A/N: This doesn't affect the story in any way. I could go a completely different route and Nyssa could end up with someone else or no one at all.
Nyssa smiles at her sister who is jumping up and down chanting 'It's Christmas!' over and over again. She shakes her head, pulls Flora into a one-armed hug, and rubs her sister's head with her hands.
The hands she has killed with.
She couldn't think about that right now, today was supposed to be a time of family, not self-pity. Although a pity party did sound good at the moment... But no Scrooge today.
Flora scrambles out of her grip and sticks her tongue out at her older sister who just snickers. She was just so sassy, she wondered if she was like that when she was her age. Probably not, they both had different childhoods.
Her dad comes downstairs with a huge smile on his face. Since the money they get each month, her dad has been looking better and better but now he was in his seventies and his bones are getting weaker.
The doorbell rings and Nyssa jumps up to go get it, giddy because she knows who is on the other side of the door. Once at the door, she glances in the hallway mirror and smooths down her hair, and pulls at her clothes. Good enough.
With a smile she opens it and greets her husband on the other side with a kiss, one hand playing with his dark hair. She pulls back and takes his hand, leading him into the other room where her family is. There weren't many people but she wouldn't want anyone else to be there.
Her husband traces circles on her palm and smiles lovingly at her. He loves her family, they were always so welcoming to him, although, not at first. Flora runs over and gives him a hug, he hugs her back with his free arm.
"Ethan! I'm so glad you could come!" She exclaims and he pats his sister-in-law's head. She was getting so tall.
"I'm glad I could come to." He takes off the satchel on his shoulder and pulls out the gifts and then places them under the tree, knowing the tradition. The youngest passed out the gifts.
Nyssa and Ethan sit on the floor side by side and listen to her father pray, thanking the Lord for everything and wishing Him a happy birthday.
"Amen." He finishes and Flora jumps up and swiftly passes out the gifts, taking the time to read the names, of course.
She watches as Ethan opens his gift from Flora and her dad. Watching his expression at the new watch. He smiles and immediately puts it on, adjusting the time and everything. She watches him reach for his gift from her and sees his smile widen at the original book, 30 Reasons Why I Love You, made by her own hands. He turns and kisses her cheek.
She can tell Flora is grinning at them and she blushes, turns her head away, and twists the golden ring on her finger.
"Open your gifts, Nyssa." He says into her ear and she shivers, she had mixed feelings about when he did that.
She first grabs the one from her family and opens it, gasping at what she sees. A painting, no doubt made by her mother. The beautiful roses stretch out from their vines and face every which way.
"I thought you would like it for your new house." His father says and she leans over to tightly hug him.
"Thank you." She says kissing his cheek. She carefully puts the picture to the side and goes for her last gift, from Ethan.
She opens it carefully and smiles at what she finds inside. A locket with a picture of them on one side and a picture of her and her family on the other.
"How did you find this photo...?"
"I have my ways." He gently takes it from her hands and moves her hair out of the way, securing it around her neck.
He kisses her softly, "Merry Christmas." He says with a smile. She kisses his cheek and takes his hands.
"Merry Christmas."