Heather bristled with rage at the news of Billie and Akira dating. She shouldn't have; the two were her friends. She loved both of them, truly, but in a platonic way. Why was she angry? Simple. She also had a 'crush,' or what they said.
Who? Norman.
She stifled showing her anger whenever he mentioned Emma. Was he fricking blind? How could he not see that she liked him? Him and Emma weren't even a couple anymore, thanks to Ace, his sister's boyfriend.
She had to get rid of his feelings for Emma somehow. She couldn't blame her for anything—unless...
Heather's mother had been so kind as to pay for her Discord Nitro on her fifteenth birthday. it would help with her plan. All she had to do was copy Emma's username, tag, and find her profile picture for Discord. She would make an alternate account for herself. It was completely foolproof. She had a laptop, which although it didn't work very well, it would do.
She found the profile picture, the picture not being art nor taken by Emma's camera, just by a simple google search. She copied the username and tag after. She couldn't tell the difference. Now for the conversation...
She remembered Norman mentioning a boy named Ray, who was also friends with Emma.
She sent some messages. She made the fake account for Emma say, "Bro like Ray though. Kind of h o t -"
With the alternate account, she wrote back, until her and her alternate account had an entire conversation.
She screenshotted part of it and deleted the alternate account. She changed her main account back, too.
I'll show him the screenshot tomorrow... She didn't even feel sorrow for doing this. A girl would do anything for love, right?
"Heather, you look like you have something wrong. Is it anything?" Norman asked.
"Huh? Oh, uh..." Frick. I didn't think of what I was going to tell him! "I forgot, I had something to show you!" She pulled out her phone and got to the screenshot. She held back a smile. She gave the phone to him, her heart racing. He inspected the picture. He gave her the phone. A silence ran through them.
Then he suddenly hit her on the cheek.
"What the frick!?"
"That isn't Emma's texting style. She's never used any capitalization or anything," he told her with a slight smile and a slightly agitated voice.
"Well, she did!"
"Could I see the conversation on Discord then?"
"Don't you fricking trust me!?"
"I have known you for two weeks, and I've known Emma for half of a year. I believe her over you." He stopped smiling. "Why did you do that?"
"I didn't!"
"Even you lie." Beneath his calm voice, Heather guessed that he wanted to attack her, but he couldn't since they were at the grounds of the high school and other reasons.
"Okay, fine. I..." She stopped. "I've liked you since the day I met you!"
"So, you thought it was a good idea to accuse my girlfriend of cheating? She also told me many times that Ray wasn't even her type," he muttered, not attempting anymore to hide his anger. "I'm keeping the promise I made, Heather." He reached out and pat her head. "I already broke a promise I made with Emma... Goodbye; Don't expect me to unblock you."
Heather felt a tear fall as Norman walked away. Her plan was completely ruined because of her own stupidity.
Heather turns around. "Billie! Akira!" She greeted, smiling.
Billie hits her on the head. "What the frick, Heather!?" She demanded, her voice raising.
"Billie..." Akira started.
"Akira... Billie... I wasn't lying! Please believe me!" Heather pleaded.
"Oh, hell no, I won't!" Billie yelled, bristling with anger. "You lied to him!" She grabbed Heather by the collar of her shirt.
"Billie, stop..." Akira whispered. "Heather, I'm sorry... Whatever my girlfriend says, I agree with..." She muttered.
Billie let go of Heather, giving her time to breathe. Then she pushed her with all force. Heather crashed into the wall.
"Billie, stop!" Akira yelled, seemingly on the verge of tears.
Billie turned to her. "I'm sorry, Akira," she muttered and intertwined her fingers with Akira's.
They both walked away, hand in hand, leaving Heather, heart racing, head pounding, collapsed on the ground, paralyzed by shock.
She had just lost all of her friends. It wasn't her fault.
It was Emma's.
Emma caused all of this, and without even realizing it.
She touched her hand to her forehead, feeling the blood from the gash from when Billie shoved her against the brick wall.
If she couldn't get Norman to lose attraction toward Emma, she would have to make Emma hate him.
"Hello!" Emma's cheerful voice indicated that she was happy to talk to Norman.
"How are you?"
He doesn't reply.
"Hey, are you there?" She asked.
"Yeah, I can hear you."
"I asked how you're doing."
"I'm doing good!" He lied.
"Uh... Heather told me that you-"
"I did nothing." He cut her off. "Heather copied your Discord account and made it look like she had a conversation with you. She tried to make it sound like you were interested in someone else."
"Why did she do that?" Emma asked, a shake in her voice.
"Because she supposedly likes me or something."
"Oh, uh... I have to go. Dinner's ready," Emma told him. "Goodbye..."
"Bye, Emma," he said. "I love you."
"I love you too." She said before hanging up.
"Oh, that's a good thing. You don't use pet names," Jade muttered, sounding relieved.
"No, we don't...?"
"And the fact that you've been together for three entire months, and I just now noticed that is just horrible."
"I mean, you don't really pay attention to anything."
"I touched grass today," Jade announced, looking proud. "And I pay lots of attention to my flowers, if you haven't noticed by now!"
"And not to your relationship."
"We don't go there, Norman. We don't."
"Where? I don't see much bad in making fun of Ace."
"He's a dumbass. You can make fun of him, fine. I love him, but he is easy to make fun of." She stopped there, then she said, "he told me about wanting to move back, and how it's worse for him here than it is there."
"And what was your response?"
"I told him that I didn't know dumbasses could be smart."
"So, I might see Emma again," he whispered, more or less to himself, then slightly smiled.
1021 words.