“Come on dude we have class to get to!” Mark says tugging on my arm. “Alright! Alright! Stop tugging on me it’s so annoying!” I reply shrugging him off. Mark scoffs at me and starts walking to the classroom. I follow him and take a seat at the back. “Jason! Hey I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out with me?” Some random girl who sat next to me asked. “I don’t know who you are and I know you’re hiding your soulmate mark with makeup, so no.” I answer pulling out my history book. Hearing her sigh in frustration makes me smile a bit. It’s not like I want to hurt peoples feeling but I don’t have a soulmate so everyone always tries to date me, when they have soulmates who love them! It’s annoying that I’m in all the girls, and some guys words, ‘SO F-ING HOT OMG’ when I’m right there!
“Alright class today we have a new student! Come on in.” Our History teacher, Mr. Filly says. A petite girl about 5’2 walks in, her blonde silky hair goes down to the middle of her back. She’s wearing the school uniform for girls, obviously. Though it seems the skirt is almost too short, and I can see all the boys staring at the exposed part of her thighs. “H-hi I’m Clove Mitchell. I hope we can be friends.” Clove says standing there awkwardly. She seemed to have noticed the stares, and held her history book in front of her exposed thighs. “Alright Clove you can go sit next to Jason, Jason please raise your hand.” Mr. Filly says. I raise my hand and she quickly sits next to me. She looks at me for a second and I can see her beautiful green eyes and rosy cheeks. Stop staring! I quickly look back up at the rest of the class and low and behold, the boys near us are staring at her legs. I take off the jacket of my uniform and give it to her. Why didn’t the principal give girls jackets and the right size skirts!? “Thank you!” Clove whispered to me as she covered her legs. I nod and turn my attention back to the lesson. Feeling the glares of the boys that were looking at her makes me happy. They have soulmates that should be ashamed looking at her when she isn’t theirs. That reminds me maybe I can show her around and tell her who has, and who hasn’t found their soulmate. I felt a pang in my chest at that thought, but shook it off.
“Hey, Clove! Do you want me to show you around if you have a free period right now?” I ask running up to her in the hallway. “Sure, thank you.” She accepts with a small smile. Oh my gosh she’s so short it’s cute. Wait focus! Stop obsessing over someone who probably has a soulmate. “So as we walk around and I show you the classes would you like me to tell you has and hasn’t found their soulmates?” I ask as we start walking. “I don’t have a soulmate, but sure!” Clove replies. Taken away by her reply, I instinctively look at my arm. “Oh I didn’t know people couldn’t have soulmates,” I say. Why did I lie! As we walk I point out classes and people without their soulmates. “Oh that’s Vera, she found her soulmate last year but they are just friends because she is a lesbian,” I explain as I gesture to the 5’9 brunette wearing the boy uniform. “Why does she wear the boy uniform?” Clove asks as we walk past Vera. “The girl uniform made her uncomfortable.” I answer. Clove nods, she must understand that. “Oh the bell! My next class is back the way we came from, where is yours?” Clove asks looking at her schedule. “Mine is this way, I’ll see you later,” I answer pointing to the direction we were going. She nods in what looks like disappointment and walks towards her class.
“Jason! Come on we have class!” I hear a girl yell as she grabs my arm. I’m about to tell her off when I look down and see Jessie. “Hello to you too Jessie.” I say patting her head. She’s 5’4, so she’s 8 inches shorter than me. I start getting dragged to geometry. “So how has my little brother been doing?” Jessie asks. Oh yeah, she’s my twin sister and she’s older by 9 minutes. “You’re only 9 minutes older and I’m doing fine.” I answer sitting down at my desk. “Still older!” She says ruffling up my hair then running to her desk. I chuckle and fix my hair. Today is going to be a good day.