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It was cheerful the rest of the week as Wilbur and Tommy took walks and ranted to each other about anything, When Techno and Wilbur got the time they’d race horses. Phil and Kristin would watch from the windows with bright smiles, it was like old times when they were smaller.
Today they were watching as Techno and Tommy were nodding off to the soft strums of Wilbur’s guitar strings, his soft and measured voice putting them to sleep.
The snow was starting to melt as the winter slowly ended, Wilbur’s fingers felt like ice as he strummed and Tommy had cuddled up to him, Techno on his other side.
He glanced up to see Kristin watching with a smile from the window, Phil had left earlier for business with one of his mates.
Wilbur was happy now, but every night when he showered or was left alone for even moments he found himself spiraling. Whether it was relapsing or curled up in the bath wishing someone was there with him, he was slowly giving up.
Tommy jittered and Wil went back to singing, not realizing he’d stopped. Tommy calmed and fell back asleep before Wil’s singing turned solemn and longing, he should write the letter tonight.
It would probably help him…
And as he thought later that night he was at his old desk beating himself up trying to think of what to write.
Kristin was leaving tomorrow morning so he’d have to leave it by her bed before he left to return home himself. Eventually he just scribbled onto the paper, in wide scrawls of cursive he wrote this.
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I hope everything in the council is doing well. I miss you, so does Q. It's not as fun and upbeat without you…I'm sorry I had pounced that question on you so quickly as you were leaving.
I had planned to do it when you came home for a visit, but you had brought up joining the council officially and it scared me so I changed my mind. I thought it would be a waste of time to marry you and you would never be here. Quackity talked me into doing it that night and I was going to propose to him as well.
I just want you to know we love you, it’s okay to be scared of commitment…i know you’re scared because you think you won’t live long enough to raise a family. I know you’re having troubles with your domain. Kristin told me. Death is inevitable, but we’ll be fine.
We can fix this! I know we can…I think we just need a break. A vacation from everything. From our house, from Pogtopia’s festivals, from the council and family. A night like the night you left but make it a month.
The rejection hit me hard. I'll be honest, but I'll be okay and I respect your decision. We all need to heal. But we can’t heal individually, we have to heal together. Please know Q and i are here for you, we’ll listen, we’ll vent and help each other.
I hope you can figure out your domain predicament…stay safe my love.
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~ Wilbur Soot.
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Soul looked up from his mound of papers to see Kristin make her way in, she was lucky the ceilings were so high. She tended to change her size from human to giant.
She waved a letter and Soul raised from his seat as she handed it to him, she fluttered her wings. She smiled.
“It’s from Wil.”
He stiffened, Wil had never sent him letters while he was gone. Had she offered to deliver it? Was it about the rejection? He took it gently and she hummed.
“How's teaching the young ones? I heard they’re learning better under your guidance” she said, pulling at loose threads to start a conversation as she returned to her smaller form.
Soul shrugged, tucking the letter into his papers. He’d get to it eventually.
“They’ve definitely come a long way. Soon they’ll be able to be put in charge of watching essempi’s” he explained. She nodded, the decorations on her hat jingled.
“That's good. I’m glad to hear it.” she responded and trailed off, “soul, i was wondering” she started, he looked at her.
“Would you like help with your domain? I went through the same problem…I may be able to help.” she smiled, Soul blinked.
“I…I don't know. I would love help but i’m not sure how you’d keep me from dying” he spoke, the sun started to rise over the island and spilled golden light in on the two.
She stretched her wings and smiled.
“Trust me, I didn't think anyone would be able to help me either.” she reassured, Soul relaxed and eyed the empty room.
“Then if you’re willing…i would love help”
She smiled.
Wil entered the house and Quackity froze mid dishes. Like an angered wife he placed his hands on his hips and shot Will a look as he hung his coat.
“Where the fuck have you been?” he hissed, Wil flinched and removed his beanie lazily. He looked tired. Like he hadn’t gotten sleep.
“Sorry Q, i visited Phil and Kristin..” he explained going into the kitchen only for Quackity to block the doorway.
“You could’ve told me before you fucking ran off like that you bozo.” he growled, Wil locked eyes with him and Quackity’s hard expression melted.
Will's eyes were dilated. He relapsed.
He gently took Wil’s hands and bit his lip.
“Wil…did you..?”
Wil’s eyes flickered away and Quackity pulled him into a tight hug. “Everything will be okay i promise…” he soothed kissing Wil’s cheek, “just…believe me” he sighed.
Wilbur bit the inside of his cheek and nodded, holding back the threat of tears.
“I sent Soul a letter.”
Quackity tensed as he poured Wilbur some coffee.
“I think we need a break from everything and everyone. Away from everything and everyone, we need to heal together. All of us.” he said, drawing out the word ‘all’. Quackity knew what that meant.
He’d have to confess all his fears and trauma…so would everyone else.
Quackity nodded and handed Wilbur the mug.
They exchanged small smiles.
“I think that's a great idea wil” he said softly, Wil nodded and kissed Quackity’s lips softly.
“I missed you…” he mumbled.
Q ruffled Wil’s tangled hair and chuckled “i missed you too, asshole” he poked. Wil rolled his eyes.
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Soul hummed as he packed his things and grabbed his hat, the veil covering his face as he made his way to the portal hub. He couldn’t fly with his wings like the others could so he was stuck traveling through portals.
The portal in front of him warped and chirped almost, as he made his way through he was presented with the first home in Pogtopia ever.
The one he woke up in, the one he met Dream in.
He turned on his heel and stopped, the sight of a red hat in the distance catching his attention.
Thila smiled. “Hey! You’re back!” she giggled. “I’ve been staying in Kinoko, how have you been?” she asked, Soul nodded with a small smile.
“As well as i could be”
She grinned “did you get your domain?” she asked, Soul sighed.
“almost..Kristin suspects it's because i haven’t unlocked all of my potential magic” he explained as he started walking, Thila followed by his side the familiar sound of bells jangled from her ankles.
“I see…it’s possible. That potential may be trying to kill you since you haven’t used it.” she mumbled, Soul raised an eyebrow. 132Please respect copyright.PENANAnhbWOZ9RIJ
“Maybe it’s not meant to be used?” he suggested, Thila shook her head.
“All magic is meant to be used unless…” she trailed off “no that wouldn’t be right. Most magic is useful, there's no way it would go against you.” she exclaimed.
Soul blinked, she was starting to confuse him.
“Oh well. You’ll figure it out! Anywho, I'm on my way to the city so I'm afraid this is where we will part. Stay safe Soul” she smiled and waved before making her way into Pogtopia’s major city.
Soul stood there and stared before he slipped into the woods, familiar ones. He had planned on apologizing to someone special. If they even still lived there…
It was quiet for the most part, the snow started to fall away. It had been at least two months since he’d been back. He got stuck with lots of paperwork and teaching kids.
He spotted the large mansion and made his way up the steps, his hair flowing behind him just as his own sleeves did. His heels clicked against the concrete.
He knocked which received no answer and then fumbled with the doorknob. He bit his lip when he realized it was unlocked and then pushed it open. Making his way silently into the mansion. The wood echoed and creaked, white sheets covered furniture.
He’d moved.
Of course he had, his husband had died.
Soul turned looking around and frowning, his guitar on his back slipped and he removed it, setting it against the covered couch. It was silent in the mansion, too silent.
He missed the bustling energy and laughter, if only he hadn’t fucked things up.
He had to have been the first one here in a long time, because as he explored everything was covered in sheets and dust. Nothing moved since he’d left.
Something shifted as he stood at the top of winding stairs and he stopped, looking around his heart picked up speed.
Maybe he wasn’t alone.
He never believed in ghosts, but maybe..
He spun around to see a tall Endperson standing there in armor, reflective, enchanted armor. His half and half complexion catching Soul off guard.
“R-ranboo…aren’t you-” he froze and noticed the pale, almost transparent way his skin was. His eyes almost glowed.
“Why are you here?” Ranboo snapped, Soul flinched and his head dropped.
“I was looking for Tubbo…”
Ranboo’s eyes softened and he eyed Soul.
Soul felt a sudden rush of dred, like this visit was a stupid idea. He took a breath and bit his lip clutching a basket of flowers he’d collect on the way there. He knew Tubbo liked Daffodil’s, and Ranboo liked Allium’s.
“To apologize…”
It became eerily quiet and Ranboo swayed before making his way down the stairs.
“Do you know why they don’t live here anymore? Why does Tubbo avoid me even though I'm dead?” he asked, Soul shook his head following Ranboo as he gracefully and silently made his way down the wooden steps.
“I betrayed him. Betrayed my country. Broke his heart and killed a lot of people unintentionally.” he explained, Soul stopped in place and watched as Ranboo stood in front of the golden light.
It spilled in on the both of them, both of them inches away. Ranboo’s tail swaying gently, Soul’s erratic.
“I…i hurt them”
Soul took a shaky breath and Ranboo turned to look at him, tears threatened Soul’s eyes, tears already streamed down Ranboo’s. Ones that irritated his skin and left marks.
“You- I betrayed my country. My friends and lovers…and killed millions. Compared to me, you’re a vigilante…i’m a terrorist.” Soul spoke, Ranboo’s eyes widened and a sparkle seemed to shine through. “You did nothing wrong if Dream controlled you. I did things of my own volition.” he sighed.
Ranboo stared.
“I never-”
“One thing we have in common is we were both used and abused…” he smiled, Ranboo wiped his eyes and Soul ran his fingers through his hair with tears threatening him.
“Ranboo…” he started, Ranboo looked at him. “I shouldn’t be apologizing to Tubbo. I didn’t wrong him, I wronged you. And i- I'm so sorry. I was in the wrong. And in a wrong place at the time, between my memories and aggression.” he mumbled.
The endperson’s eyes softened and Soul hiccuped wiping his eyes.
“I promise i’m changing…i just need to heal, and even then that's difficult” he bit his lip, it went silent and Ranboo just slowly made his way over pulling him into a tight hug.
“I appreciate the apology…so while you’re here, let's catch up…i missed talking to you, to anyone” he hummed. Soul’s eyes watered and he smiled.
“Yeah…yeah lets do that”
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Soul quietly shuffled around as he removed cloth from the furniture, how could Ranboo live in such a gloomy place alone like this?
Ranboo hummed as he helped the best he could. “Oh- by the way, someones been staying here lately…but they went to explore. I don't know when they’ll be back” he smiled, he almost seemed happy.
So he did have someone living with him, someone he could trust.
Soul nodded and sat on a couch he just finished dusting and sighed, “I got my memories back…” he mumbled, Ranboo looked at him and stared for a moment.
“No way…you did?”
He nodded.
Ranboo couldn’t help but chuckle in glee, “i’m so happy for you” he grinned, soul smiled.
Ranboo sat on the floor next to the couch, his legs crossed like a child.
“So how’d you do that?”
Soul shrugged “I think it was when I went to kill Endorria…i went into her domain and then went back in time to kill her. Turns out there were two different traitors…” he explained, looking sort of solemn but shaking it off.
Ranboo nodded.
Soul yawned and Ranboo stood with a small smile. 132Please respect copyright.PENANAzxg3vMg5Jf
“Well, I'll let you sleep,” he said, Soul smiled.
“Thanks” he mused curling up on the couch as Ranboo stood, within moments Soul was out like a light. Ranboo stopped and smiled, in all honesty the endperson missed Soul around…he slipped his hands under Soul’s waist and lifted him as if he were a bride and carried him up to his old room.
He shouldn’t have to sleep on a couch.
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Wil sat on the front step, his leg bouncing up and down with anxiety, Q was pacing in front. The snow starting to sprinkle. Soul was supposed to be home days ago, Wilbur dug his nails into his skin and Q grabbed his hands.
Wil sighed.
“Q, he hasn’t shown up yet. Either he’s missing and got himself into a problem or…he’s not coming home.” He mumbled sadly, Quackity looked at him with a sad expression but ran inside and returned with swords and coats.
“Come on. We’re going to look for him.” he encouraged, Wil stared at the sword Quackity held out to him and took it gently, sheathing it and then tossing on his coat. The one that smelled like Soul because he would wear it in the early mornings to collect herbs, the one he’d wear when Wil was gone and he was down, the one he had left with Soul that day.
They trudged through the snow and clasped hands as they did, the sun setting once more. Making it four days that Soul hadn’t come home, The sun vanished and left them in a forever blue hour and stars.
Quackity’s hand tightened and Wil looked to him, Q was determined but Wilbur could see the worry and the fear. He squeezed Q’s hand in reassurance and Quackity met eyes with him smiling gently.
“Maybe we should split and look?”
Wilbur nodded and they traded kisses before going different ways, Quackity quickly made his way through the thick forest looking around desperately and completely forgetting about the monsters that came out at night.
Q would never admit it to anyone else but no matter how much Soul pissed him off or they got into arguments he loved him dearly. More than he thought he could love anyone, maybe the two of- no the three of them were bound by fate.
Before Soul, all Wil and Quackity were, were fuck buddies. And now…they were all lovers. Maybe it was the blood on their hands? Or the thrill of the rivalry like love? Or…it was because of a single red string.
Something clattered like the sounds of trembling bones and then there was a piercing pain in Q’s shoulder, and a shoot of venom in his leg. He hissed and collapsed.
Soul clutched his scarf closer to his face to shield the wind and stopped when he spotted someone in the forest, was it Wil? Then there were two more. A boney figure and…
His memories flashed and he covered his mouth, tears sliding down his cheeks as he watched Quackity crumple in the thin layer of snow, he growled in anger and horror and unsheathed his sword twirling it before running at the skeleton.
It trembled, the bow in its hands being loosed with an arrow. Soul glared through stinging tears as his scarf blew into the snow and on the ground, the arrow clipping his cheek before landing on a tree behind him.
He raised the sword and slashed the skeleton in a diagonal movement,the skeleton retaliated and the spider hissed jumping at him.
Quackity trembled and stuck the spider with a dagger, blood flowing before the spider crumbled. Soul’s eyes widened and he kicked the skeleton down before stabbing it fully in the head where the crystal was. It screeched and turned to ash.
Soul fell to his knees next to Quackity and kissed him gently before pulling back, Q was exhausted getting hit with a wave of nausea within moments.
Twigs snapped and Wilbur had joined them, his eyes wide in worry as Soul held Quackity in his lap.
The poison was already spreading.
“Stay still, this is gonna hurt” Soul said panicked. Quackity watched in silence as Soul gripped the arrow and yanked it out with one swift movement, Q arched and sobbed aloud. Soul stuffed his scarf on the wound to slow the blood and Quackity held back cries of pain as the venom turned his leg black, almost like Soul’s hands.
“You came back…” Quackity mumbled, Soul made a swift hand movement over Q’s eyes, closing them gently.
“Shhh, yes i did”
Wilbur just watched, he didn’t know what to do.
Soul closed his eyes and sighed, biting back tears, Wilbur’s eyes widened with worry.
He opened his mouth to say something but Soul shook his head mouthing the words ‘i’m sorry’ this whole thing had to have been his fault. He had stayed with Ranboo far longer than he thought he would.
A tear slid down his cheek as the memories rushed in, the droplet hitting Quackity’s skin and rolling down it. Quackity’s eyes fluttered open and Wilbur stumbled backwards.
“I’ll get you help Dove I promise! Just hang on!” Dove’s face was pale, his hair almost looked like a d busty purple. Like he was on his deathbed…his limbs were limp as his breathing was shallow. Alex had ran carrying Dove on his back.
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Soul’s eyes were open wide, turning completely white. The sound of bells tolling jarred Wilbur as he stood and stumbled back against a tree, Quackity stared before he fell limp again.
Soul looked down at Quackity, his hair billowing out around him as a rush of wind surrounded them, his eyes starting to ache. He gently placed his hands over Quackity’s wounds, the feeling of time rushing backwards but not quite was odd.
Tears streamed down Soul’s cheeks, at least he assumed they were tears until his vision started to blur.
Quackity gasped as his wounds stitched back together like a needle and thread, like they never happened.
Wilbur stared in horror as thick drips of blood escaped Soul’s eyes each time he blinked. The bells stopped tolling and the sound of ticking filled Soul’s ears as he fell to his side in the snow.
Quackity caught him and his heart raced as Wilbur tored the hem of his sweater off, wrapping the yellow cloth around Soul’s eyes.
Soul fell gently on the ground, looking around at the forever midnight sunset, His domain…
It was a huge chapel with high ceilings and arches, melting clocks of all colors and sizes, candles hovering in the air like it was a harry potter film.
The floor was clear tiles showing the infinite void, a crystal hovered above the podium in the very front of all the pews.
He turned slowly in awe before rushing to a window to look out at the sky, it was a large ticking clock, the hues of a forever night sunset contrasting with it.
Soul couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling of glee filling him, before he remembered Quackity and Wil. his eyes all of a sudden seemed to hurt like they were in pain.
Soul gasped and sat up swiftly, his eyes hurt and he crumpled over his legs biting his lip to hold back cries of pain.
That was it…he had to sacrifice something in order to figure out the magic he needed to learn before opening the domain. That was it…what did the others give up?
Quackity pulled Soul close and Wilbur rested his head against Soul’s. “Shhh, ignore the pain. We’ll get you help” he reassured, Soul wanted to roll his eyes but it hurt too much.
“Yeah right. Ignore the pain my ass, it fucking hurts man” he sobbed, Wil and Quackity exchanged glances. They were more so closer to Phil’s than their own house now.
“Help me put him on my back” Wil urged, Quacktiy nodded and soul weakly was put on Wil’s back, holding on for dear life. Next thing he knew they were trudging through snow.
Eventually reaching Phil’s.
Phil glanced out the window and dropped the plate he was washing before sprinting out the door.
“What the hell happened?”
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