*this is an excerpt from a later chapter that hasn't been released yet in Silent-Feet. Enjoy!*
I heard my father finally sit down, the bed squeaking. “Why,” I asked, knowing I’d never get an answer, “why did mother get exiled?” I still didn’t turn around from my desk.
“She was a spittin’ thief. I told you.”
“No!” I yelled suddenly, turning around from my chair, and throwing down the sword. When my father just sat, appalled, I continued, “I know she wasn’t just a thief. There’s something more to the story, father, and you’re too scared to tell me.”
This time, my father said something new: “You’re too young to understand.”
I furrowed my brows. There was more to the story. “You just don’t want to talk about it! Tell me, please. I’ll do anything. I just need to know the full story,” I said, now practically begging.
My father rubbed his forehead. This was always a difficult subject for him. “I’ll tell you when you’re older. And right now, nothing’s going to happen because you’re acting like you’re five. Get your spittin’ act together, Mercer.”
His words caught me by surprise because he was exactly right.
“I didn’t raise a boy to be a boy forever,” You didn’t raise me period. “So start acting like a man. Train in the pit. Maybe one day I’ll tell you.”
And with that, he left. He was still going to marry a strange woman, mother was still exiled, and I was still confined to that shop, serving ruthless monster-hunters.
Something had to change.