Ethan's boots make soft thuds on the marble floor of the palace hallways. He had talked to Nyssa earlier and told her about the way she didn't have to die. If he could convince the King.
It surprises him, how much he cares. Was it her bravery? Her kind heart? The fire in her that would have died in anyone else? Whatever it was, he could admit to himself that he does care and he will help her live.
If he could just convince the King that she could be a great assassin to have on his side. His suit feels like fire burning his skin, a reminder of what he had done and what he had given up. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and arrives at the king's office. He takes a deep breath, steels his nerves, and knocks.
"Come in." He hears and opens the door then closes it behind him. "What do you want, soldier?"
"I have a proposal." Now he has his attention.
"Speak." He commands, taking off his glasses and looking at him with his piercing gaze.
"The girl, the one supposed to fight today, she could be a valuable asset. She killed your finest guard so why can't she kill your enemies? Grant her her life in exchange to serve you." Ethan feels sweat drip down his neck as he anticipates the answer.
"And what says she won't turn on me?"
"I'll make sure she doesn't, you have my word but to make sure, you must take care of her family as in give them a sum of money for her work. If she does turn, may her crime be on both of our heads."
The king seems to be thinking about this and he feels hope in this situation. He shifts from one foot to the other, his back straight and his hands at his sides. For Nyssa, this is for Nyssa, he reminds himself.
"Okay, may it be on both of your heads but only if, and only, if she wins this duel. If she does she will go into training to be an assassin." He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and nods.
"Yes, sir."
Nyssa looks up from the spot on the floor she was staring at. "Ethan." She says like his name is one of a god's. "Did... did he agree?" She stands up and looks at him with wide eyes.
He smiles. "He agreed."
Nyssa relaxes, the tension in her shoulders somewhat gone. "I still have to kill though." It's almost like she's talking to herself. "But it's nothing I haven't done before."
This concerns him. What would have caused the need for her to murder? And how has he never heard of this? He doesn't push, he didn't want to upset her or bring up any bad memories.
"I have to fight in a bit." She says. They both know it. This fight could mean everything, it's the fight that decides.
"You're ready," He says surely. She has to be, he didn't spend all that time training her for nothing. "You're ready." He says again.
She nods the nod you nod when you don't know what else to say or you're not entirely sure of something. The nod that you do when you do it for the other's benefit or where you aren't quite sure yourself.
Ethan walks over and hugs her. Maybe for the last time, maybe not. They don't know what's going to happen. She seems to sink into the hug like before.
"Thanks," She whispers. "I appreciate it."
Then she lets go, grabs her sword, and goes out there armorless. His eyes widen, she's trying to prove something stupid for one blow without the armor she's supposed to have could be a fatal blow.