Man, I'm so mad at myself.
I had gotten my new (and first) glasses today and I had them tighten one side too much and now it kinda hurts but I'm too scared to say something and have the employees be like, ugh, I did this yesterday and you told me to tighten them!
I thought they were too loose. Word of advice: don't listen to me, ever.
Good news... there's no more bad news. Yay?
Wait- I lied. There is more bad news.
I need to email my brother but I'm too lazy and brain-dead. Buuuut I really love my brother and I want to talk to him. Then again... thinking...
I also need to read at least five books but you know what I'm doing instead? Typing this, not thinking, other things.
My entries in this are so short. It's mostly because I have a short attention span. It's kinda fun because everyon-
Oh, look! A bird!
(I'm in the basement)