Soul glanced up from planting flowers and chuckled, Wilbur was running towards him with dirtied gloves and a potted Lily of the Valley.
“Follow me.” Wilbur grabbed Soul’s hand and tugged him away, leaving the spade and potted lily behind as they ran.
Quackity had been spending more and more time away so it was just them, to be honest it worried Soul. Was Quackity distancing himself? They stopped and Soul’s eyes lit up at the sight, he never noticed this…even from his long walks in the morning.
A small pond sat there, with lily pads and flowers surrounding it like a field. A small rock statue sat there, water pouring from it quietly. The statue was almost like an orb.
Soul stared in awe and Wil chuckled crouching down to roll up his pants, Soul blinked.
“What are y- Wil!” he laughed as Wil stepped into the water, it was cold and felt…interesting. Soul sighed and kicked off his boots to join him, he hummed lightly and waded his way to Wil. wrapping his arms around Wilbur’s neck he kissed him, leaning into it as Wilbur rested his hands on the small of his back.
“Wil…” he muttered, Wil looked at him with a raised brow. “Is Quackity okay?” he asked, Wilbur frowned and let Soul tuck his head under Wil’s chin.
“I’m not sure…i’ve tried to ask him but he just shakes it off…” he frowned “did something happen while at your old club? That would trigger anything?” he questioned, it’d been at least a week there was no way if he did do something Quackity would still be out of it.
“I- i know i called him by his name…” he frowned “by accident of course, but he seemed fine with it” he sighed, watching as the water around them shifted. He still had his old powers from when he was king of Oceannia, but he kept himself from using them.
“What name? Quackity or-” “Alexis” Soul muttered.
Wilbur’s body froze, his muscles tensing. Soul frowned and pulled away the feeling of dread filling him.
He grasped at his arms trying to keep from digging his nails into his skin, his anxiety rising. “I fucked up didn’t i…? I thought he was okay with it- he- he didn’t tell me to stop…” he mumbled.
Wilbur grabbed Soul’s hands and sighed.
“What did you do while you were there, to be honest. I already know but i want to hear it from you.” he grumbled, Soul met his eyes and he blushed.
“We uh…got a little carried away…” he trailed off as Wilbur’s finger brushed the still sensitive cuff mark on his wrist, he winced. “We…we didn’t mean to but we got carried away and i wasn’t exactly all the way there, i know you told me to avoid calling him Alexis but for some reason i did it anyways. He didn’t seem to be bothered, h-he told me to keep doing it or wouldn’t let me-” he stopped and looked away, the water rippled as he stared down at it nervously. He’d already said too much.
Wilbur’s hands, rough and calloused snake around the sensitive marks on his wrists before pulling them both up. His lips kissed them lightly.
“He didn’t let you what?” he murmured, Soul’s body shivered and the water quaked.
“He uh…he wasn’t going to let me come…” he mumbled, Wilbur’s lips twitched into a small smile and he pulled Soul from the water to a nearby tree pinning him to it.
Not even a small space between their bodies. Something like anger flashed in his eyes and Soul struggled against Wil’s grasp.
“Wil- i…please.” Soul begged.
“So you let Q rail the fuck out of you that day? And didn’t bother to tell me? Both of you were into it weren’t you. Did you get your rocks off?” he purred against the nape of Soul’s neck, his body trembling.
“You got to rail me the morning before that!” he protested, Wilbur scowled.
“Not alone.” he hissed, his tongue brushed against Soul’s neck and Soul struggled against him, his hips brushing against Wilbur’s before he noticed it.
He was hard.
This wasn’t real, it was an act…right?
Soul hesitated but grinded against him, making him groan aloud. A smirk found its way to Soul’s lips. “Are you still mad..?” he taunted, “is your dick pissed off too?” he whispered, Wilbur’s jaw clenched as his hands found Soul’s hips releasing his hands.
“Stop it.” he warned, his voice seemed to take a darker tone, Soul wanted to see how far he could push this man. This man, the ex-president of L’manberg, a revolutionary, an anarchist.
“Or what~”
Soul held Wil’s gaze, deliberately rolling his hips against his again. The exact time when Wil’s control snaps was obvious and he crushed Soul against the tree, his hand sliding between the button of Soul’s trousers and skin.
Wilbur didn’t listen to him tracing marks down Soul’s collarbone, Soul’s eyes locked with Quackity who had just spotted them and he pleaded for help through his eyes.
“Wil- wilbur stop.” he urged, Wil froze and scowled.
Soul sighed and gestured to Quackity who had stumbled upon them.
“Oh- hey” Quackity said, Soul sighed and pushed Wilbur away.
“Sorry um- can we talk?” he questioned with a frown, Quackity blinked and nodded slowly.
He was definitely out of it.
And Wilbur definitely knew why.
They sat silently on the edge of the pond, Soul’s legs drawn to his chest. Quackity and Wilbur leaning against him, Soul frowned. “Q…” Soul muttered, Quackity hummed.
“Have you been doing okay..?” he questioned, Wilbur sat staring at the water and Quackity chuckled.
“Yeah, I've been fine. Why?” he asked, Soul’s breath quickened as he felt tears come on. He’d never been this sensitive until after he returned, something about time traveling…
“Quackity…please be honest with us” Soul pleaded his eyes shifted away and Q flinched before sighing. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked.
Quackity bit his lip and avoided eye contact with them, staring aimlessly at the water.
“I um…physically? Yes. Mentally and emotionally I’m not exactly sure. Lately I’ve been having, not flashbacks but I’ve been remembering things that I blocked out for so many years…and it’s unsettling and horrifying to say the least.” He sighed and fidgeted with his hands.
“Is it Schlatt?” Wilbur asked, Soul blinked.
Quackity’s body seemed to tense and relax. “Him and Karl, and Sapnap….” He sighed.
Soul stared in confusion. “Who?” Wilbur looked to Quackity urging him to respond through looks.
“Schlatt…is my first husband.” He said biting his lip, Soul froze.
“You- you were married?” He questioned, Quackity chuckled nervously as he scratched his neck.
“Twice actually…I failed to tell you that. Um…Karl and Sapnap are also my exes. Schlatt was a little…abusive in a way. But I never held it against him since we were both a little unhinged although there were multiple times he left me with- trauma.” He frowned and glanced at Wil. “Oddly enough wil helped with some…and um-Karl and Sapnap…we built Las Nevadas, or well I did. I invited them to join me but they chose to join George instead. Abandoned me. And Karl hates my guts now because I tried to kinda sorta kill him I guess…and now that I’ve let myself open again to you guys, I’m scared…” he trailed off, slouching.
Soul didn’t say anything at first but pulled Quackity into a hug. “It’s okay to be scared…especially of relationships.” He kissed Quackity’s head. “Can I tell you something?” He suggested, Q nodded and Wil watched them with a small smile.
“I’ve been scared of relationships since I lived in Pllorian. Especially since my childhood lover turned out to be the villain in my life and married to the other villain in my life. But I’ve learned that even after Dream…and Ren and Dove and all of them…when I met you guys I realized not all relationships are bad. You just have to wait for the right people…” he smiled shyly and Quackity chewed the inside of his cheek.
“Were you hesitant with us…?”
It went silent and Soul caged himself.
“Um. No, no I wasn’t” he lied, chuckling lightly.
The breeze caught their hair and Quackity and Wilbur watched Soul’s hair whip in the wind in hues of blue.
“What happened to Schlatt?” Soul asked, Wilbur hissed in slight warning and Quackity stared at the water.
“He died.”
“Oh.” He frowned. “I’m sorry…”
“He deserved it.” Quackity snapped, Soul flinched causing Wil to lay a hand on Q’s shoulder. He relaxed and Sighed. “Sorry.” He mumbled, Soul didn’t say anything.
He had really only asked to change the subject, the words ‘were you hesitant with us?’ He shivered, forgetting that he was staring at the water.
“Alex.” Soul flinched at the name, snapping out of his headspace. Spotting the water bubble he had unintentionally risen from the water.
“You okay?”
Soul smiled the water splashing Wil, he scowled his hair wet. “Yep” Quackity laughed and Wil scoffed.
Before Soul knew it he was being picked up and tossed into the water, Soul broke out into giggles when he breached the surface and grabbed Wil pulling him in as well.
Quackity sat there laughing.
“C’mon Q!”
Quackity sighed and removed his jacket before jumping in, they all splashed and laughed with each other. Something none of them had had in a long time.
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The house was quiet as Soul sat there reading, Wilbur had gone to see Tommy while Quackity was visiting Slime’ grave again. Which Soul had started to notice he did when he was…out of it.
He stretched and stood to remove the kettle from the stove, his hands cold. It was starting to snow outside. The temperature had dropped increasingly.
As he filled his cup, he hummed swaying slightly as he found himself messing with the water from the spigot when he went to wash his hands. Small bubbles collecting soap and floating into the air before popping and sprinkling him with water, he chuckled and took a sip of his tea.
Something tapped his shoulder and he froze in place, almost choking on his tea.
Void appeared in front of him and grinned, “hey” he beamed, Soul spit out his tea and choked.
“Jesus chrimany Void, don't do that!” he exclaimed in horror, Void laughed and stopped Soul from accidentally dropping his teacup. “Thanks” he sighed.
Void smiled.
“Sorry ‘bought that, how’s your vacay?” he asked. Soul wiped his mouth with a rag and sighed with a small smile.
“Fairly good, when did the council want me back?” he questioned as he left the kitchen to return to his reading spot in the living room, Void followed like a lost puppy.
“Sometime this week, I suppose. Anything interesting happen?” he questioned, Soul shrugged.
“Not really.”
Void blinked “you know it intrigues me how attracted to mortals you are” he chuckled “they seem boring” he mused, Soul shrugged.
“It depends on the people, some are fairly amusing” he smiled gently, Void sat on the arm of a recliner.
“Weren’t you a human? And literally married to humans?” Soul questioned, Void blinked and sighed.
“Yeah- yeah i was” he laughed gently, Soul rolled his eyes.
“You confuse me.” he stated opening his book as he sat down, Void muttered to himself and Soul glanced up at him.
“Is everything running smoothly out there?”
Void looked at him blankly before grinning. “Oh! Yeah, they’re contemplating your trial.” he beamed. 112Please respect copyright.PENANA0rWTxdQQzq
Soul shivered.
He was excited but he also didn’t want to leave.
“Has anything been said?” Soul questioned, Void frowned and bit his lip.
“Well…yes a couple of things.”
It went quiet as Soul’s eyes slowly met Void’s. His eyebrow cocked basically saying what.
“They want you to be able to open your own domain…as well as be able to control your magic to its full potential,” he explained. Soul didn’t say anything and stared, his feathers fluffed slightly and he sighed.
“Void, you know I can't open my domain, I've tried…” he spoke coldly, Void sighed.
“I know, Soul but you have to try. Just one more time. You’ve got to join, once you join we can fix the council, make it better” he exclaimed, Soul scowled.
“Void. I can't. I can control my magic just fine but I cannot open my domain, you know that. You’ve watched me almost die!”
It was quiet and Void fidgeted with his fingers.
“I know…but every god almost does, it’s part of the trial…” he mumbled. Soul frowned.
“Fine. I'll try.” he snapped while sipping his tea, Void beamed.
“Well, with that I should get going. I’ve got a project to work on, so i’ll see you on the flipside” he grinned going to leave, Soul scowled.
Void turned to look at him, a portal opening up next to him, he cocked his head.
“Are you sure everything is okay up there?” he asked, Void stared in silence. His eyes seemed to go dull and he frowned.
“Yeah. i’m sure.” he stated before leaving,
Soul sighed and rubbed his temples. He should probably start packing again.
Soul’s hair whipped around him as he rode out into the countryside, plains of flowers and deer and horses always relaxed him. He was scared to say the least, to at least open his domain. He tried before, and Void was there…he almost died. Why was this a requirement? Why couldn’t he just live in the essempii?
“Woah!” Soul called, Coal slowed to a stop in front of a ravine. This was new, he hopped off and patted her flank before making his way to the large crack in the earth.
It was normal rock before plunging into absolute darkness with flecks of blues and chirps from odd creatures, he stared.
Coal whinnied and Soul ran back to her, “sorry girl, c’mon let's find a place to practice.” he smiled, she nudged him in the side and he mounted her again.
They took off again, the wind whipping through his feathers and ruffling them.
Something flashed and Soul pulled Coal to an abrupt stop.
“You don’t plan on practicing by yourself do you?”
He froze. Slowly he looked up at the figure who was standing there, a hand on her hip with a small barely visible smile beneath her large mushroom hat, all sorts of trinkets hung from it.
She smiled and pulled her braid over her shoulder. “That’s the name.” she giggled, Soul stared as he dismounted Coal and pulled her into a tight hug.
“How are- how are you here? I thought you left to return to your home after Theorium?” he stuttered, she laughed.
“And i thought you lost your memory when you fell through that portal, which i was indeed correct. I visited Void, he said I could find you here and that you might need help with magic.” she shrugged, twirling her staff Soul chuckled.
“I…can’t believe you’re alive, I was sure you and the others wouldn’t have made it out” he said with a small frown, Thila smiled and punched him gently in the shoulder.
“All of us Divines made it out, some with injuries from the disease but we survived. Everyone’s probably busy with divine duties.” she explained, Soul scoffed lightly and hugged her again. She laughed.
“Alright, alright. Let’s get your practice in and then we can catch up”
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Soul tossed his jacket aside and Thila watched him “so, what exactly are you having troubles with?” she asked, Soul didn’t respond at first and bit his cheek.
“Opening my domain. Mainly…but everytime i try I almost die.”
Thila nodded and thought for a moment.
“Well. most gods struggle at first but i don’t think i’ve witnessed someone almost die opening their domains…” she frowned in thought, Soul sat down and crossed his legs.
“Does it have anything to do with time traveling?”
Thila blinked before cocking her head. “You know…you bring up a good point, it’s possible.” she hummed for a moment. “Do you have control over travel?” she asked, Soul shrugged.
Thila chuckled to herself “well that's not a promising answer. Well since I'm a healer, I want you to try and if anything goes wrong I'll stop it.” she reassured, Soul nodded.
Soul closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again, glowing white the ground around them shook and pieces of land rose glowing white beneath them like they were enchanted by angelic power.
Thila watched curiously as Soul started to struggle, visualizing opening a portal and going to step through. Only for his eyes to start to bleed, and blood dripped from his nose.
Thila’s eyes widened as the light got brighter, the loud sound of ticking filling their ears before it all stopped and it went back to seconds before he started. His body slumped and he fell forward. Thila ran over and grabbed him, placing a finger to his forehead.
“Asai, lia vennia.”
Soul gasped and clutched at his heart, she sighed in relief wiping the blood from his skin. “I’ve never seen a god struggle with their domain before…especially in your case. Maybe you’re not meant to open it yet? Like a fate thing?” She asked.
Soul shivered.
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Soul froze.
He wasn’t meant to open the portal…or go through it?
“Maybe we’re not supposed to open it?”
“Oh don’t be silly.”
Soul stared at the ground. He pushed Ren…he pushed him to open it. He was a failure, a horrible being of divine time.
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Soul coughed his eyes returning to normal again.
“Are you alright?” Thila questioned still holding him, Soul didn’t answer he only pushed away from her and ran towards Coal. mounting Coal he pulled her reins.
“I-im sorry…i need some time alone. Explore, I don't know, I'll find you when I'm ready…” he fumbled over his words before taking off, Thila stood slowly and crossed her hands.
She sighed.
“That poor thing…he needs to heal before he can even begin to open such a dangerous thing…”
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Soul lowered himself under the bathwater, the warmth and bubbles curing his anxiety the best it could. His nose peaked just above the surface as he pulled his knees to his chest and stared at a picture on the wall, the couple picture Q and Wilbur wanted with Soul before he left.
Soul bit back his tears and sniffed before eventually they broke out, he did this. He ruined everything. He killed millions, He blew up a nation, he trusted Ren, he stole, he fought. None of this would have happened if he hadn’t pushed Ren to open that portal when he was curious about magic.
A knock jarred him from his daze, wiping his eyes he squinted at the door through the darkness. He’d shut the lights off and lit candles.
“Yeah?” he called, The door opened and Wilbur peaked in.
“Mind if i join?” he asked, Soul smiled gently and nodded. Wil smiled and stripped before stepping in and sitting down, holding his arms out so Soul could lay against him.
Wil was warm even before he sat in the hot water, his body beneath Soul soft yet firm. Soul relaxed into his touch, Wil’s hands playing with Soul’s long hair in strands. Occasionally giving him head scratches.
“How was your day?” he asked, breaking the silence. Soul frowned. He was hoping he wouldn’t ask that.
“It was…okay.” he said quietly, Wilbur eyed him as he brushed his fingers through Soul’s hair.
“Just okay?”
Soul nodded.
“Okay…how was dinner? What’d you make?” he questioned, Soul smiled lightly.
“Dumplings? Without me? How could you” he mock teased with a distressed look, Soul giggled. Wilbur beamed and kissed the top of Soul’s head.
“Was it good?”
“I burnt them..”
“Oh-” Wilbur couldn’t help but smile gently at Soul’s horrible kitchen skills, the best Soul could do in the kitchen was make tea and coffee. “Want me to make you some after this? We can eat together…” he suggested, Soul’s eyes lit up.
“Can we?”
Wilbur laughed and nodded. “Of course.”
Soul smiled and nuzzled against Wilbur.
“How was your day?” Soul asked, Wilbur hummed lightly watching the candles flames flicker, reminding him of a friend.
“It was decent…Helped Phil with some prep stuff for his trip.” he said, Soul nodded. Right Phil was moving. It seemed like everyone was…
“What Happened to Techno?” Soul asked curiously, Wil bit his lip and smiled sadly.
“He went exploring, i assume he went to Hypixel to visit family.”
It was quiet again as they laid there in the warm water, steam coating the mirror candles flickering.
“Soul…” Soul looked at him.
Wilbur looked worried all of a sudden and he turned Soul so his back was against Wil’s chest.
“If something was wrong, would you tell me?” he questioned.
Soul didn’t answer at first but responded with a silent nod, Wilbur bit his lip. “Promise?” he asked, Soul nodded again.
“Promise.” he lied, Wilbur smiled.
“Thank you…”
“When's Q coming home?” Soul asked, Wilbur squeezed Soul gently.
“Not sure…” he planted a kiss on Soul’s neck and Soul smiled. “Hungry?” Wilbur asked, Soul hummed in response and they got out. Soul dried off while Wil drained the tub and got dressed, shaking out his hair over the tub Wil blew out the candles and pulled Soul out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.
“Now, sit here and I'll make you the best dumplings” he grinned, Soul giggled and sat at the table pulling his knees up to his chest on the chair watching as Wilbur oiled a pan and dumped in the dumplings.
“How are you so good at cooking?” Soul asked with a small smile, Wilbur poked at the dumplings with a spatula.
“What just because I look like I live on the streets doesn’t mean I don't know how to cook” he teased, Soul laughed.
Wilbur hummed a tune, almost like an anthem as he made the dumplings, Soul’s attention was dragged to the big window by the table. Looking out at the stars.
“I have to go back soon…” Soul mumbled, Wilbur froze his eyes widening in horror. “Something feels off…like a rift.” Soul finished, Wilbur frowned and scooped the dumplings out and onto a plate as he sprinkled seasoning on them.
“Is it a bad off?” he questioned, Soul bit his lip.
“That's the thing…I can't tell. It’s like a dog getting confused over a mixture of bleach and methamphetamines.” he explained, Wilbur sat next to Soul stabbing a dumpling with a fork and eating it.
Soul chuckled.
It was silent for moments on end as Soul ate the dumplings, sharing with Wilbur before Wil stood.
“Stay here, I'll be right back.”
Soul nodded and watched Wil race off upstairs, Soul bit his lip and finished his dumplings just as Wilbur returned with two coats.
“It’s snowing…want to walk?” he asked, Soul stared for a moment before nodding with a smile.
Wilbur helped Soul put the coat on and they made their way out. It was quiet out, the sight of frosted trees and fresh snow caught Soul off guard as they stepped into it with a crunch.
“Do you like snow?”
Soul glanced at him and smiled. 112Please respect copyright.PENANA32dQZiPnpF
“I- i do yeah…” he stuttered, WIlbur beamed.
“Me too”
They held hands as they walked deeper into the forest, the sounds of wolves howling jarring them but they shook it off and continued on. Maybe they’d run into Quackity?
Wil pulled from Soul’s grasp and Soul looked around for him “wil?” he asked, no answer.
The feeling of dread and loneliness engulfed him in one swift motion.
“W-wil?” he shivered. suddenly freezing.
A snowball flashed and hit him directly in the face, Soul stiffened as the snow dripped down his face.
His eyes narrowed at Wil who stood there midthrow.
He crouched down and made one of his own, chucking it directly at Wilbur, Wilbur laughed and dodged it before throwing another.
Turning into a war.
Soul lunged at Wilbur and they fell gently down a hill before they stopped, they laughed as Soul was on top clinging onto Wilbur.
“You scared me” Soul shivered and Wilbur pulled him closer as they laid looking at the galaxies that were more noticeable without lights.
“Sorry” Wil chuckled and Soul smiled, kissing Wilbur gently.
Soul cuddled closer and Wilbur hummed, content.
“Will you marry me…” Wilbur muttered, Soul’s body tensed and he pushed himself up to hover over Wilbur.
Wilbur slowly stood, helping Soul up only for him to get on one knee and pull out a velvet box.
The world around them stopped and Soul’s body ran cold.
No…no. Not this. Not this fear again..he couldn't do it. He can’t.
“Soul…” Wilbur started “I know…everything was difficult up til now but, when we’re together we both feel free and happy…i don’t want to live without you or Quackity.” He smiled, “So, will you marry me?” He questioned.
It was silent and Soul raised his hands to cover his mouth, letting out a choked sob.
“I…” Wilbur waited with loving and patient eyes. “I’m sorry…” he broke into a whisper and Wilbur’s face broke, a portal opened up and Void held his hand out to Soul.
“I can’t…”
Wilbur stared and looked to Void who frowned, disappointed and next thing he knew Soul was gone.
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