A loud knocking wakes Lucinda. “Lucinda, darling.” Lucifer calls in. “Time to wake up. You have to get ready for your wedding.”
Lucinda groans as she pulls the sheets over her face. She was restless last night. She cannot wrap her mind around this ruling by her father.
“Lucinda,” Lucifer calls again.
“I’m awake,” Lucinda calls back.
Lucifer opens the door and several handmaids enter the room.
Lucinda is pulled from bed, dragged to the bathroom and thrown in the tub. One maid begins scrubbing Lucinda’s face and hair. Another lathers her legs. She is being pulled about the tub like a piece of meat in the maw of several beastly hellhounds.
Once bathed, the handmaids yank her from the tub and feverishly dry her. They pull the princess to the vanity to dress her hair and apply her makeup. They brush and pull Lucinda’s hair taut. They tie it back and begin to dress it up nicely with flowers and ribbons for her big day. A grand occasion such as the princess getting married, requires an extravagant hair style.
After the hair and makeup, Lucinda is thrust from her chair and into her mother's wedding gown. Today, the corset cinching is more excruciating than usual. Lucinda is being pulled one direction while the lace to the back is being pulled the opposite. Lucinda gasps for air, the corset too tight on her frame. Or is that her nerves making it hard to breathe?
Finally, the maids are finished. With smiles on their faces, they all promptly exit Lucinda’s room. The princess sits in her vanity chair once more. She looks into the mirror and sees how her makeup is more extravagant than usual. Glittering in the light, her purple eyeshadow makes her blue eyes look fantastic. The charcoal gown looks beautiful on her pale skin.
Lucifer appears in the mirror behind Lucinda. He smiles at his beautiful daughter. “You look just like your mother on our wedding day,” he says with misty eyes.
Lucinda sighs, then she says, “I can’t do this, dad.”
The high king’s smile fades. He rests his hands on Lucinda’s shoulders. “I’m sorry, my daughter, But my mind is made up.”
Lucinda grumbles. She watches as tears fill her father’s eyes. The stoic demon now looks saddened. Was he thinking of his wife again? Or maybe he was overjoyed to see his only child be married in just a few hours? Perhaps something else has brought tears to the demon king’s eyes.
“You know,” Lucifer says, clearing his throat and dabbing his eyes. “Your mother would be so proud of you.”
Lucinda harrumphs. “How?” she asks. “I have done nothing but be negligent in my duties as princess. Not to mention, behaving like a heathen.”
“She understood the pressures of royal life.” Lucifer retorts. “She would be proud of the young lady you have become, proud of the steps you took to be who you are. She would love to know you picked her gown without hesitation.”
Lucifer exhales deeply. “She would be proud that you are becoming an independent demon.”
Lucinda begins tearing up. Does she tell her father that she doesn’t want to be the next ruler of the seven circles of hell? Or does she just follow orders like a good little princess and just accept her fate?
Before she can speak, a loud rapping on the door interrupts the moment. Suddenly, the royal advisor creaks the door open and steps in.
“Sorry for the intrusion, your majesty.” the advisor begins. “But a mob of angry demons are beginning to approach the palace and they are attempting to bring down the front gate. Chaos is starting to ensue throughout the kingdom.”
The fox looking demon hands Lucifer a large scroll. “They are claiming you have lost your mind. And that the princess needs to be locked away.”
Looking over the scroll, Lucifer looks to his advisor. “Thank you, Fennick.” the demon king returns his stoic expression. “Where is the rebellion starting?”
The advisor, Fennick, swallows hard. He chews the inside of his cheek. “There is a fleet outside the palace.”
“How many?” Lucinda asks, trying to help her father.
“Several hundred. The guards are struggling to keep them at bay.” Fennick rings his wrists. “They are trying to storm in.”
Lucifer grasps Lucinda's shoulders and looks her in the eye. “My darling, go find Xylek. Stay with him and hide. We will postpone the wedding until this matter is settled.”
Lucinda tries to interject. 203Please respect copyright.PENANAMnyiJSAKui
“No, you got your way. Now, grab a change of clothes and hurry, they can’t find you. If they do, they will try to hurt you and I will not allow that.”
Lucinda nods. She rushes and retrieves the gown she purchased days prior in the market with Xylek and Zakasi. Lucifer hands Lucinda a large bag of coins.
“Take this. It is all the florin I have on hand.” Lucifer squeezes his daughter tight in a loving embrace. “Whatever you do, avoid the council at all cost.”
Lucinda squeezes back. The embrace lasts a few moments. This may be the last time the two see each other for a long while. The father and daughter separate. Lucinda takes her few belongings and goes to the door. “Where is Xylek?” she asks as she grabs the knob.
“West wing, third floor, third door to the left.” Fennick says quickly.
Lucinda nods and rushes from her room.
On the opposite side of the palace, Lucinda begins to violently pound on Xylek’s door.
“Xylek, it's me!” She yells. “Open up!”
Xylek slowly opens the door. He rubs his eyes in exhaustion. “What do you want? Did I sleep through our wedding?”
Lucinda barges into Xylek’s room. “A mob is in front of the palace.”
Xylek widens his eyes. He goes to the window and sees hundreds of demons with torches and various weapons at the front gates of the palace. “No shit,” he says in amazement.
“My father said to find you and for us to run.” Lucinda says, finally looking at Xylek. He was shirtless, his pale skin and thin torso defining every rib and vertebrae. He had a large scar ranging from his right shoulder down to the left side of his hip. His arms were defined and muscular. His black hair is like a lion's mane.
“For hell’s sake,” Lucinda begins to curse, “Put a shirt on.”
Xylek smirks, then turns back to Lucinda. “What? You don’t like my physique?” He says as he flexes for Lucinda.
Lucinda bubbles with anger. “Now is not the time to dick around. Clothes and let’s go!”
After Xylek takes his sweet old time picking out an outfit, the pair begin to leave. Lucinda guides Xylek by the hand, just like in the woods. Their speed makes it seem as though they are gliding through air through the palace.
Xylek stops by the front entrance. “Slow down, will you?” he says with a huff.
“My dad said to hurry.”
“Let’s just go out the front door.”
“No way,” Lucinda says with anger in her tone. “You idiot, they want my head. We’ll take the tunnels.”
Xylek scrunches his face. “Is that how you escape normally?”
“Yes. Come on.”
As the pair round the corner, Lucinda shoves Xylek back behind the wall. Ten or so guards and the council stand just by the tunnel entrance. Serafina is speaking to the guards, as Lucinda listens closely.
“Find her!” The demon hisses. “Without her, we can’t give her the punishment she deserves or overthrow the kingdom.”
Astam sighs, his weary voice just audible. “Without her, Lucifer will have no choice but to submit.”
“Let me give her the punishment.” Gunther booms with excitement in his tone.
“We have to find her first.” Serafina says.
Without warning, hands clasped over Lucinda’s mouth. She turns to look and see who is attempting to subdue her when she realizes she and Xylek are surrounded by guards.
“Lady Serafina,” One guard shouts. “We have her.”
Lucinda kicks at the guard covering her mouth. She begins to fight the guards but they pile upon her, holding her by her wrists and ankles.
Serafina and the other council members start to make their way with their guards towards the princess and her partner. Lucinda struggles to break free from the grasps of the guards who betrayed her father.
“Gunther, Now,” Serafina orders.
The behemoth Lord of war cracks his knuckles. He places his hands on Lucinda’s right ankle and begins to chant. A fire erupts around Lucinda's flesh. Not divine flames, but white hot fire. It begins to sear into Lucinda’s skin as she screams in agony. Lucifer rounds the corner right when he hears his daughter wail in pain. He watches as Gunther finishes his incantation. The flame dies off, leaving a scar on Lucinda’s leg. The guards are told to release the princess and Xylek.
Rage begins to fill Lucinda. Pent up aggression and unbridled fury emanate from the princess. But as she goes to stand, the burning sensation becomes stronger. This makes Lucinda scream once more. Her agony replaces her rage.
“Lucinda!” Lucifer cries out as he approaches his daughter. “What did they do?” He looks at Gunther. “What did you do!” he shouts.
“I placed the scar of wrath on the heathen.” Gunther says with pride in his tone. “A fitting punishment for someone who lets their anger rule them.”
“Xylek,” Lucifer growls. “Get my daughter out of here.”
Xylek lifts the princess who is still screaming in pain. They enter in the cavernous tunnels that lurk beneath the castle. He carries Lucinda on his back. At the end of the long tunnel, they meet a brick wall. Xylek gently lays Lucinda on the stone ground.
“Dead end,” he says. “Did I miss a turn?”
“No,” Lucinda winces as she tries to stand. Her leg is tender. A long pink fleshy scar begins to trace up her leg like a vine. “I have some chalk around here.” She kneels down and picks up a small rock. Behind the rock is a piece of white chalk. The wounded princess begins to draw on the wall.
Xylek wraps his arm around the princess’s waist, supporting her weight. “Now what?”
Lucinda winces and pants for a moment. “Knock three times and imagine wherever you want to go,” she says.
Xylek does just that. He knocks on the wall, once, twice, thrice. He says to the wall, “Take me to the inn.”
“Why the inn?” Lucinda questions, still wincing in pain.
Xylek looks at Lucinda. “So we can talk to Zakasi,” he begins. “He may know something about the oust that seems to be attempted.”
The wall begins to glow a bright iridescent light. Xylek hoists Lucinda up and they enter the portal.
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