Name: Daffodil
Age: 8 years old
Gender: Female
Hair: Brown and curly with strands of dyed green in it.
Eyes: Dark blue
Skin: Light brown
Height: 3 ft 10"
Birthday: August 3rd, 2009
Death: November 26th, 2017
Hobbies: Bug and animal collecting. Daffodil often wears overalls so she can put lizards and frogs in her pockets to take home. Centipedes don't like to stay in there!
Favourite colour: Black, like the river rocks that pass through her property.
Favourite food: Macaroni and Fairy Bread!
Likes: Putting things in her curly hair as decoration, like leaves, twigs, and flowers. Daffodil also loves filling her gumboots with river water so she can make mess as she walks.
Dislikes: Heights. Daffodil likes to swing from tree branches, but picked a higher one which she fell from and busted her lip on the ground. She has two scars across her bottom lip because of this and doesn't like heights.
Fears: Cats. Daffodil doesn't like the way they always rush up to her so suddenly and have sharp teeth and claws that can be used without reason. The more demanding the cat, the more afraid Daffodil is.
Personality: Cheeky, but can come off as rude. Daffodil doesn't think before she speaks and gets in trouble for saying what she sees as funny. She tries to help her brother do things she likes to do, but doesn't realise his limitations. She almost made him choke once by trying to feed him wildberries.
Family: Daffodil comes from a superstitious family.
She has a brother named Amethyst who is 2 years old.
Her mother gave them names that would help ward off evil and bring in positive energy. She is a strong believer of crystal healing.
Daffodil's father works as a fruit picker for the local farm. He is usually gone for hours on end while Daffodil's mother works on making and selling healing potions and crystals for profit.
Daffodil is adventurous. She often slips away to enjoy the forestry surrounding thier little home.
She also has a crow friend she named Macaroni who she helped with a broken wing. Macaroni did attack her out of fear, but eventually settled when Daffodil kept bringing him food and water each day.
Her mother believes it's a bad omen of death, so Daffodil keeps her visits with Macaroni secret.
Often, Macaroni will follow her as she plays in the river or finds a fun new game she makes up herself. She likes collecting wild fruits in her pockets to show her mother who uses them as part of thier meals.
Because of her wild imagination and curiosity, Daffodil often gets lost in the forest.
Daffodil died at the age of 8 when she wanted to go with her father to see his work.
Not a place for children, he refused to take her.
Daffodil hid in the boot of thier car and kept quiet so she could surprise him. With her father not knowing she was in there, he never came back to open the boot. Being a hot day in an enclosed area, Daffodil eventually died of heat stroke.