As a child i was bullied all through my school years. At the age of 12 i witnessed my mother having a heart attack. That was tough.
Im sorry if this just sounds like a list, but its being chucked out as quickly as possible so i dont forget, or to make sure i dont chicken out and leave stuff i decide i dont want to share. Trying to be as honest as i can.
I come from a big family , and being the youngest, i witnessed lots of things that maybe a child shouldn't.( marriage breakdowns, bad boyfriends. You get the picture. Still not nice to see though).
Suffered with pain in my hip and pelvis since i was a teenager. Tried getting it sorted at different times during my life but no conclusion so gave up on that.
At the age of 20 i lost my father to cancer
That was a biggy.
After that, i got into a relationship that i shouldn't have, and for the wrong reasons. I felt very alone and isolated at a time when i needed someone. 4 years of hell, pretty much.
Age 27 my stunning sister fell ill and passed away before i got a chance to see her. Thats killed me more than anything to be honest.
Got so depressed i left my partner, and in the proccess lost contact with my daughter. Big regret.
In 2011, my mother passed away. (cancer).
2 years later my sister passed away, yes, cancer.
Christmas of last year i left my wife and 5 year old daughter because i was unhappy and severly depressed, i had been fighting my depression for sometime and sadly i had found comfort in someone else, which i shouldn't have, but she brought me back from the brink of destruction.
8 months later and within that time, i have had atleast 10 thoughts of suicide, broke my wifes heart, have been homeless and jobless, can't pay my bills, and feeling very alone. I am now in limbo .
Next time i write will be of all the good things that have happened in all that time. Hope you keep reading .