Julia was frustrated.
Frustrated that her dreams of creating her 'Honey' wasn't coming true because Emma decided to leave for another destination without telling her. For days, she waited for her to come back. She called and texted her but never got a reply. She pressed her ear to the wall to hear any sound of movement in the next room but got silent. She read every ecchi manga on her favorite character; Honey to ease her pain but it made the throbbing in her heart worse. She bought 'toys' which she played with but they did nothing to satisfy her.
"Oh Honey!" she whined staring at the front cover of a girl with huge boobs wearing a revealing outfit. "Where are you?"
Suddenly, she heard movements in the next room. Springing to her feet, she rushed out the door hoping it was Emma but stopped dead in her tracks. Standing before Emma's door holding what looked like a box full of homemade chocolates was Agatha who looked back at her in shock. Annoyed, Julia wrapped and walked back into her apartment to cover herself with her bathrobe for she was wearing black lingerie.
"Are you done embarrassing yourself?" a voice asked behind her. Julia looked back and saw Agatha staring at her with hungry eyes.
"What are you doing here?" she asked back.
"I am here to visit Emma silly. Her friends have been unable to contact her for a while so I came to check up on her."
Julia scoffed at the reply. "Have you destroyed her friend circle?"
"I am still working on it," Agatha said dropping the chocolates on the coffee table. "What about you? Have you f#cked her yet?"
This made Julia turn around in rage. "I would if you didn't come into the picture."
"And you think she is going to let you do that to her after what you did to her?" Agatha chuckled. "Face it b!tch. She isn't going to take you back."
Julia saw red and grabbed Agatha by the collar. Dragging her down to her size, she looked into her eyes and gritted her teeth with rage.
"Let me remind you right here and right now that Emma is mine!" she hissed. "No one is going to take my Honey from me. No one! Not even you!"
Agatha only smirked in response. "What's the matter? Afraid you can't satisfy her?"
At this, Julia let go and looked down in shame.
"I see." Agatha straightened up the collar of her coat and watch Julia bite her bottom lip. Catching onto her predicament, she smiled evilly and walked beside her.
"It seems you bought a lot of toys yet you have no idea how to use some of them," she whispered into Julia's ear. "Do you need help?"
Shocked, Julia turned to look at Agatha who kept up a bland expression on her face. "Why would I need your help? Aren't you after Emma as well?"
At this Agatha let out an exasperated sigh. "Yeah I am but how are you going to keep her when you can't satisfy her?"
The orbs in Julia's eyes widened.
"I have read that manga you are always buying and realized I am familiar with most of the poses inside there," Agatha said with a wink. "I can show you how it is done if you want to keep her."
"Why do you care? You are after Emma as well!" Julia pointed at her with her forefinger. "You want my Honey and I won't let that happen."
"No. I am just here to make her suffer for dumping me that's all." Agatha replied.
"Liar! I know what went down during the Christmas play! You were the one who orchestrated the prank and then dumped her like a piece of trash! After a full term of jumping from one girl to another after her replacement dumped you, you enrolled in that school to woe her back into your arms but she rejected you yet here you are telling me you want to make her pay for not taking you back? Jacka$$! Go pick on another fool because I am not falling for your lies!"
'Sh!t. She caught me! I have to think of another excuse.' Agatha thought and still keeping that bland expression on her face, she said, "What if I told you Magic was the one who paid me to make her suffer?"
That caught Julia's attention. "What?"
"Remember? Back then he was paying us to bully her but stopped when she left. I heard he has been begging her to come back but she refused to say stuff like, 'I'd rather die than go back to that school'. Now, he is paying me to bully her so that she will go back to Peterson High."
She watched as Julia's eyes bore into her and knew immediately she was hesitating. That irritated her. She knew Emma already despised Julia for a lot of reasons but she wanted Julia to despise herself. Surely tricking the boobs-obsessed moron into sleeping with her would do the trick but that would bring up some nasty consequences. One which is revealing to Emma they had sex giving her enough ammunition to destroy the little reputation she had built in that wretched school.
'Maybe I should make her sleep with someone else?' she thought. 'But the question is who would be willing to do that?'
"So you are telling me, Magic is paying you to drive Emma away from that school?" Julia asked interrupting Agatha's thoughts.
"Yeah. His exact words were, 'Go in there and bully her out of that school. You did it once and you can do it again.'"
"That bast@rd!" Julia growled. "He promised Emma was going to be mine!"
It took all of Agatha's strength to suppress the grin on her face. "Yeah! And she is giving me a tough time by exposing what I did to her. So creating a rumor about the pregnancy was the only way out but it doesn't look like it is working."
"The bast@rd!"
"Yeah, it is a cocky bast@rd." Agath folded her arms, closed her eyes, and gave a stiff nod. 'And you are a bigger moron than I thought.'
There was a silence that lasted for a few minutes but to Agatha, it felt like hours. 'How long are you going to hesitate you, idiot?'
"So you are telling me, I need to perfect my girl sex to keep Emma?" Julia finally asked.
Agatha nodded.
"Fine but what's in it for you?" she asks.
'Great!' Agatha had to create a convincing lie. "I don't want Emma to stay in that school but I don't want her to go back to our former school either. Maybe...you guys' sexual escapades can ground her or something?"
"O....okay?" Julia hummed in thought. "But what will Magic say about this?"
"I will gather enough dirt to blackmail him," she replied. "That's the only way to shut him up until you guys leave town."
"Leave town?" Julia batted her eyes and put her hand close to her mouth. "Do you mean enlope?"
"Yes. It's the only way out." Agatha replied and watched Julia's eyes sparkle.
"Okay! Let's do it!" she cheered and Agatha finally allowed herself to grin. "But you must be the one to teach me."
This caused the grin to fade from her face. "What? No way! I can't...."
Suddenly, she was grabbed by the collar of her shirt and dragged down to the midget's size.
"You said you were an expert on Honey's posses in the manga right? Not to mention you also said you were only bullying Emma to leave the school."
The glow in Julia's eyes caused a shiver down Agatha's spine leaving her speechless.
"So teach me. Oh experienced one," she added tightening the grip on the collar of the coat.
Quickly composing herself, Agatha put up a brave face and smirked. "Sure but on one condition."
"And what's that?"
"No one should know about this," she said still keeping that grin on her face. "Not even Emma."
Julia smiled and released her grip on her. "Don't worry. I don't want Emma to dislike me or Magic to catch on to what is happening."
"Good," Agatha said with a huff and as Julia lead the way to the bedroom, she facepalmed with a quiet groan for this wasn't part of the plan.
'Oh well, let's hope she will end up hating herself after Emma figures it out.' she thought taking off her coat.
Emma's POV
"Ugh! My head!" I finally force my eyes open and sigh. My body felt like I was tied to heavy-duty bricks because I couldn't move and all I could do is to turn my head
Everything felt heavy.
"Hello Beloved."
My eye widened and goosebumps filled my skin.
"Did you sleep well? It sure feels like you slept well."
I could hear a chuckle close to me but I couldn't identify where it was coming from. Still unable to move my head, I let my eye do the work and look to the left.
There was nothing but curtains.
So I look to the right.
I see the curtains.
"Darling, I am down here."
'Down where?!' I look down and there he was, resting his head a little below my abdomen.
"Aww, the drugs are still in effect?" he grinned and started caressing my thighs. "Maybe the drug I used to paralyze you was too much but at least it did its job."
'Oh my gosh! What did he do to me? Did he rape me?' I tried moving again but I was still heavy.
While I was struggling to move, he straddled me between his legs blocking the only source of light in the room creating a silhouette but despite the dark figure, I could still see his signature grin and his golden glowing eyes.
"Relax Beloved. I am not an a$$hole. I am sorry for doing this to you this is the only way to get you into my arms without being violent." he combed his fingers through my hair and pinched my cheeks. "And you weren't too hard to find and..."
Slowly, his voice began to fade away and my vision became blurry. Trying to keep my eyes open gave me a headache so I gave up and succumbed to sleep only to wake up later in a dark room. My sleeping position had changed for I was lying on my side. The heaviness in my body was gone and after wiggling my toes, I realized I could move. Feeling the ropes that bound my arms behind my back, I decided to move my legs but something prevented them from moving.
'I think I am bound hand and foot.' I thought. 'Maybe if I...'
"Careful Beloved. You don't want me to make them tighter do you?"
Strong arms wrapped themselves around me, ensnaring me towards the predator who slipped his leg in between mine and started stroking my head.
"Don't make me drug you again Beloved," he whispered as his hand trailed down the side of my body. "I don't like doing it. So, I hope this comforts you."
It didn't and I burst into tears sobbing quietly.
The next day...
"You refused to eat breakfast Beloved and I can tell from the look on your face, that you are not going to eat lunch either."
Bound to a chair wearing nothing but a silk undergarment, I stared back at him in anger but he saw the look on my face and smiled.
"Aww don't give me that look Beloved. After all, we are a couple."
"No, we aren't."
"And why do you say that?"
"We broke up."
"No we didn't." he moved his chair closer to mine and glared at me. "I didn't agree so we are still a couple and I love you."
"You love me?"
He nods and flashed his teeth using a smile. "With all my heart Beloved."
"If you love me then let me go."
This caused his smile to fade away and he tilted his head to the right.
"If you love someone you have to let them go. Tying me up isn't going to guarantee me loving you back."
"But I did let you go," he said staring at me with a blank expression on his face. "I let you go for a month and a few weeks after our first fight. That should have given you enough time to reflect on what happened between us but you didn't. You broke my heart the day you told everyone we weren't a couple anymore."
Listening to that made me groan inwardly because it was like I was talking to a rock. "Well, it's the truth, isn't it? Remember, you forced me into that relationship!"
"I didn't force you. You promised to be with me."
"I did it to save her life but you killed her in the end so the deal is off and you of all people should know that I never loved you to begin with." my heart was beating like a jackhammer. "Why can't you understand that? I don't need you in my life anymore! So get it into that thick skull of yours! You-are-not-my-boyfriend!"
His eyes went dull for a moment and he dug into his pockets to grab a syringe and little glass bottle. Drawing the contents of the bottle inside the syringe he sighed and walked over to me with it.
"I disagree with that Beloved."
Seeing this, I struggle to get out of the ropes that bound me to the chair but he grabbed me by the throat and pierced the needle into my arm.
"I don't agree with that one bit." was the last thing I heard before slipping into the abyss.
Four days later...
"...then he used his master sword to kill the demon guarding the time stone and the scene ended with him giving an evil smile," Jake said gesturing with his hands. "It's a pity it ended in a cliffhanger."
I don't know what annoyed me. The fact he was giving me spoilers of my favorite series or the fact the villain took the time stone before the hero could get to it.
Maybe it was the fact I was still tied to a chair.
"How did you find me?" I blurt out.
"Why that's a strange question to ask Beloved but I will answer it anyway," he coughed a bit. "I followed you."
I wasn't surprised.
"It's a pity I was too busy doing some research on...someone special. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have learned about your trip. Luckily for us, I quickly bought a ticket and took the first flight to the city." then he sighed. "I am a terrible boyfriend for letting you go off to a strange place on your own but don't worry, this time, I won't let you out of my sight."
"By kidnapping me?"
"I told you it was the only way to get you without violence. I would have gotten you sooner but I didn't want to spoil the fun you were having."
"Yeah. All the time you were in the city, I watched you eat something new at restaurants and cafes, explore manga shops, buy new clothes, cosplay as your favorite characters in your favorite fantasy series, meet new people, investigate on your own..." then he sighed. "You spent almost all of your time at a cat cafe playing with the cats they had there and buying some of their merchandise. You even formed a special relationship with a white fluffy cat named Momo and it took you only three days."
He went quiet for a while as he covered his face with his hands. "I was happy. Happy to you smile and to see your eyes sparkle with so much life. Then I got angry. Angry because you were happy without me. It was like what we had back then didn't exist. I never saw your eyes sparkle like that when we were together and it irked me. It pained me to see you happy without me because we were meant to be happy together like a couple."
For some reason, this made me bow my head in shame.
"Why did you run away?"
I don't respond.
"We had something going Beloved but it was gone the minute you ran away," he said. "When I found you, we fought and you left me to suffer in the labyrinth. Do you know how hard it was to get out of there?"
"Do I look like I care if you were stuck there forever?" I ask back.
His eyes widened with insanity and he stood up walking toward the end of the room.
"Dinner will be ready soon my love," he said opening the door. "What do you want to eat?"
"Don't bother. I am not hungry." I snap.
He held the door frame and looked back at me with his insane eyes. "You have to eat Beloved."
I glare at him.
"If you don't, your body system will fail when I drug you."
"Then stop drugging me then!" I yell.
"I can't. How I'm I sure you won't run away? You did that once and I am not going to let that happen again." then bowed his head with a sigh. "I wanted to lay you down and amputate one of your legs but I choose not to because you will hate me for it and I don't want you to hate me but you aren't making it easy. Maybe you are playing hard to get?"
I gave him silence as a response and he shut the door leaving me alone in the darkness only to return fifteen minutes later with dinner. I refuse to eat and bite his hand to prove my point. This caused him to sigh and drugged me again.
Third POV
Jake looked at the bite mark Emma gave him on his hand with sadness in his eyes and ran his tongue over it until his skin was smooth. The image of him running his tongue through her teeth while they kissed aroused him but one fact ruined it; Emma would never kiss him again.
'Why Beloved? Why are you making things hard for us? Why can't we talk like a normal couple? Why can't you see we are meant to be? Why?' he sobbed using his hands to cover his face.
'No. Crying isn't going to solve the issue.' he sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes. 'I have a solution but...I am not sure if it is going to work.'
With that, he stood up from the kitchen table and opened one of the drawers revealing glass bottles neatly arranged by color.
'Maveric caused pain while damaging the nervous system whilst Celine is the antidote.' he thought. 'Dark kills instantly while Lucas well...he causes temporary amnesia if given in the right dose.'
He picked up the green liquid and stared at it. 'We will try again tomorrow Beloved but if this happens again, I will have no choice but to use my partners in crime. Maybe we will create new memories this way but for now...I am out of options.'
So the next day, Jake set the bottle on the kitchen counter and went to the bathroom where he ran the shower before going to the room.221Please respect copyright.PENANAhTATPp5BvD
'Let's see if she's awake.' He thought grabbing the door's handle. 'Maybe she would love to eat this time.'
But the minute he opened the door, his hands shock.221Please respect copyright.PENANA3OXxK5WWtQ
His breath hitched.221Please respect copyright.PENANAbrVO4K4vfw
And right eye twitched.221Please respect copyright.PENANAPqDFxcEguE
He blinked twice, rubbed his eyes and looked again but he wasn't dreaming. There were pieces of ropes on the floor and an empty seat before him.
Emma was gone.
"You know," he gave an evil grin. "Maybe I should have just amputated you."221Please respect copyright.PENANAI2cnFD47o1