Draco's POV
Waking up in the Hospital Wing was not expected. Why was I in here? I don't remember any of the events from yesterday. At all. I rub my forehead and yawn. Madam Pomfrey bustles over, eyes concerned. "Mr Malfoy," She says and hands me a glass of water. "How are you feeling?"
"Lousy," I say honestly. "My arm hurts. And my back. And my neck."
She sighs. "Those boys are always hurting someone." "Who? Someone hurt me?" I ask confused. "Yes, Mr Harlow's little groupies," Madam Pomfrey replies. "You don't remember... anything?"
I shake my head. She sighs and smooths my blanket. "Very well. You need medicine and rest. Drink the water, it'll help." I nod and begin sipping the water. She bustles away. The water is laced with something because I begin to feel drowsy. Madam Pomfrey returns with medicine and I obediently drink it. I fall asleep and in my dreams I remember part of what happened.
I'm tackled from behind by two boys. They pin me to the wall, holding my arms tightly. I try to escape they're grip, but they hold on. "What's the meaning of this?" I ask angrily. "Don't worry. You'll find out soon. Viktor will explain everything." The one boy laughs.
"Ah, Malfoy. Poor little you, pinned to the wall, absolutely defenseless." Henry Harlow's friend, Viktor Rodowski sneers as he struts towards me. Three other boys walk behind him, grinning evilly. "Honestly we're doing everyone else at Hogwarts a favor. We can't kill you sadly, but we can mess you up badly."
The other boys howl with laughter. I hate it. I struggle against they're grip, but they're too strong. "Let go!" I say, clenching my jaw. "How about... no?" Viktor says cruelly. "Don't worry shithead, you'll go the same way your Master went."
I jerk awake. That's all I can remember, but it's enough to douse me in cold sweat. I take the blanket off myself and sit up. Madam Pomfrey gives me water and more medicine. "You can return to your dorm Mr. Malfoy. Take it easy." I nod numbly and walk to my dorm. I take a long bath and just sit in the hot water. It burns my skin but I don't care. I stare at the ceiling. I try to remember everything else- anything else really- but nothing comes to mind. I dry off and grab my sharpest knife. I hover it over my arm.
I bring it down onto my dark mark, slashing the skin. Pain blinds me as blood comes out of the cut. I keep going, bleeding heavily. I toss my knife onto my bed and curl into a ball on the floor. I shake and stretch for the bathroom door but it's out of my reach. The wood of the door is the last thing I feel, before my vision goes black.
Aahhh so Draco remembers what happens before Harry, Pansy and Blaise save him. He tries getting rid of his Dark Mark without much success. What will happen next? Give me your thoughts.
Sorry for slow updating, I've been busy asf, but I'm trying! Hope you enjoyed this new chapter. Thank you soo much for your patience <3
Italics - Memories
Bold - emphasis
Bold Italics - emphasis in a memory