Chapter Six
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“Stay still mate, if you move it’ll hurt” Phil spoke gently as he wiped the blood away from Soul’s eyes with a swab covered in 99% alcohol. The smell alone stung his eyes as he was being helped, the area was fuzzy. All he could see were colors.
So he unintentionally sacrificed his sight for a stupid domain? No. he sacrificed it for Quackity, who was at the moment sitting at the table staring at his leg where the wound should have been.
He was probably still in shock, Wilbur had vanished.
Phil sighed and twisted the cap to some eye drops off the bottle.
A droplet hit Soul’s eye and he hissed in pain, Phil frowned. “I’m guessing you figured it out.” he hummed, he almost sounded like a disappointed dad.
“Figured out what? That I'm now forever blind?” he snapped, Phil chuckled. He liked Soul’s spunk.
No wonder Wilbur was down bad.
“Your domain situation.” he explained, Soul sighed.
“Yeah, shockingly enough” he muttered, Quackity’s attention shot to Soul.
“You opened your domain?”
Soul chuckled lightly.
Someone crashed into the room and Phil jumped.
“Phil. It’s cracking.”
Phil’s eyes widened as Techno stared him down with determination, Soul raised an eyebrow and immediately regretted it.
“Quackity, help Soul. come with us” Phil demanded, Quackity nodded and made his way over to Soul. helping him down a flight of stairs, as they neared the room a wave of energy hit Soul and he stumbled.
His tattoo on his back flickering, the ink forever stained on his hands and forearms vanishing and returning. Quackity’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t have to see it to know what it was.
They stopped and Wilbur stared at the dark egg, his arms crossed and the look in his eyes dangerous. And for some odd reason, Soul could see the egg but nothing else.
“What…what is this doing here…” he muttered, his hand hovering over the egg like it was fragile as he circled it, Techno blinked.
“You can see the egg?”
Soul nodded. “Oddly enough…” The sound of cracking and visual of it splitting was almost entrancing.
“We can’t keep it here. It’s too dangerous.”
Soul didn’t listen as it burst and a baby laid there, Soul’s expression softened. It was weird, seeing Soul’s eyes be so pale and vulture like and yet so loving and worried towards a child.
A dangerous child.
He gently picked up the crying baby, the baby went silent as he held her and he couldn’t help but smile. “I’ll keep her.” he mused, Wilbur stared.
“Soul no. for all we know she could end up like Endorria.” he snapped, Quackity didn’t say anything, just made his way over to Soul eyeing the baby who watched them.
Her eyes were a brilliant purple…
“She won't end up like her at all as long as she’s raised in the right household…” Quackity stated, Soul couldn’t help but grin at Q. Wilbur shook his head.
“No. we can’t.” he snapped, Techno scowled and Phil shared the same disappointed look. “Who the hell will watch over her when you're gone working for the council anyway, Soul.” he hissed, Soul flinched.
“I’ll take her with me. So she can be around people like her. If that's what you want, you want her far from here, and the council is far enough.” he retorted, Wil’s eyes widened and he hung his head.
He hated when they argued like this…but he didn’t make things very easy either.
“Please Wil.” Soul begged, Quackity took the baby and Soul caressed Wil’s cheek. “Let us be a family.” he pleaded, Wilbur scowled.
“You should’ve said that when I proposed.” he growled before storming out, Soul stood there for a moment. His eyes wide as he stared at the floor, Quackity stared at Soul and a sudden feeling of rage hit him quick and fast.
“He didn’t mean it Soul…”
Soul glanced at the speaker and Phil bit his lip. “He’s…just hurt.” he defended. Soul glared.
“Aren’t we all.” he hissed, Quackity gave the baby to Soul and he held her gently and lovingly, Quackity was gone within seconds and techno watched as Phil vanished.
“I’m sorry…” techno said, Soul smiled gently towards the baby poking her nose lovingly.
“It’s not your problem to be sorry about Techno.” he said, techno smiled. He could already tell Soul was going to be a good dad.
Techno walked out and soul hummed to the baby, swaying gently.
“I’ll treat you better than Endorria and Ren ever could…” he assured, the baby giggled and squealed. He smiled.
“I’ll name you…Idris…”
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“WILBUR. WHAT THE ABSOLOUTE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM.” Quackity screamed at Wil as he chased after him, Wilbur didn’t say anything, just stretched and fluffed out his wings and stopping abruptly in place.
Quackity stopped a few feet away and waited for an answer, his arms crossed rage in his features. He was terrifying when he was mad, it was probably just the scar or the fact that he has potential to kill Wilbur with his bare hands.
“Don’t worry about it Q. It’s not your problem. You want to help raise the baby, just do it already.” he muttered not facing him, he stared at the treeline, his gaze hardening on the sight of a fox.
“NO. wilbur. You listen here. I thought you were the one who wanted to be a happy family together. You. me. And Soul. And now all of a sudden when you get the chance even after Soul denies you, you run away!? How does that help any of us?! Please explain to me. How you, running from all your fucked up problems and drug addiction, and deteriorating mental health is supposed to help us heal, together.” He growled.
The world went silent, the snow swallowing up the yelling so everyone inside couldn’t hear them.
“Quackity…I’m the ex president and traitor of my own country, i’m addicted to cocaine and can’t help to relapse everytime i think i do something wrong…i blew up my fucking nation and sent out terrorist threats to mutiple nations including your own and made my own father kill me. I flew too close to the sun and continued to do so. You are a much better influence to Soul than I am.
Because as far as i’m concerned the only horrifying thing you’ve done is eat your ex fiances heart, and torture Techno and Dream in jail but even then that wasn’t anything as extreme as me. I will never be fit for love Quackity, I couldn't even stop my own son from killing himself because i was never there for him.” he yelled back, clenching his fists as tears streamed down his cheeks.
Quackity stared, his eyes wide in horror and sorrow.
“So you're scared of failing the child…of hurting us…” Quackity muttered under his breath. “Well, fine. Be that way. Because even though I'm scared of breaking my own life rules once again for someone I shouldn't have fallen for, and yes I'm terrified of raising a child that's not mine, I will stay with Soul because he needs it. Because he’s been through much, much worse scenarios than we have.” he hissed.
“So run the fuck away wilbur. Flap those stupid as wings and leave us if thats what you want, we’ll figure it out. We’ll figure out how to be happy without you.” he recoiled, wilbur didn’t say anything but stretched his wings out.
Quackity took a step back, he forgot how big they were. They were 2x his own wing span, large and dark. He pushed them down and shot up into the air, vanishing completely.
Q stood there in complete disarray and wiped his eyes.
Snow crunched and a hand gently found its way to his shoulder, “i’ll get him to come back mate.” Phil spoke, Quackity scoffed and shook his head.
“No. don’t. He’ll come back when he gets over it.”
Phil frowned sadly as Quackity walked past him towards Soul who was holding Idris in a blanket, Soul looked shocked and smiled as Q made his way towards him.
Except Quackity could see past Soul’s faked emotions, inside he was aching, hurting, worrying and terrified all at the same time, but there was hidden rage as well. His lip twitched and Quackity could tell Soul would give anything to beat Wilbur’s ass.
It was within a single tick that Quackity swallowed both Idris and Soul into a tight hug, Soul’s body instantly relaxed and he smiled into the hug.
“I love you.”
Soul’s eyes flickered from Idris and to Quackity, the sight of shock yet love for him was there.
“I… love you.”
That was the first time Quackity had ever told him that he loved him, “lets get her home” he smiled eyeing her with admiration. Soul smiled.
“Her name is Idris…”
Quackity’s smile widened and he kissed her forehead.
“That's a beautiful name, she’ll definitely one day be a prophet…an outstanding and beautiful prophet.” he reassured, Soul smiled and Quackity pulled Soul’s scarf up closer to Soul’s nose.
“Let's get going”
Soul nodded but as they walked he couldn’t help but look to the sky, somewhere he could tell Wilbur was sitting and hating himself for everything. Hurting everywhere he possibly could.
And he was right, because something shifted and he could just barely make out the silhouette of Wilbur’s lanky body in a tree. His knees were pulled to his chest as he watched them and then the sky, Soul knew what he wished.
He knew what it was like to want to be somewhere, anywhere but in the living world.
Quackity’s hand interlocked with Soul’s and he smiled, something about Quackity gave him a jolt of excitement and competitiveness. Unlike with Wilbur it was just romance and solemn tragedy. But either way, he found a place in his heart to love them both…but only one stayed.
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