It’s the end of the day and I sadly found out that I didn’t have anymore classes with Clove. Jesse is tugging me out the front doors so I can drive us home. Oh did I mention? I am the one who passed their driver’s and can drive but Jesse still got a car and I didn’t! People say the youngest is supposed to be the favorite, they are dead wrong. As Jesse passes me the keys to her red Honda Civic I hear someone yelling my name. “Jason! Jason! Over here!” A girl who I think is Clove yells from across the parking lot. I start walking over and see it is indeed Clove standing in front of a purple Jeep. “Oh! Hey Clove!” I yell back as I walk over leaving Jesse standing by the car door. “Can you help me I can’t get my Jeep started and the engine was smoking earlier,” Clove said as I arrive to where she was. I nod and pop up the Hood of the car. The engine looks really burnt up and some oil seems to be spilling. I inspect it more to find that 2 cords were cut one part of the engine the other part of the oil pan. “Someone cut wires from your engine and oil pan. My guess that guy over there looking at your ass did it because he wants to drive you home and hookup with you,” I say nodding to the Senior with scissors in his hand leaning on his car. Clove shook her head. “Anyway I can fix it?” Clove asks looking at me. I shake my head no. “I can tow your car with my sister’s car though, maybe bring it to a shop then drop you off?” I ask. Clove smiles and nods then goes over to Jesse’s car. I chuckle slightly and follow her. When I got to the car I went to the trunk to grab a tow attacher thing. I climbed into the driver’s seat and pulled up to Clove’s Jeep. Once correctly aligning the cars I attached them. I then started off to the shop. Jesse has her earbuds in and Clove is doing homework so it’s dead silent in the car. This is going to be a long 30 minutes.
I turn up the radio as ‘Jealousy Jealousy’ by Olivia Rodrigo starts to play. Cloves randomly starts singing along and her voice is just perfect even Jesse pulled out her earbuds in astonishment. I make a look at Jesse and she starts recording she better send me that video. As the song ends Clove looks up and sees us in utter shock. Jesse quickly stops recording. “Sorry! I forgot I was in the car with other people, I know I’m bad at singing don’t sugarcoat it,” Clove explains looking down. “That was amazing I don’t know why you would think you’re bad at singing you have the voice of an angel!” Jesse quickly replies. I nod my head in agreement looking at the mirror to see her face flushed red with embarrassment. Maybe the drive won’t be so bad. About 10 minutes later I pull into the parking lot and help Clove with her car. We wave her off then head home.
“So you like Clove don’t you?” Jesse asks immediately after we get in the car. “I don’t know honestly she said she doesn’t have a soulmate and I lied saying I didn’t know anybody couldn’t have one,” I start rambling. Though me and my twin have our differences we are always there for each other. Jesse just looks at me and smiles like the smile I gave her when she found her soulmate. “Why are you giving me that look?” I ask. “I think you two could be soulmates but just don’t know it,” Jesse simply replies. I try to keep my attention on the road but I keep thinking of what Jesse said. Maybe we could be soulmates?