Wattpad wont work hhhhh
He grips the knife's handle and smiles. I have to... For you, all of you. He points the knife toward himself.
"About that day... did I really mean it? I didn't mean to call you a murderer." He puts the knife down. Should I write a note? Of course, I should...
He writes his apologies on notebook paper and leaves the notebook open to that page.
"I'm coming, Olive..." He whispers. He picks the knife back up, then he puts it on his desk, right by the notebook. I should do it a different way... He thinks. He looks at his window. "Glad my room is on the second floor." He opens it.
"Hey, uh... I know you hate me... because I'm dating you sister or something, but whatever. Uh... wanna watch Death Note with me since I'm bored and lonely and depressed?" Ace knocks on the door.
Norman doesn't answer.
He asks something again.
Again, Norman doesn't answer.
"Can I come in?" He asks.
A third time, Norman keeps quiet. Then he climbs up onto the windowsill.
"Okay, idiot, I'm-" Ace's voice cuts off. "Don't, retard!" He yells.
"Because I don't want you to!"
Of course, he doesn't listen to Ace. He leaves and is now standing on the roof.
"Goodbye, Ace. Never really hated you, so are we good?" He jumps off.
"Hey!" Ace's grey eyes finally show emotion, something they hadn't done in a few years.
"Is he d-dead!?" Jade exclaims.
"No, not yet. He didn't fall more than from his room window... He left a note..."
"What did it say?"
"I didn't read much. The one thing that pointed out to me was, 'I didn't mean what I said to you, Emma. You aren't a murderer.' or something," he says.
Tears well up in Jade's eyes.
"Come on," Ace says, holding his hands out.
Norman opens his eyes. Damn, I'm not dead? He looks at his hands. What? Am I invisible? He looks around him. He seems to be in a hospital. Why am I in the hallway... Is it a dream? Why is Jade crying?
Damn, I hate dreams.
A woman walks up to where Jade and Ace are standing. "Um... you two should go home..."
"Is my brother okay?" Jade's voice shakes.
"He's okay, physically. He hit his head real hard, though. He might not remember some things," she tells them.
She breaks free of Ace's grip. "Please... do anything..."
"We will." She walks away.
There's a knock at the door. Jade opens it. "Emma?"
Emma smiles. "Is Norman here?" She asks.
"No... He isn't," Jade answers.
"Where is he?"
"Not here."
"I know what happened..." Emma murmurs.
"Your reaction. You cried. You pulled your hair and called yourself retarded. You would never do that," She answers. "At first I thought Ace broke up with you, but then you said that if he was joking about what he was talking about, you'd leave him." She pauses. "How is Norman?"
"Well, someone said that he hit his head really bad, and that he might not remember things past a certain point, but that physically he's okay," Jade answers.
"How's Ace?"
"He's... He's okay. They weren't very close. He's more worried about me," Jade says. She looks at the spot where Norman landed. There's still some blood. "Do you want to come in? I was watching something, but it's okay. I'll pause it. I can make you some food!"
"No, thanks. I just wanted to ask you that."
"Wait... He left this behind. Before he jumped. I think you might want to read it."
"Thank you."
Emma holds the note firmly. "That's not true," she whispers. Her phone rings and she picks it up.
"Hey," she greets.
"Emma? Oh, you answered... sorry for yesterday. I was just confused."
"It's alright, Ray. If it was someone other than me, you would want to set your house on fire."
He laughs. "Very funny."
"Jade said he hit his head really hard and he might not remember some things. If he forgot, how do we tell him about Olive?"
"I'm not sure... We could figure that out when he regains consciousness."
"I made up with one of my friends yesterday. I couldn't tell you since it was nighttime, and you were here. I doubt anyone would drive me somewhere at ten o'clock." She says and grabs his hand. "Sometimes- I hate myself for this, but sometimes, I hope that you do forget things... Like, everything. It's because I don't want to explain how you ended up here... I could tell you that you'd fallen down the stairs and blacked out... I don't want to tell you that you tried to follow your girlfriend who committed suicide." she tells him.
"I want you to forget so you end our quarrel... I love you; you know? Not a platonic love. It's fine... I just want you to be happy. I would rather you be happy with someone else than you be unhappy with me," she tells him. No reply, of course. He's literally been asleep for two days. "I guess I'm not as selfish as I thought I was, but I'm not bragging." She smiles.
"You'll get better, right? Please tell me you will. Let's see... The only good things about memory loss were already listed. The bad things are, well, the bad things about memory loss... The worst is that you'll think Olive is still alive and that you still love her." She drops her gaze to the floor. "Do I have the heart to tell you that Olive died?" A tear falls down her face. "Please, whatever happens... don't let your heart be broken beyond a certain point again, okay?"
Ugh... my head hurts... No, my entire body hurts. What did I even do? The boy thinks as he slowly regains consciousness. He brings up his hand to rub his eyes.
"Hello..." A tired-looking girl with tan skin, heterochromia, and brown hair greets. "Wait, you're... you're awake!" She smiles, tearing up.
"Huh? How did I end up here? Who are you? Who am I?" The boy mutters.
The girl looks at him, astonished. "What?"
"What happened?"
"Uh... I don't..." She stands up from the chair and leaves the room.
"Wait, hold on! I don't know your name!" He calls after her.
She returns a few minutes later. "I'm sorry... I was shocked that you didn't remember me. I'm your sister... Jade." She tells him. "You, uh... You fell down the stairs and hit your head really hard..." She tells him, then she starts crying. "I'm sorry, I can't act... happy, right now... I'm glad you woke up, but you forgot who I was..."
"Who am I, though?"
1059 words
So, I originally planned that Norman forgot everything, but when he sees Emma, he remembers hating her. Just hating her. Not even why, just he knows that he hated her.