Soul turned to see Void with a wide grin, he clutched his papers in his hands against his chest and blinked. 125Please respect copyright.PENANAuyd7ZzP60I
“What's up?” he questioned, Void hummed and circled him. “What are you..a vulture?” he poked, Void chuckled. 125Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZH4OVSxGA
“When's your birthday?” Soul stared, his eyes narrowing.
“Just answer it.” Void snapped, taking the papers from Soul and flipping through them. Soul sighed.
“It’s in March”
Void raised an eyebrow. “How old will you be?” he asked, Soul rubbed his brows. 125Please respect copyright.PENANAMsuEOLoDRd
“You’ve known me for how long and don’t remember my birthday or age?”
Void went to say something but stopped himself.
“Exactly. Figure it out” he smirked gently flicking Void in the forehead and fixing his pin before walking out with his papers, the sound of giggling filled the hall and he spotted Idris slide around a corner and wave to him as she ducked into a small crevice behind a tapestry.
He grinned and slipped next to her.
“Why are we hiding?” he whispered, she giggled.125Please respect copyright.PENANAmK9JY2hyZa
“Kristin and I are playing hide and seek,” she smiled, Soul chuckled.
He’d forgotten how quickly time flies, it had already been at least a year and Idris grew nothing like a regular human. 125Please respect copyright.PENANAgpBc0KFxML
She was as smart and as big as a nine year old, she looked like a mixture of Endorria and Ren…it was unsettling but he adored her. Heels clicked down the hall and Idris placed a finger to her lips.
Soul grinned.
“Idris~” Kristin cooed, Idris bit her lip to hold back a giggle.
Soul froze when he accidentally knocked over a jar and Kristin stopped in her tracks. “Gee I wonder who could be hiding behind this tapestry.” she purred, Soul and Idris exchanged glances and her eyes flashed purple.
A giggle echoed down the hall and another thing fell, Kristin laughed.
“Oh you trickster” she smirked making her way down the hall again, Soul and Idris waited til it went silent before breaching into the large hall of the palace. 125Please respect copyright.PENANAmPfpadogQw
He looked at Idris who smiled. “Look at my new dress, dad!” she exclaimed, Soul smiled.
He always found it odd how he could only see her clear as day but everyone else was blurs of colors or just black. “It’s beautiful, did Leysa make it for you?” he questioned, Idris’s purple and blue eyes lit up. 125Please respect copyright.PENANARugjaxLVt2
“How’d you guess!?”
He chuckled and straightened out his papers.
“I know her handy work” he smiled, idris grinned.
“Daddd” she whined, he looked to her as they walked. 125Please respect copyright.PENANAplYshKGO1H
“What's up?”
She stretched “when are you going to teach me to fly?” she asked, Soul’s body tensed as they walked and he frowned.
“I don't know dear…i’m sorry…Q and i can’t fly very well and you know-”125Please respect copyright.PENANAtZyaWZu7cs
“Because he can only glide and yours are…burnt” she finished, Soul nodded. “What about Uncle Will? He can fly” she suggested, Soul froze in place.
“Where did you hear about him?” 125Please respect copyright.PENANAlX6QaiRR4X
“From mamaw?” 125Please respect copyright.PENANAxqBr2MBlJh
Soul sighed and brushed aside a strand of his hair, “of course” he muttered.
“Listen dear…Wil isn’t the greatest teacher so your dad and I will find a better teacher for you alright?” he reassured crouching down to her level, she frowned and nodded. 125Please respect copyright.PENANAZbgJMHUHa5
“Now, show me those wings.” he grinned, She smiled and stretched them out. The large wings that were webbed and strong always shocked him into admiration.
He’d never seen such unique wings except for Endorria’s.
“Beautiful.” he smiled, She giggled and tackled him to the ground.
“There you two are” Kristin laughed, Soul chuckled and Idris laughed as well. She laughs like bells and shattering glass.
“So you found your father.” she smiled folding her hands in front of her, Soul helped Idris up and hummed in amusement. 125Please respect copyright.PENANAJVqUZRpDv7
“That she did.”
Kristin held back a small giggle.
“Krissy, tell dad to let uncle Will teach me how to fly” she pleaded, Soul scowled and met Kristin’s eyes with pleading ones.
“Idris…i already told you.” he hissed, Kristin frowned.
“Soul…I do think it’s about time she learned to fly. If you keep pushing it off, she never will. Wil would be a good teacher.” she suggested, Soul frowned, his eyes flickering to Idris. Covering idris’ ears he shot Kristin a look.
“Did you forget he wanted nothing to do with her?”
Kristin sighed. “Soul. he’s not how he used to be, I promise.” she pleaded. “If i could i would ask Phil but he’s busy and you know that.” she stated, Soul looked at Idris who beamed at him and he scowled uncovering her ears.
Idris’s eyes lit up and she clapped her hands together, Soul didn’t react just walked away and her happiness dropped within seconds.
“What's wrong with dad?”
Kristin sighed with an apologetic smile.
“Nothing dear, he’s just busy. C’mon lets get you acquainted with Wil” she mused, Idris smiled.
Soul quietly made his way down the hall, why? Why now wil. Soul knew exactly what happened.
All of sudden Wilbur wanted to be apart of this and suggested it, and Kristin just waited til Idris asked to tell her. What a stuck up prick. Soul scowled and bit his nail. Quackity was not going to be happy…why now.
You wanted nothing to do with her.
125Please respect copyright.PENANAAKF87HfPUq
Idris sat on Kristin’s desk, her legs swinging playfully. Kristin had left for a few moments to give some papers to Crovan so Idris was alone in her large office.
Something fluttered and Idris jumped off the desk to look, her curiosity getting the best of her as she neared the window. The sky was turning pink, early signs of the sunset. But there was nothing. Odd, nothing could be this far up in the sky anyways.
That's when something black streaked upwards, wind blasted Idris and she stumbled backward. That something slowed and then fell backwards before shooting towards the window, a person. Tall and lanky, slowly and not so elegantly landed on the edge.
He looked down at Idris with curiosity.
His fluffy hair was pulled back into a tiny ponytail, stubble framing his face as his wings, beautiful and dark, relaxed behind him dragging against the marble.
The male peered at the girl with shining brown eyes, his jacket worn, the yellow sweater torn, his jeans rolled and his boots made him look odd. He flicked a coin and caught it just as Kristin walked in.
She looked up from under her huge hat and her eyes lit up.
“Wil!” 125Please respect copyright.PENANAzwqEsqWg3J
He grinned, becoming more welcoming.
“Hey mom” he hummed, She smiled and made her way over resting a hand on idris’ shoulder. “What did you need?” he questioned.
Kristin sighed with a smile and looked at Idris whose wings fluttered and stretched for a moment. 125Please respect copyright.PENANAhc977Sz8s4
“We were wondering if you’d be willing to give idris here, flying lessons.”
It went silent and Wilbur looked at Idris before smiling.
“Of course.”
Kristin smiled and Idris beamed.
“Thank you, wil”
He nodded and poked Idris on the nose. 125Please respect copyright.PENANAY65EftlhJR
“Anything for a fellow avian.” he grinned, kristin smiled. “You don’t mind if I stay for a while to think over some teaching ideas before I start, do you?” he questioned, Kristin shook her head. Her earrings jingled.
“No, not at all.”
Wilbur nodded and Idris was already distracted by a paper butterfly that Kristin had made for her, as he walked away he frowned. Something about that girl felt familiar, and weird…
He shut the door and sighed once he was in one of the many halls, this wasnt his first time here but it had been a while.
As he walked, his hands shoved into his pockets he looked around at the tapestries and marble designs. Stopping to stare at the different painted pictures of each of the gods.
Crovan, the god of shadows and nightmares. His cropped blonde hair made him look like an angel minus the large crow wings he had, his eyes shining a bright green as he held a book, two crows perched on his shoulders.
Then Void, the god of dreams and nothingness. His short, wolf cut purple and black hair made him look menacing for what he was in charge of. His two sets of wings spread, arms spread out from tiny portals holding needles and thread the representation of the dreamscape weaver.
Ivenyss, goddess of trickery and hallucinations. Wearing the dark hooded cloak she always did, it was difficult to tell her features except for her flowing long blonde hair that fell over her shoulders to her hips and the third eye resting on her forehead.
Veylon, deity of creation and wisdom. Their hair bobbed and clothing medieval esc, their eyes hazel and face angelic yet masc. They held a basket of flowers as they walked through a forest.
After Veylon came the twin gods. Lotores, goddess of chaos and curiosity. Dark and beautiful, tied into viking braids. Her clothing gothic and childlike but elegant.
Then Baylhorn, god of memories and peace. His hair was short and pristine white, his eyes a pale blue while he wore light childlike clothing.
Wilbur stopped with a smile to see Kristin’s photo.
125Please respect copyright.PENANAwQIU0DtqRI
The goddess of death and family, her black hair fell in long tresses beneath her large veiled hat. Her dress was long and flowy as she held a skull in her hands, a familiar striped hat sat atop it. Her angel of death, his father. Phil.
Her eyes shone a purple color as she smiled menacingly, she looked terrifying yet beautiful in the image compared to how she actually was.
As he moved along he looked over leysa’s image. Her red hair in a tight bun with a deadpan facial expression. Her armor shone, hiding the muscles beneath.
He stopped in his tracks and his breath hitched, did he miss his induction? Of course he did, he ran.
On the wall, perched in a new frame sat an image of Soul, the new god of time and magic summoning a crystal. His domain. His blue hair floating around him was long and wavy, his pale eyes covered by the same cloth and a large halo that crossed in an “x” over his face, covered in eyes. His clothing was tight yet airy, his wings burnt and not usable.
A laugh caught him off guard and he slowly peaked into a room next to the photos, his body stiffening.
There sat Soul, his legs tucked beneath him as he told a story with his magic to a group of children. Fairies made from gold shimmers flew around, gold dust trailing and vanishing as they danced, Soul’s fingers gently puppeting them.
The kids laughed and giggled raising hands and asking questions, just as the door on the other side opened and someone knocked peeking their head in.
He looked different. His hair was longer and he didn’t wear his beanie, his clothing was crisp and perfect, his suspenders hanging by his legs. He must have just gotten there from Las Nevadas, Wilbur watched as Soul’s expression brightened and he stood.
The kids looked in awe as they left and Quackity bowed gently before Idris ran in and launched herself at them both, they laughed now alone in the room.
Soul kissed Quackity gently who replied holding his cheek before Q crouched down to let Idris onto his back, Soul said something inaudible and a sense of sadness and dread fluttered in Wilbur’s chest.
He was teaching the very child he ran from, Idris said something and Quackity and Soul’s expression turned to a mixture of horror and sadness. Q’s face hardened and he looked at Soul, saying something and Soul sighed trying to explain. Then he realized what they were talking about.
Wilbur’s ears twitched and he listened in.
“I couldn't talk Kristin out of it. I promise and Idris here made it even more difficult when she begged. Trust me, I would much rather Phil teach her.”
Q rubbed his eyes.
“It’s fine. No well, not that he’s teaching but still. We’ll figure it out.” he sighed, Soul frowned, waving a flurry of golden dust over Idris's head making it so she couldn’t hear.
“I don’t understand why he all of sudden decided he wanted to be a part of this. He wanted nothing to do with her.”
Quackity frowned.
“You’re gonna hate me saying it..but, maybe he’s changed.”
Soul rolled his eyes.
“As if. Presidents who betray their own country and continue to terrorize others dont change, Q” he snapped, Quackity scowled.
“You changed…”
“I was a murderer. There's a difference.”
Quackity sighed and hugged Soul, Idris leaned into it.
“Your right” he kissed Soul’s forehead and Soul snapped his fingers.
Wil stood in silence, a wave of regret and depression falling over him as he turned on his heel, walking away.
125Please respect copyright.PENANA6mvg2YDBp3
They weren’t wrong, this was mostly his fault. It was odd that he had appeared again after a year, but what was even more odd was the fact that Idris was only a year old and looked and acted like a nine year old.
Now he felt like shit.
What was his problem then?
Oh- right.
He fidgted with his fingers as he walked, flicking out a cigarette and lighting it, letting it dangle from his lips. Spiraling into his memories.
He remembered when Soul would steal his cigarette and breath in the same smoke as him before they fell for each other over again.
He reminisced on when he left Soul his jacket after their first hook-up, his jacket forever becoming what calmed Soul after a panic attack. The time they sang and played guitar together, and then they met quackity. And it got better…
It got better before it got worse.
Idris reminded him of times way before Soul and Quackity, times when his ex-wife was around. Her red hair shining in the sun as she collected herbs and their son would run around playing war with his friends in his pastel uniform.
He stopped and stared out at the sky as he exhaled smoke.
Back before the real war happened and she left him with his son to fight, never returning.
Wilbur never found out what happened to her until the divorce papers came into the mail, she was alive and happy with another man.
He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before re-tying into it’s small ponytail, heels stopped behind him and a small voice jarred him from his thoughts.
He glanced over his shoulder to see Soul standing there, just as attractive as he had always been. He really could pull off anything. Soul’s expression was confused and pissed, Wil turned and leaned against the railing puffing out smoke to the side.
“Hey there” he smirked, Soul glared and clenched his fists before slapping him hard. The sound echoed across the hall, his cigarette tumbling from his lips to the floor, smoke drifting up as wil stared to the side at the floor.
Soul’s lip quivered as his body trembled.
“Leave. Before i fucking hurt you.”
Wilbur stared and glanced at Soul, wiping blood from his lip with a chuckle as he lowered himself to grab his cigarette, “is that a threat?” he purred. Soul’s boot, pointed and smooth, found its way under Wilbur’s chin as he directed Wilbur’s gaze to him.
“Don’t make me repeat myself. You’re no longer someone I used to love, you’re an enemy. Now fucking leave.” he hissed. Wilbur’s eyes were wide as Soul’s pale eyes peeked out from their cloth, narrow and filled with hatred.
Soul lowered his foot and Wilbur sighed as he stood, placing his cigarette in his lips and raising his arms.
“Fine. I was just leaving.”
Soul walked away, his eyes watery as he stormed off, his hair billowing behind him. Wilbur watched and sighed.
As much as he hated seeing Soul treat him like that…it was hot as hell, his lips threatened to turn up.
Soul gripped his arms and went to find Quackity.
He was on the verge of another panic attack.
125Please respect copyright.PENANAB2lF2rWmcY