Life has a funny way of demonstrating one's flaws. The day had begun as any other so why would it be expected to end any differently? The salty dirt stung Mark’s eyes as his ragged breathing echoed loudly. His nails digging into the soft ground beneath them, holding his body with all their might. When he said he wanted to experience adventure and nature, this was not part of the plan.
Traveling the world and spending all of his days outdoors was Mark’s dream. It finally became a reality. He loved it and it made him feel at home.
Home. Such a foreign word. Never once did he have roots to put down, a place of comfort. Tossed around from each and every family member that he knew. He was discarded and traded for life on the streets.
The outdoors made him feel at peace. It was quiet. Peaceful. Nothing but the trees and animals to speak with. They listened well and never lectured him about problems with his thoughts or opinions. Maybe he had become too greedy with mother nature and this was now his payback for feeling free. For feeling happiness.
The daily hike that was part of his routine destroyed him that morning. The storm the previous night caused the decomposing trees to fall and block the narrow trail. Having decided against his better judgment, Mark was a proud creature of habit and looked forward. Trudging ahead and climbing over the fallen trunks he heard the crunching sounds clearly beneath his feet. Pride filled his chest the moment his feet touched the other side. “That wasn’t so hard.” The blonde muttered to himself, a smile overtaking his features.
The familiar path comforted him. Birds sang along the treelines. Squirrels scurried along the forest grounds. Sunlight peeking through the bustling leaves. Perfect. The sight at the top was even better as it overlooked the ocean. The clear blue water, sandy beaches for miles. This view was anyone’s dream.
One problem Mark did not account for was the soaked ground that had yet to dry out. The dirt was still soft from the rain and easily sucked his feet in. Not only were his shoes covered in mud, but so were his hands in the constant attempts to stabilize himself.
However, one step too close to the edge made the whole world spin.
The ground instantly gave away from beneath him, adrenaline instantly shooting through his body. With flailing arms, Mark clawed at anything he could as he began to slide. Clumps of dirt and rocks rolled underneath him, only making the task more difficult. As his whole body moved over the edge his fingers dug themselves into the soft ground, somehow finding enough strength to dangle his body. Mark was strong but his upper body strength was lacking. His endurace was low and it did not take long for his arms, hands, and fingers to start aching.
How was he going to get himself out of this mess? There was no one who really knew where he was, no one to check up on him. The fall would definitely injure him if not kill him upon impact. The wind blew salt, dirt, and hair into his eyes making his vision almost useless.
Part of him thought of just giving up and letting what happened, happen. He had no real relationships but he knew well that it was his own fault. Not taking the time and effort to get to know someone. Putting himself out there and taking social risks. It was rather pathetic.
At the ripe age of twenty, was this really the way he wanted to go out? Mother nature had taken advantage of his complacency.
As his grip loosened around the bundle of dirt and grass, he had to make the decision. To let go or to fight. Both decisions were drastically different but would create a dramatic difference in his life.
Life or death?
Mark’s body chose for him, his mind clouded by his own thoughts and regrets. Adrenaline pulsed throughout his body, exploiting the hidden strength within him. His fingers digging at the dirt as his legs kicked, attempting to find solid ground. It was tug-a-war with gravity. Mark would gain a few inches, lose half. The battle was difficult and the earth was not a foe a human should face.
Pain from his fingertips made him wince, no doubt he had lost one or two nails. As his arms and legs continued to scramble, his fingers wrapped themselves around a sturdy root. Getting the leverage he needed, Mark found himself laying on his back, his eyes staring up at the peaceful clouds above him. His breathing was staggered, his heart pounding.
Mother nature taught him a powerful lesson of life. When life hangs on the edge, the true emotions that someone feels springs forward. For the longest time he blamed everyone around him for the way his life ended up. Alone, pitiful, and filled with anger. In fact, it was only his blame to shoulder and only something that he could change.
The true secret of his heart was loneliness. It made his soul sour, darkened, and cold. Yet nature taught him that it did not need to be that way.
Mother nature just had a flair for the dramatic.