Let me give you some advice. If you're feeling stressed or anxious, take a shower in the dark. Not like, pitch black dark then you knock things over and stuff but if you have a bathroom with two parts, close the first door and crack open the second. If not, see if a nightlight works. It's also awesome if you have some music playing too it really adds to the mood.
Anyway, currently, it's Thursday at 6:34 on the 16th of February and I'm on the couch sick. My brother is watching Sonic the Hedgehog on the big TV although he keeps switching between two different ones and it's a bit annoying even though I'm not really watching it. My dad and older sister went out to get Chick-Fil-A and some ice cream because my mom said when she had what I had at first, a chicken sandwich was good and she didn't want tacos. She was right about that part. The ice cream because I want something to help soothe my throat. My other sister is on her computer doing who knows what. By the way, I have seven siblings.
Wow- you learned so much about me in this one entry. Good for you.