The two still lay in the muck as the rain begins to slow to a drizzle, and the sun peeks through the clouds.
Lucinda chuckles. “My dad is going to throw a fit if he sees I ruined yet another gown.”
“What about our fight?” Xylek wonders. “What about your bruises?”
She shrugs and begins to stand up, thinking about how she will explain to the king of Hell that his darling daughter went to fight again. “I’ll tell him the truth. Worst he’ll do is lock me in my room.”
Xylek places his hands behind his head and brings his knees to his chest. He shifts his weight and kicks forward, landing on his feet before standing. Lucinda claps slowly and with a sarcastic “wow”, commending him on his stylish vertical correction.
“Don’t be jealous, Princess,” he says with a sly smirk. “I was merely trying to stand. Now, let's go to my family’s inn to get cleaned up before I return you home.”
Lucinda is unsure of the offer. She is certain she wants to return to the palace to clean properly. Not some strange inn with more strange demons. Xylek reassures the princess, telling her that it’s in a safe area of the underworld. He lets her know he will only leave her side to give her privacy in the bath. She is still hesitant on the idea but agrees. Her father picked him to guard her, maybe he is safe to be around. But she will keep him at arms length to ensure safety in the event he is not who he says he is.
The two begin their journey to the inn by walking to a tree and Lucinda using a piece of enchanted chalk to draw a symbol on it. She asked Xylek what circle they will be entering.
“Third circle. I told you, safe area.”
Lucinda knocks on the sigil three times before saying, “I, Lucinda, call to open the third circle of Hell.” Then, with a flash of light, a portal opens within the tree. They step through the tree and are now surrounded by a crowded street of demons of many sorts. The demons of this circle paid the two no mind as they hurried through the market. Shops and stalls lined the path, offering many wares. Some shops sold food, other stalls offered clothing, but one shop caught the attention of Lucinda.
In the middle of the market, sat a quaint little jeweler. His shop was adorned with necklaces, rings, bracelets and the like. Lucinda peers over the items on display, admiring the beautiful craftsmanship of the pieces. As she looks, one ring in particular caught her eye. A silver ring with knots twisting intricately around each other, set with a beautiful amethyst stone. This is the ring she dreams to one day wear on her hand.
“Did you find anything of interest, Lucinda?” Xylek asks, peering over Lucinda's shoulder.
She holds up the dainty precious metal and shows Xylek. He examines the ring with intrigue. Lucinda tells Xylek, “This is the ring I want my future fiance to propose with. It's beautiful.” She wants him to know so when a suitor is ready to ask for her hand in marriage, her new guard can tell them what ring she wants.
The shop keeper, a tall and rotund demon, smiles at the two admiring his work. His pastel blue skin showed tinges of navy around his cheeks, as if he were blushing, and his eyes sparkled a shade of burnt orange. In a deep, bellowing tone, he spoke.
“Hello, there. Looking for an engagement ring for the newly betrothed?” Despite the pitch of his voice, his tone was soft, gentle and welcoming. “That is my favorite engagement ring. Twenty four carat amethyst set in a unity knot sterling silver band.”
“Oh no, we are not a couple.” Xylek politely corrects the blue demon.
Lucinda blushes, her alabaster complexion takes on a pinkish hue. She feels her face become hot with embarrassment and mild anger.
The demon jeweler brushes back his raven black, greasy hair and smiles, showing grimy yellowing teeth. “My apologies. I assumed since you were looking at rings, you were a couple. I do have some lovely bracelets and necklaces that look similar to this particular ring.”
Xylek smiles at Lucinda, hoping to see her lose her temper again. But he is disappointed to see her smiling back at the demon, the pink in her face fading. “It's quite alright,” she begins to say. “May I have a look?”
As the jeweler turns his back to Xylek and Lucinda, a demon who stands like a tower bumps into Xylek’s shoulder. The larger demon looks down at Xylek and sneers for a moment, before a grin crosses his face.
“Do I know you?” the giant says, a glint of suspicion in his emerald eyes.
Xylek smirks and says to the demon, “I go by many names. Today, I’m Jerry.”
“Jerry! My old comrade! How have you been?” the towering demon says as he squeezes Xylek in a crushing embrace.
Lucinda stands, awestruck of the interaction before her. She goes to speak, but is cut short when Xylek shouts, “Brother!” This catches Lucinda off guard. The hulking beast of a demon, standing before her, is Xylek’s brother? The demon releases Xylek and he continues speaking. “Things are as good as they can be. We were actually off to see you at the inn.”
His brother looks perplexed. “We? Who is ‘we’? Did you find a partner for the evening?” a twinge of facetious tone in his voice.
Xylek chuckles. “No, that mission I mentioned some time ago, I found her.” Xylek turns to Lucinda. “M’lady, this is my brother, Zakasi. He runs the inn I told you about.”
Lucinda smiles, not quite sure what to say. Does she mention the differences between the two? Or just politely say hello? She decides to smile and nod, with a short curtsey, her mud covered gown spread lightly.
Zakasi bows his head and smirks at the grimy princess. “And what is your name?”
This catches Lucinda off guard. She doesn’t want to reveal her true identity to another stranger. But Zakasi may already know who she is. How much information did Xylek let slip? Thinking fast, Lucinda chooses a name still fresh in her mind. “Agatha.” Xylek places his face in the palm of his hand and sighs, knowing how obvious of a lie she told.
Suspicion retakes Zakasi’s face. “Agatha? Nice to meet you, Miss Agatha.”
The jewelry selling demon returns with a sterling silver chain with a large chunk of wire wrapped amethyst dangling from it. Lucinda looks over and is pleased with the necklace. She pulls out her coin purse.
“How much for that necklace?” She politely asks.
The orange eyed demon smiles at her. “Five steel pieces.”
Lucinda nods and pulls the coins from her purse. The demon takes the coins, and inspects them. Pleased to know they are genuine silver pieces, he hands her the necklace. Lucinda smiles as she looks back to Xylek.
“Will you help me put it on?”
Xylek smirks at the princess. He takes the necklace and she moves her long, dirt covered hair to the side. Xylek wraps the necklace across the front of Lucinda's thin neck, and clasps it behind her. As he does so, he whispers something in her ear. Lucinda blushes, a plethora of emotions filling her. Anger, embarrassment and a new emotion she can’t quite pinpoint. She drops her hair and back steps onto Xylek’s foot, stepping on his toes and causing him a mild amount of pain.
Xylek winces at the discomfort in his toes.
Zakasi looks puzzled but quickly shrugs it off. “If you're headed to the inn, I’ll guide you.” he politely offers. “I just have a few more errands to run beforehand.”
The new trio begin their journey. They stop at a few more stalls, admiring the products and produce. Zakasi gently picks up some ripened tomatoes at the produce stall. He examines them with a soft touch, careful not to crush them in his large hands. Lucinda finds herself admiring some dresses. The colors are vibrant, the tops a simple corset style with puffy sleeves. The skirt of the dress billows slightly. She looks down at her once beautiful gown, now coated in drying dirt. She pulls out her coin purse and purchases a lavender colored dress.
Xylek stands closely between Lucinda and Zakasi, chatting softly with his brother. “So, how has the inn been since I left?”
“Not too bad,” Zakasi responds. “We did some renovating and I think it looks like it belongs in one of the upper rings now.”
The three carry on and start walking towards the inn. At the far end of the bustling market strip, sets a large building. About three stories high, a beautiful porch adorns the front. Zakasi stops to admire the inn. Xylek and Lucinda follow suit.
Lucinda smiles. She recognizes the building, remembering a faint memory of when she was a little girl. A party was hosted here for her. Though she can not remember the party all that much, she remembers being here with her mother and father. This was not long before Lucinda’s mother had passed. A tear finds its way into the corner of Lucinda’s eye, trickling down ever so gently down her face.
Zakasi begins to walk towards the inn, but Lucinda stays, remembering her mother.
Xylek gently places his hand on Lucinda’s shoulder. He looks at her and asks, “Are you alright, Princess?”
The princess wipes the tears from her face and replies, “Yes. Just remembering something.”
“Care to talk about it?”
“I’ve been here before.” Lucinda looks for the words to say. “It's nicer than I remember.”
They all walk into the inn. The foirer looks welcoming. To one side of the entrance, is a seating area, with a large roaring fireplace on the far wall. Chairs with a dark forest green colored upholstery and mahogany wood accents are placed near the fire on the hardwood, light color stained floor.
To the other side of the foirer is the dining area. Light mahogany wood tables with emerald tablecloths and short stools are gathered in the small area. Enough to seat several large parties and still have plenty of room, the area was spacious. At the far end of this side is a half wall, the kitchen easily visible.
Just ahead from the main door, sets a dark mahogany desk, its dark color complementing the inn’s decor nicely. Green curtains adorn the walls behind the check in desk. A wall of what appears to be keys is placed just center of the curtains. Two staircases surround either side of the desk, a dark green carpet accenting each ascending step. A large painting sits above the key rack of three demons, a man, a woman and a small girl with silver locks sit posed in a seated position, stern expressions on their faces.
Zakasi walks to the dining area where he enters a swinging door and disappears into the kitchen. Xylek and Lucinda stand in awe of the place they have entered. Lucinda makes her way over to the fireplace. She wants to sit in one of the empty chairs but quickly changes her mind, remembering her dirty clothes. She walks out of the sitting area and heads towards the front desk.
No one appears to be at the desk. Lucinda picks up the small silver bell at the corner of the desk and gently shakes it, creating a loud chime noise to emit from the small instrument. Zakasi hurries from the kitchen to the desk.
“My apologies,” He calmly and politely says. “How may I assist you this afternoon?” He sounds as if he were reading a script.
Lucinda chuckles at a thought. How can this hulking, seven foot tall, muscular demon have such kind manners? She shrugs it off as a coincidence. And says to the man at the desk, “I would like a room with two singles and a private washroom, please.”
Zakasi smiles. “Certainly. However, the king’s suite is currently unavailable. Will another room suffice?”
“As long as it has a private washroom.”
“Of course, Princess.”
A knot catches in Lucinda’s throat. How does he know?
Suddenly, a bell chimes. A demon girl, just smaller than Lucinda, butts her way in front of Lucinda.
In a high pitch, almost nasally tone, the small demon chirps out, “I need more blankets to my room. Also when is dinner? I’m starving!”
Zakasi holds up a finger to Lucinda. “Well, Princess, dinner will be served at six o’ clock sharp. But I can whip you up a quick snack in the meantime, just allow me to finish checking in this kind woman. And when I bring you your food, I’ll bring the extra blankets.”
The tiny demon scoffs. “Fine.” She flicks her wrist at Zakasi and walks up the stairs on the left hand side.
Lucinda, bewildered by the rudeness of the woman, steps back up to the desk. “Do you call all your female guests ‘Princess’?”
Zakasi chuckles. “Yes, Princess. It's due to a number of things. Mostly, the ones who stay here, well, they are usually using their father’s money. You see, demons who stay here are usually from the second or first circle. So, when they come to my inn they expect high end treatment. Whether royalty or not, they like being called princess.”
“Please don’t call me princess. I find it like a taunt.” Lucinda crosses her arms.
“As you wish, Miss Agatha.” Zakasi writes something down on a piece of paper, turns around to grab a key and turns back to hand them both to Lucinda. “Please enjoy your stay with us, and as promised, this room has a private bathroom.” He points to the right hand side of the desk. “Up those stairs, to the top floor, room twenty four. Would you like me to put a kettle on and send it with Jerry?”
Lucinda looks puzzled. Then she remembers when they met in the marketplace. “Yes, please. How soon do you think that will be?”
“Not long. I keep some water hot for weary guests in desperate need of bathing.”
“Thank you.” Lucinda takes to the stairs on the right hand stairs. As she ascends she passes the small demon girl once more. The girl sticks her nose in the air and walks towards the front desk.
Lucinda stops on the first floor. She admires the work done to the hall. Walls of light emerald, runners of the same shade and beautiful hardwood decorate this hall. She walks down, counting the rooms. Odd numbers on one side, even numbers on the other. She counts ten rooms on this floor, each door stained in a coffee color.
She sees another set of stairs, as nice as the grand staircase that led her to this floor. Lucinda ascends again. This hall looks similar, only this floor appears to have thirteen rooms instead. She climbs the last set of stairs, leading her to her floor. She looks down the hall, searching for room twenty four. Something odd about this floor catches her eye. The doors each had a unique symbol on them. A sword on one, a coin on another, a crown and a heart. Her room had a heart. How peculiar.
She places the key in the lock, turns the knob and walks in. The room drastically contrasts the rest of the inn. With mauve colored walls, a rose colored rug and crimson linens, the room is several shades of red. Another odd thing about this room is the scattered rose petals on the floor and bed, a tin bucket filled with ice and a bottle of wine sitting on the table, and candles lit, producing a faint floral aroma. A single, large bed in the center of the room. This is not the room she asked for.
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