them. One she subdues with the butt of her sword to his temple, the second she knocks unconscious with her fist and the third she chokes until he falls unconscious.
Dax and Zahn battle Ihsan and Queen Boleyn’s army. Neither the Unseelie soldiers nor the Autumn Court soldiers have any qualms about killing Malich’s men. Bodies litter the ground beneath the remaining soldier’s feet.
Several yards beyond, the Volc army is also making quick work of Malich’s soldiers. It all seems easy. Too easy. Something isn’t right and he wonders if Arya sees it too. When his eyes find her again red soldiers surround her but they are dropping like flies.
She disappears and reappears subduing the soldiers one by one but many of the other soldiers she subdued are starting to come to. She can’t keep this up. His men aim to kill, not maim. While she’s starting to make a dent in his armed forces, it’s only temporary. If Arya’s plan is to end this war he doesn’t see a way around her having to kill his men.
Restless, Kahlem signals across the battlefield. A short time later, a thunderous sound resonates through the battlefield and the ground beneath his feet begins to quake. His soldiers change formation, allowing Rhinoks to ride through their ranks and into the Seelie Court. Rhinoks are large creatures covered in spikes from head to toe. They charge into enemy soldiers impaling them as they run and trampling those unfortunate enough to fall.
One of the Rhinoks barreled through a line of soldiers until it broke through on the other side. It turns around, barreling through another line of soldiers heading straight for Arya. She doesn’t see it coming. He can’t watch. Malich turns away, clenching his eyes shut and waiting for Arya to scream. A loud roar sounds in the skies and his eyes fly open. Drakor.
Looking up into the sky he sees the massive dragon followed by many others. Drakor drops down behind Arya, rears back and breathes fire at the approaching Rhinok. It disintegrates into ash several feet away, the smell of cooked meat quickly follows.
“I thought the dragons were on ourside?” Kahlem pins Malich with a glare.
“That isn’t just any dragon I’m afraid. His size indicates he is the oldest living dragon in existence and unfortunately he only responds to one persons commands,” Malich replies.
“Who?” Kahlem demands. “Have him brought here to me at once so he can answer for his treachery.”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible. He’s grown a lot since you last saw him, but surely you recognize the Seelie Queens dragon from the night you and your friends tried to have me murdered.”
Kahlem whips his head back out to the battlefield. He clenches his hands into fists so tight his knuckles turn white. “I wasn’t aware the dragon was hers. I was under the impression only Red Soldiers went through dragon training.” As soon as Kahlem finishes speaking Malich recognizes his slip up and says nothing else. But Kahlem won’t be easily deterred. He narrows his eyes at Malich, squaring up with him. “She was one of your soldiers wasn’t she?” Malich watches as Kahlem’s mind races, slowly putting everything he knows about Arya and what she can do together. His eyes grow wide and he whispers aloud to himself, “She’s the phantom.”
A bloodcurdling scream rings out across the battlefield and everyone whips their heads in the direction of that scream. Something about that voice is familiar, but Malich can’t place it.
His eyes search for Arya and he finds her. She’s okay, but she’s no longer fighting. He follows her line of sight to a lone figure. Rayu. He’s standing over someone with pain in his eyes. His sword falls from his hand to the ground and he drops to his knees, pulling the fallen figure into his arms. Red soldiers approach.
Arya makes a run for him, screaming his name but he doesn’t respond. Several feet way, those Red soldiers stalk towards him, swords at the ready. He doesn’t move to defend himself or look up. Instead he keeps his eyes on the bloody figure before him.
“Stop those soldiers!” Malich shouts.
Kahlem grabs him by the scruff of his collar. “We are winning. We will do no such thing.”
Dax doesn’t move. He doesn’t know which King to obey. Malich is his sovereign but Kahlem holds Malich’s leash. “If they succeed in killing him Arya will slaughter any and everyone in her wake.” Malich explains.
“There are always casualties in war brother.” Kahlem smiles. Turning to Dax he commands, “You’ll do nothing.” Dax inclines his head and does nothing.
At Rayu’s back, Arya is running at full speed. She disappears completely and Malich’s eyes trail to Rayu. The soldiers have reached him and red liquid pools on the front and back of his uniform as the tip of the soldier’s sword protrudes from his back. Arya reappears behind Rayu, but she is too late.