No Plagiarism!qSJzze59MyYhSlc9ThlFposted on PENANA Contest: Dialogue Story8964 copyright protection234PENANAMMNrHKlDIs 維尼
Place: 1st8964 copyright protection234PENANAW12fjASHa0 維尼
238Please respect copyright.PENANAzFyTEGWclT
8964 copyright protection234PENANAosPiOoBR7q 維尼
BRIEF MENTION OF BLOOD/DEATH/GRIEF8964 copyright protection234PENANAb3uiw7JzKb 維尼
************************************8964 copyright protection234PENANA3ObMnATRFS 維尼
"It's stopped."8964 copyright protection234PENANAsNayeLSZIM 維尼
"You think?!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAtiaI4YTIqO 維尼
"Jeez, mate, no need to get pressed."8964 copyright protection234PENANAtjLTigZRML 維尼
"No need to get pressed? I am trapped in a tiny metal room suspended in mid air with YOU of all people."8964 copyright protection234PENANAm4OMS3G7vr 維尼
"What's wrong with me?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAg7daK32Awn 維尼
"You're a moron, Lucas."8964 copyright protection234PENANANUFTt8BeKu 維尼
"Am not!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAxs9UjFkHXq 維尼
"Are too!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAc3sXsY7VZf 維尼
"You're acting like a child Charles."8964 copyright protection234PENANAeDMmVhh7NO 維尼
"Technically, I am a child, I'm only eleven.8964 copyright protection234PENANAwvg5MxWms7 維尼
Don't laugh at me, you're not much older!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAfYJYZIekKK 維尼
"I've been alive three whole years longer than you, if your tiny young brain can understand that.8964 copyright protection234PENANAfW8IU00gf5 維尼
Hey- you're gonna hurt your foot if you keep kicking the doors like-"8964 copyright protection234PENANAJt6MTqx28r 維尼
"OW!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAAMoDJGIb9M 維尼
"Don't say I didn't warn ya."8964 copyright protection234PENANAFq7hXzc7lo 維尼
"YOU SUCK!"8964 copyright protection234PENANA9v0HtnD3os 維尼
"C'mon it's not like that hurt."8964 copyright protection234PENANAUMgM6tYaze 維尼
"I hate you."8964 copyright protection234PENANAMZFw26q7Ko 維尼
"Nah you don't"8964 copyright protection234PENANALmrpBrzZ8R 維尼
"Yes, I do."8964 copyright protection234PENANAxJ9p61BFht 維尼
"No, you don't."8964 copyright protection234PENANAde6XyYLgdH 維尼
"YES, I DO. I wish I never had a brother!8964 copyright protection234PENANAEFeqJl0F5y 維尼
...8964 copyright protection234PENANAOGtuRpvt6n 維尼
I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, OK?8964 copyright protection234PENANA41tQOvlKMz 維尼
What, you're just gonna sulk in the corner now? You've been so mean to me since you became a teenager. It's not fair!8964 copyright protection234PENANABt6vqgthVk 維尼
Luke?...8964 copyright protection234PENANA8rNoIbUzOe 維尼
Fine, if you don't wanna talk, we won't talk!8964 copyright protection234PENANAYkHVmbMahu 維尼
...8964 copyright protection234PENANABwHnLpFFwH 維尼
They better come get us soon."8964 copyright protection234PENANApJyNuO0wHw 維尼
--------------------------8964 copyright protection234PENANAmq71JEtHdU 維尼
"Luke? What is that?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAyJIZKdOuo5 維尼
"What is what, Charles? What is so important that you're asking someone you'd rather didn't exist?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAhyOdLW6do0 維尼
"Luke, there's a noise. It's... a grating noise, like someone scraping metal fingers down the sides of the lift."8964 copyright protection234PENANAq8XLXtGL1y 維尼
"I don't hear it."8964 copyright protection234PENANAnVcKtC1Kzt 維尼
"Just listen!8964 copyright protection234PENANAzCqawfR9bJ 維尼
There, do you hear it?"8964 copyright protection234PENANA4T0GqWFZYo 維尼
"I hear it, Charles. It's nothing. Probably someone trying to fix the lift."8964 copyright protection234PENANAigia5PoSXL 維尼
"How would they know to fix it? We snuck out - they don't know we're here. It's not one of the main lifts."8964 copyright protection234PENANA9zrJb4BnXk 維尼
"I don't know, Charlie! Can you just shut up for once?8964 copyright protection234PENANAUJomCycQXJ 維尼
I can't believe this..."8964 copyright protection234PENANAzebKqBGD1a 維尼
-----------------------8964 copyright protection234PENANASCfPGnFbME 維尼
"Damn it!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAoJr0nGZd1w 維尼
"What's wrong?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAGNT0sCEa5i 維尼
"Phone ran out of battery. I can't listen to music anymore."8964 copyright protection234PENANAGU3B0OcVjc 維尼
"That's okay, Luke. We can just talk. 8964 copyright protection234PENANA1XFohdkHkI 維尼
Hey wait, if you had a phone, why didn't you just call somebody to come get us?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAmYWxnJOD0D 維尼
"Oh yeah, Charles, I just didn't want us to be rescued.8964 copyright protection234PENANAFgUjA5lSKQ 維尼
I had no bars, idiot."8964 copyright protection234PENANAi9rteWoy47 維尼
"Oh.8964 copyright protection234PENANAERRNHJBKKq 維尼
So, what should we talk about?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAg8YJAAIUds 維尼
"This is not how I wanted to spend my Saturday; I'm stuck in a tiny metal box with a twelve year old."8964 copyright protection234PENANA0JQ36d6peb 維尼
"We could talk about... sports?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAmnCBY8zWDX 維尼
"You hate sports."8964 copyright protection234PENANAq3Bjf7YsjZ 維尼
"We could talk about... funny memories? Like when Aunty fell into the paddling pool at your twelfth birthday! You know, back when you actually liked me?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAJtddLCXTuT 維尼
"I like you."8964 copyright protection234PENANAW5ydpKPIjF 維尼
"You don't act like it sometimes."8964 copyright protection234PENANA6cgrF5AUvn 維尼
"Well, I mostly like you. Aunt Molly falling into the pool was funny, I'll admit."8964 copyright protection234PENANAM7OGQZwB7R 維尼
----------------------8964 copyright protection234PENANA2k5hyaNy78 維尼
"Don't laugh! Why are you laughing at me, Luke? Stop!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAEJnZ6G4T3h 維尼
"You've got a bit...um..."8964 copyright protection234PENANA4gnk0tSwoL 維尼
"Stop laughing!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAAtNzt0To1b 維尼
"Now you're laughing!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAc30jJn8S3D 維尼
"Am not! Why are, why are you laughing?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAHXFYff6b21 維尼
"I'm laughing at your little giggle. You sound like our cousin Lisa."8964 copyright protection234PENANAQyVvYOUKOl 維尼
"I do not sound like a five year old! 8964 copyright protection234PENANA7KLUDGE8KF 維尼
You were laughing before that, why were you laughing before that?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAnk2T8J3en4 維尼
"You've got a clump of hair standing up. You look like a unicorn. A Charlie-corn."8964 copyright protection234PENANAYRXcDQ0ZzI 維尼
"Hey!8964 copyright protection234PENANATUzp4ZFVqz 維尼
There, is it down?"8964 copyright protection234PENANA0MX5xxffcj 維尼
"Yep, totally. 100% fixed. Looking great."8964 copyright protection234PENANAm6mpPoJCNj 維尼
"Good. Hey, Luke, I'm sorry I said I wish I didn't have a brother. I didn't mean it."8964 copyright protection234PENANAWMs2tnFtfn 維尼
"It's cool, Charlie-corn."8964 copyright protection234PENANAhJqFrc0wKu 維尼
-----------------------8964 copyright protection234PENANAY7wnIKtxTf 維尼
"OH MY GOD!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAGk1bNA1Z8F 維尼
"LUCAS!"8964 copyright protection234PENANAgQZjhkDcK2 維尼
"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD."8964 copyright protection234PENANAqijOD3vDFT 維尼
"Luke are we gonna die?"8964 copyright protection234PENANAqA7xatrqrx 維尼
"We aren't going to die, we're fine. It didn't fall that far - like a- a metre at most."8964 copyright protection234PENANAnymUhw9e4P 維尼
"Luke!"8964 copyright protection234PENANA5BeLLMdFGU 維尼
"We're fine, Charles. We are fine. Totally fine.8964 copyright protection234PENANAl5tof3ZLo5 維尼
...8964 copyright protection234PENANAGhz2hDZosQ 維尼
Stop being such a baby! It only fell a tiny bit."8964 copyright protection234PENANAismmIZ7sgR 維尼
"But Lucas, what if-"8964 copyright protection234PENANACeznQ1C3U2 維尼
"I already told you we are totally fine."8964 copyright protection234PENANANtcWVh1C79 維尼
"But Luke-"8964 copyright protection234PENANAg20n32LZRD 維尼
"JUST SHUT UP!"8964 copyright protection234PENANA9DJ5fymX0V 維尼
It's your fault we're here anyway. Everything is YOUR FAULT."8964 copyright protection234PENANAvCtdDs4H13 維尼
"MY fault? You're the one who stays up late and makes Dad scared and- and is annoying and mean!"8964 copyright protection234PENANACMbJtDvnoN 維尼
"I wish you'd never been born, Charlie. You ruined our lives.8964 copyright protection234PENANAqnWfNNDra9 維尼
I wish you were dead."8964 copyright protection234PENANAt8IsqDjcGO 維尼
------------------8964 copyright protection234PENANA4bIu6c35Kt 維尼
"CHARLIE!8964 copyright protection234PENANAAhE3Ln9mdI 維尼
OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!8964 copyright protection234PENANA99PYfIzVPp 維尼
OW, MY LEG! OW, CHARLES, CHARLES!8964 copyright protection234PENANAG8KI0Ibgav 維尼
Charlie! I think we only fell a few floors, Charlie.8964 copyright protection234PENANANKDKCoNY7V 維尼
Charlie?8964 copyright protection234PENANAR0QXm6WgQd 維尼
Charles? Oh my god, your arm is all twisted. Are you okay?8964 copyright protection234PENANAGfwh1V2TWm 維尼
Please reply. I love you Charles, I'm sorry. Look at me, are you mad? Look, I'm sorry Charlie, please are you okay?8964 copyright protection234PENANAvdVuNd5jT6 維尼
There's blood, there's blood on the...8964 copyright protection234PENANACdWdXua8io 維尼
Charlie - your body looks all... funny...8964 copyright protection234PENANAQ44Ar6592V 維尼
Charles?8964 copyright protection234PENANAZTqYpXcaNp 維尼
...8964 copyright protection234PENANAuqotd0Py5Y 維尼
I'm so so sorry Charlie. Please wake up.8964 copyright protection234PENANAFTkktbSAEx 維尼
Please be okay. I need you."8964 copyright protection234PENANA3bJ2MqjVQw 維尼