Nyssa takes in a shaky breath. Ohhhh, this was a stupid idea. She should have put her armor on. What did she want to prove? That she was an idiot? She achieved that.
There was no turning back though, she already stepped out onto the dirt of the arena. She hears murmurs go through the crowd the second they see her and she swallows hard. Her hand grips the sword lightly and then she remembers her training and loosens it.
"You want to loosely grip it, it comes to your advantage because it allows you to be more smooth with your hits and faster" Ethan had said
She walks to the middle of the fighting ring and stands there, then what she sees next has her wanting to throw up and then scream and cry.
Aspen Roach wasn't big, he was humongous. She can literally see his muscles bulging and each step he takes makes a thump. His sword is literally half the size of her body and tattoos are on his forearm.
They cheated, he isn't part of the guard. He's a criminal! A murderer! And she was going to be one of his many victims.
"Hey! That isn't Aspen!" She hears Ethan yell.
Not Aspen...? That means they changed last minute on her! They're probably offering him freedom if he ends her. She takes a shaky step back and Not Aspen's lip curls in a mix between a snarl and a laugh.
"Aren't you pretty?" He taunts. "Such a beauty going to waste."
She mentally curses herself. Why did she think she could do this without armor? She was going to hurt herself if she survived this, she is such an idiot. She keeps her grip loosely on the sword and takes a step back.
He takes a step forward and then charges at her. She ducks out of the way and he stumbles forward like he was expecting to hit her and was relying on that to keep his balance. Taking the opportunity she kicks him in the knee but he recovers quickly and grabs her foot, yanking her towards him.
She yelps and falls on her back, hitting her head on a rock. He grabs his sword and is prepared to put it through her but barely in enough time, she rolls out of the way and quickly gets to her feet in the way Ethan had shown her.
The giant roars in frustration and once again charges at her. This time she's ready and she jumps out of the way and slashes his side in between his armor. Her sword has blood on the blade and she looks over at him. There was red on the outside and he glances down at himself and then goes into a rage.
He's yelling and swinging his sword at her with all his strength and it slashes her arm once as she accidentally stumbles while dodging. The pain is almost unbearable as she looks at it through tears and then she decides it's now or never.
She tucks and rolls under him and once between his legs she stabs her sword up, right into his crotch. Red rains down on her and his body falls backward as she struggles to get away before being crushed. He writhers in pain on the ground and she walks over to end his misery. But before she cuts off his head she says two words.
"I'm sorry."
Then she ends it.