Founded on September 29, 1954, "CERN, referred to by its predecessor "European Nuclear Research Council (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire)", is headquartered on the French-Swiss border in the northwestern suburbs of Geneva, Switzerland. , enjoys extraterritorial jurisdiction. The organization has the world's largest particle physics laboratory and is the birthplace of the World Wide Web. CERN has 23 member states. Israel is the first and only non-European member state.
Conspiracy theorists and the supernatural have linked CERN's 2009 experiments with the Large Hadron Collider and quantum computer to the "Mandela effect."
They suspect that the experiment has affected our original life line, that is, the original parallel universe has undergone a space-time jump under certain circumstances and then entered the current parallel universe. The evidence is the "Mandela effect".
In fact, this effect has not been really verified until now.
At the time, a CERN spokesperson also came out to speak about these rumors: "CERN's research arouses fantasies, which is why CERN plays an important role in many science fiction works and even movies around the world... These fantasies should not be compared with actual scientific research.”
Simply put, the mainstream scientific community agrees that this effect is nothing more than collective false memory.
And this situation is all based on false rumors...