“Ugh, Pep?” Queried Luna, eyes flickering to Penelope and the person next to her who was silently eating a chip. “Who is this?” The boy next to her had a boyish handsomeness about him but compared to Tadashi he paled in comparison. However, she could see why people would lust after the guy, he didn’t have the pubescent teen look, but he did have a few looks that made him look younger than it probably should have.
“This is my boyfriend Kimiko. Kimiko this is Luna.” Penelope answered, smiling. “I’ve never mentioned him because he was at a different school and I saw no point in bringing him up. But now that he’s attending Valkyrie’s education of futures it makes sense for me to introduce him.” She finished smiling pulling her boyfriend into a hug, making him drop his chip and making him grunt in displeasure as he dropped his food.
“Your name is Luna violet, right?” he asked, voice slightly muffled as Penelope put a chip into his mouth.
“Yeah. Why?” she responded.
“Are you not the singer French singer of ‘million-dollar queens’, the one who also recently won an award at a singing competition in Ireland. That Luna Beau Violet?” he asked with a raised brow, ignoring Penelope’s sharp but silent gasp.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” Luna asked back eyes wide in surprise. When she was on stage, she had a lot of make-up and enhancements on along with a wig. Yet somehow this random person was able to tell who she was from just looking at her once.
Kimiko sighed and scratched the back of his head. “Your voice sounded familiar, that’s all really.” He paused for a second as he looked up in thought. “Now that I think about it Penelope has posters of you in her room.”
Penelope’s face went red as she gasped in shock. “I do not!” she cried in denial and punch Kimiko’s arm in embarrassment, which he didn’t even react to as he still had a grin plastered on his face.
“Tell that to the amount of merch – Ow. That hurts woman.” Shouted Kimiko rubbing his shin and Penelope huffed in response.
Luna smiled slightly embarrassed. “it’s an honour knowing that my best friend is a fan of my music. Though maybe slightly worrying.”
Penelope punched Kimiko harder her face turning a further shade of red. “Now look what you did! You made me sound like some creepy stalker obsessed with her!” she shouted further at Kimiko and he merely swayed slightly at her punches.
“I didn’t say that” Luna said with a nervous smile.
“You don’t have to say it to mean it Luna! Oh ma god this is so embarrassing.” She said continued covering her face in distraught.
“No honestly.” Luna said waving her hands “I mean what I said.”
Penelope sighed in relief, hand over her heart and she sighed joyously. “Thank you.”
Luna smiled slightly, “It’s no problem, I don’t mind signing anything you have.”
“Do you mind if you come to mine sometime this week then?” asked Penelope her eye’s pleading.
“Sure,” Luna shrugged, “But do you mind if I ask you a question?” Luna said turning to Kimiko who quietly burped before chugging down a bottle of beer which had appeared out of no where. Kimiko peered downwards and made a “go on motion” with his hands before making an audible gulp and deeply sighing.
“How did you to meet and get together?” Luna inquired.
“How did I meet this sexist ass?” Penelope said with a snort and Kimiko frowned and clicked tongue in distaste. “Shut it, you know its true”, she continued with a raised brow challenging him to disprove her. Kimiko merely grumbled and switched to face the burger that was in front of him and took an almost sulky bite.
“We met at a restaurant I own, I’m also the chef there”, Penelope started leaning back on her chair.
Luna’s eyes widened, “You own a restaurant?” Luna asked flabbergasted.
Penelope shrugged without care, “More like my mother owns it but I’m there more often so I feel like I own it.”
“But you are a chef?” Luna said, pointing her fork at Penelope.
“Yes, suga’”, Penelope answered.
“How are you qualified?” Luna asked again in surprise.
“The same way you are qualified as a singer, but are you going to let me tell you about how Kimiko and I met or no?” asked Penelope hardly, resulting in Luna biting her lip in embarrassment.
“Sorry.” Luna said, ignoring Kimiko’s silent snigger and Penelope’s punch at his torso in response.
“It’s no problem suga’” Penelope smiled lightly equally ignoring Kimiko’s heavy grunt. “We met at my family restaurant. According to my honey here, he followed me to ask me out.”
“Aw” Luna cooed hands together in delight surprise.
“Actually”, interrupted Kimiko. “I was just hungry, and the restaurant was the closest.” He gave Penelope a disgruntled look before huffing and small specks of dust brushed along his cheek.
Penelope merely looked at Kimiko from the corner of her eye with a smug smile and her glass in hand. “So, that’s the reason why you passed thirteen food stores? I don’t think so.” She deadpanned sipping her glass casually.
“There were not any stores there at the time!” He defended, even as the tip of his ears turned red because of Luna laughing at his misfortune. “Be quiet women!”
“Oh, shush you. I’m only teasing,” said Penelope, however that did nothing to quell Kimiko’s embarrassment as he silently growled before picking himself up and walking out of the garden. “Don’t worry he’ll be back.”
Luna merely bit her lip and sighed before nodding.
“Long story short since I want to spare the details, he asked me out a few times. We did what normal couples did and he tries to make life as entertaining as possible. But with you here things have already gotten interesting and its only been a few days since you have been here.” Said Penelope leaning in, fingers intertwined.
Luna frowned and licked her lips. “What do you mean? With a school this big there is bound to be drama enough to sate a lot of people.”
Penelope shrugged. “True but here’s the problem. Everybody knows everybody or somebody knows that person so there is never a big scuffle. Never any excitement.”
“You just want drama,” deadpanned Luna before looking at her phone to check the time and then up from her seat to make her way to class. As she went for her bag, she heard the scraping of Penelope’s chair and paused slightly before getting up.
“Girls got to know what she wants,” shrugged Penelope next to her with a strange look in her eye. “You just happen to bring it.”
“I don’t follow,” responded Luna unsurely.
“I don’t follow,” mimicked Penelope childishly. “How about getting Tadashi Yung’s, one of the sons of a Yakuza boss’ attention.”
“Theory,” interrupted Luna.
“And getting to know him personally,” Penelope continued as if she wasn’t interrupted. “Or what about the newspaper article, which you still need to send me by the way, which has an event that was meant to be completely covered up and ever since you came, the first incident in years has occurred.” Said Penelope without pause.
“He’s only been around cause he is showing me around the town and school.” Started Luna.
“Mmhmm” interrupted Penelope in disbelief as she trecked her way down the stairs with Luna.
“The news paper article was by simply searching it up anyone could have done that.” Luna continued in order to debunk Penelope’s theory.
“I’ve tried a million times, which is why I’ve only heard from rumours and mouth. Could this mean that someone gave you access to it?” Penelope said in thought walking ahead through the desolate corridors.
“AND!” Luna raised her voice to get Penelope’s attention. “An accident is an accident which is why it’s called that.”
“Or it could be a cover up to hide the truth and things are happening behind the scenes.” Ended Penelope mysteriously.
Luna sighed, “Look I’m not some female protagonist from a one of your books where things happen simply because she arrives, all I want is to survive school.” She finished exasperatedly.
“Don’t we all want to survive school?” Penelope asked rhetorically before rolling her wrists. “Look all I’m saying is that some mysterious crap is starting, and we should keep a look out.”
“Pep,” huffed Luna stopping to have Penelope turn around.
“Yes,” Penelope replied slowly.
“Get out the crime/thriller/mystery section.” She demanded before walking away passing Penelope’s gaping form.
The trip to the music department was fairly quiet but enjoyable none-the-less which Luna could attribute to the fact that she decided to leave the roof early, so she didn’t need to run to class.
Opening the door, Luna walked through and stopped in surprise to find Tadashi by himself on his phone. He was wearing a similar set of clothes for the last time she saw him and couldn’t help but lap at her dry lips as discreetly as possible.
The heavy bass of his music echoed softly in the near empty room and just like usual his head was bopping rhythmically to it, although it was clearly a different song than before.
Taking a deep breath, she gathered the courage needed and walked up the stairs. Her feet echoed in the room and a small bit of weight landed on her shoulders as she slid to sit next to him.
Tapping his shoulder, she waited for him to take of his headphones before speaking. “Hey,” she started lamely before chiding herself for the lame start.
“Hey” he responded softly, smiling slightly.
“You’re a fan of rock?” she questioned, hopefully not sounding weird.
“Old school,” he started. “Skillet, Kiss, Beach Boys, The Beatles. Just to name a few if course.”
“That’s pretty far back,” Luna said in thought, “the most recent band of that list is like one hundred years ago.”
“My brother got me into it,” he continued softly, “introduced me to a band I got hooked, of course I like other genres as well such as jazz.”
“Yes, we have something in common!” cheered Luna in thought. “Same I love jazz I sing it all the time.” She finished smiling.
A pregnant silence took over the room and Tadashi looked at his phone before sighing in defeat. Turning it off he turned to Luna and smiled brightly, leaving dust to rise off her cheeks.
“So.” He stared before coughing nervously. “I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me around six?” His voice broke slightly out of nerves.
Luna smiled brightly and squealed loudly, forcing Tadashi to cover his ears even as his lips twitched mysteriously. Luna quickly blushed and coughed to cover it up but the look in Tadashi’s eye made her evade his gaze.
“I would love to go on a date with you,” Luna cheered before giving Tadashi a quick hug which he seemed to gladly lend into. “Just send me the details.”
“That reminds me,” Tadashi started quietly. “You haven’t got my number.”
Almost comically Luna whipped out her phone and quickly unlocked her phone to pass it to Tadashi.
Tadashi watched with amused eyes and quickly typed in his phone number before passing back Luna’s phone and watched her quickly press a few buttons before hearing the loud ring of his phone. Slowly Tadashi looked at his phone before, looking back up at Luna with a raised brow and nodded to himself as he thought of the reason behind it.
“You thought I was tricking you?” asked Tadashi the same way as usual, calm and quiet.
Luna blushed lightly and nodded her head. “I watch a lot of movies of where the guy or girl gives a fake number.”
“Smart thinking.” Tadashi praised with a smile. “Well now you know that this is my real number.”
Luna smiled and simultaneously the bell rang and a slowly children trickled into the class room. Seeing Penelope enter made Luna smile and she quickly rushed to type something on her phone before putting it away as a ping went off in the room.
She watched Penelope sit as her own row filled and look her peaking at her phone before gasping loudly catching the attention of the class and teacher.
“Is something wrong Penelope?” asked Mr. Mein concerned in a frown.
“My friend, Vanessa van shook has gotten a date,” she cheered loudly, peeking at Luna, forcing most of the class room to cover their ears and cringe in discomfort.
Luna leaned back and groaned loudly and closed her eyes, ignoring Tadashi and Dante’s amused look.
“Note to self,” she thought, “Never tell Penelope things ever again,” and palmed her face in disappointment.