"Pheonyx?" I feel someone call softly, but my eyes were too heavy to lift up. "Pheonyx, wake up..." The same voice coos again. "Go away." I try to say, but it was very indistinctive. Even I couldn't understand what I was tryna say.
"PHEONYX PARKER GET CHO ASS OUTTA THE BED BEFORE I GIVE IT A GOOD WHOOPING!" A harsher voice screamed into my ear making me let out a scream, and jump outta bed, twisting this woman's arm behind her back and pinning her to the ground.
"Yo what the fuck?!" Beatrice yelps, snapping me back to reality. "It's just you..." I let out a sigh of relief and get off her back, rubbing my eyes groggily. "Hey how come she doesn't get the knife treatment?!" Amelia whines from her side of the room.
"I'm sorry, knife?" Beatrice looks at us, concerned. "I'll tell you about it at lunch. I gotta go now since I got morning practice today." Amelia sighs, brushing her hair and applying some mascara before leaving real quick.
"Were there really knives involved?" A very horrified Beatrice asks, hoping that I'd tell her that it was just a joke. I was currently sipping on some water, and was too tired to function properly without a decent cup of coffee, so I just shrugged.
"Dear god-" She gasps, walking away to style her natural, raven hair. I stretched a little and let out a huge yawn before waddling to the bathroom to freshen up. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and took a long hot shower to wake me up.
It did work, but I was still sleepy, and since my classes don't start until another hour, I decided to just go to the café to grab some coffee. Because it was a Monday, and literally no one in the right state of mind likes Mondays, I decided to dress true to my feelings.
I may have a garbage taste in fashion, I am certain that they all always suit me. Even if it doesn't, I don't care enough. People usually confuse that with my confidence for some reason though. I'm not even sure if that's a compliment or not.
I then quickly grabbed my bag, and left the dorm without turning back. I already had some essential daggers in my pockets, and my phone was in my hand. As for the keys, I think they're in my bag. Even if they're not, I can always break in incase I get locked out or something.
"Hey, Pheonyx! Wait for me bish!" I heard the familiar voice of Beatrice call me, and I stopped, not turning back. "Where you off to so soon? Class doesn't start in the next... 30 minutes." She informs, checking the time.
"I was just gonna get some coffee. Wanna come with?" I invite. "Oh hell yeah. My mind can't function without a decent cup of coffee." She says, and we both walk to the café together, talking about random stuff.
Since she wouldn't stop asking me about the knife incident yesterday, I told it to her, but for some very strange reason, she assumed that I was joking again. What's with everyone thinking I'm funny? I'm literally just mean. They assume I'm joking💀
"Girl, you either watch way too many movies, or you're just straight up traumatized as fuck." She comments as we place our orders for coffee. "What would you know?" I scoff to myself, and triple my order cuz I desperately needed that.
"Damn bro you're more addicted to caffeine than my pa was to meth-" Beatrice looks at me with widened eyes as I quickly chugged down one of my drinks. "Only cuz your pa was lucky enough to do meth." I sigh, as we began walking to our first class.
We shared a lotta them together, which was kinda odd, not gonna lie. But I decided to not think about that too much. Maybe that really is the problem. Me thinking. Why am I doing that so much? Matthew was right.267Please respect copyright.PENANA4e2Pmq2E0l
I should use this opportunity more positively, and perhaps even enjoy a little.
"So, Beatrice, where did you say you were from again?" I ask her, trying to keep the conversation going, about to have my second drink now. "Oh, I'm from Tex--" She started, but was cut off by her own shriek. Someone bumped into her, and her piping hot drink was now burning her chest, ruining her outfit.
Glad that wasn't me-
"What where you're going." A deep voice grumbles, sending chills throughout my entire body. "YOU bumped into ME!" Beatrice barks, making me stop walking, and turn back. Oh, I think I was supposed to wait there with her for moral support when her drink spilled.
Friendship is taxing stuff.
"My bad." The guy shrugs monotonously. His voice was low and gruff, and he was like really tall. "What's going on?" I ask Beatrice, looking at them both. That is when I noticed this guy's features. He was lean, very very tall, and had dark brown hair, with charcoal-black, void eyes.
"He ruined my outfit!" Beatrice fumes. "You ruined it yourself." The guy rolls his eyes. His tone was flat, and his eyes disinterested. That's when I observed something else as well... He was wearing a black hoodie, and grey sweatpants.
Wait no, that's not the only thing I noticed. The one thing that stood out most about him, apart from his sharp jawline, was his thick accent. He sounds... Slavic. I can't be too sure where from, cuz I wasn't paying much attention. But if I had to guess, I'd say it's Russian.
Holy shit- Russian?!
"Aren't you gonna apologize?" Beatrice then asks the dude. "No. Why should I?" The guy looked confused. "You did not just ask me that-" Beatrice rolls her eyes. "Whatever, I kinda have a class to get to now, if you don't mind." The guy pushes past her, and begins walking away.
That's when I did something really uncalled for. I extended my hand with one of my spare coffees, and he bumped into me, knocking my cup down, spilling it all over himself. "What the fuck did you do?!" The guy snarls at me, his Russian accent very audible now.
"YOU bumped into my hand. This one's on you." I shrug, walking away from there, not wanting to attract further attention. "сука блять..." (Fucking bitch...) I heard him curse under his breath, confirming my theory.
I couldn't help but smirk at myself proudly for getting an extra cup today. Knew it would come in handy. "Holy shit... That was awesome!" Beatrice gazes at me with awe, her mouth wide open. "I know right?" I chuckle, drinking my third coffee.
"You can never go wrong with extra coffee."
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