College 200x, gaming LAN parties were the hottest event on Fridays. The whole department would turn into an arcade, the open rooms into game rooms. Each room a different game: Halo, Modern Warfare, GoldenEye, Need for speed, and Ultimate Ninja Heroes. The deans' disapproved, but better us playing games than doing drugs, sex and alcohol.
I frequented most of the FPS rooms, but Halo was my favourite. So chaotic, so fast paced and ridiculous. I sucked at first, using the touchpad on an Acer was awkward, but I figured out what worked best for me. Then total carnage was unleashed.
I dominated most matches, to the point some guys were afraid to play with me. Then they came up with a brilliant idea, to challenge me to one-on-one. They soon found out that was too embarrassing and publicly humiliating. The scores were ridiculous like, 25 to 5, 15 to 1, 50 to 10, then the so called snipers insisted we do sniper battles. Sure, I got my ass handed to me in the first fight, but his win was pitiful, 25 to 23, like what was that? Not much of a win compared to my other matches. The others tried and failed even more miserably.
One guy even came in with a mouse, he was supposed to be the best among them because of his gaming mouse. Got his ass whooped. Now I loved every bit of it, I was used to losing to my cousins during vacations, so winning was fun and addicting. Eventually they gave up on the 1v1s and decided to stick to FFAs —they tried ganging me a few times, but it ended up being more kills for me— and TDMs—my team might lose the round, but it still looked bad on the scoreboard at the end.
I'll never forget one Friday in December, a new guy joined in, he was from a different department and came to have fun. We had a FFA first before the TDM, when he saw the scoreboard he laughed at the guys in the room.
"You guys are getting your asses kicked by a girl? Y'all are such pussies!"
Now he had insulted my guys, I felt bad for them, they were trying their best but I was just better. This guy came out of nowhere, didn't see their humiliation from before, had no idea what was going on and insulted them. I guess they took it to heart a lot more than they let on. Because they egged him to challenge me.
"You think you can beat her go ahead."
"She'll tear you a new one."
"Go on champ let's see you do it."
His ego was higher than the building. He really believed he was the best player on campus just from seeing the scoreboard.
"I bet I can beat you."
I wanted to break him so bad. So I invited him.
"You want a 1v1?"
"Of course! I'll beat you and show these pussies who's the king on campus ."
We played on the Battle Creek map, I still won, but he was good I guess, the score was 25 to 15. Maybe I wanted to beat him too bad and was trying too hard. He said I was using a hack because the pistol couldn't fire that quickly, the others quickly dismissed him, since they also thought the same thing before. Then he insisted Halo was a shitty game and unrealistic.
"Modern warfare is a realistic combat game." he said, also claimed it was his best.
When the score got up to 15-0, he slammed his laptop shut and ran out of the room crying. There was a moment of silence before the other guys erupted into laughter, some of them running after him teasing.
"Who's the pussy now?!"
"You got beat by a girl!"
"Where's the campus king?!"
I broke him. He didn't come back to the Halo room after that and would leave when I went to the Modern Warfare room.
I am not ashamed to say that was one, if not the proudest moment of my college years.