Swiftly and filled with rage, Lucinda races down three flights of stairs to the front desk. She slams her clenched fists onto the mahogany counter. “Why did you give me a honeymoon suite!” Lucinda seethes through gritted teeth.
“My apologies,” Zakasi begins. “I must have misread the situation. I thought you and my brother were an item.”
Lucinda spits venom in her words. “We are not a thing! Listen here, you plebe! I would never choose a person who sneaks up on me in the middle of the woods to only run off and torment some human. Then when he continues to taunt me by calling me Princess, making me want to kick his ass. No way in all of Hell will I allow that as my partner!”
Zakasi stands still, surveying the entryway behind her, waiting for Lucinda to notice the scene she has created out of anger.
“And you lost that fight, too,” Xylek says, walking up behind Lucinda. He leans onto the desk. “I admire how quick to rage you are. It makes you seem hard to get.”
Lucinda grinds her teeth. She turns back to Xylek, who has a smug look on his face. “Hard to get? I’m not hard to get! I want freedom! I want to be my own demon. I don’t want to be pestered, prodded or annoyed! I don’t want to be seen as just daddy’s little princess! I want to be my own woman! And my father ordering you to watch me is absurd! He would not ask someone like you to guard me unless he had an ulterior motive.”
Xylek laughs. Almost as hard as in the clearing, he nearly doubles over in laughter.
“Why are you laughing at me now?” Lucinda seethes.
“You are so quick to anger and have these outlandish thoughts in mind,” Xylek wheezes in between laughter. “Maybe your father had one thing in mind when he sought me out.” Xylek takes Lucinda's hand in his. “Maybe he chose me to be your suitor.”
Zakasi snickers under his breath.
Lucinda pulls her hands away and with the back of her right hand, swings and collides it with Xylek’s face, creating a bright reddish mark on his pale white skin.
Zakasi stands in shock for a moment, before looking at Lucinda.
“Miss, my brother may be a bit brash, but that was unnecessary.”
Lucinda turns back to Zakasi. A verbal lashing unfolds. “Unnecessary? What is unnecessary is the room you put me in. If I wanted a honeymoon suite, I would have asked for such. But no. I specifically asked for two single beds with a private bath. I would be the type to speak to a manager about your behavior, but you seem to be just that. I should tell my father about your mistreatment and the ‘misunderstanding’ you seemed to have about me and this low life piece of insolent rubbish.”
Zakasi turns stern. His once stoic demeanor hardened into one of disposition towards the woman yelling at him. “Ma’am, if you don’t calm yourself, I will have you removed from the property.”
Just then, Lucinda did something that she worked so hard to keep under control. Silver hair, caked with dirt, erupted into light purple flames. Her eyes turned a solid white, her pupils disappearing. She begins to float off the ground and the flames engulf her body.
In the tone of a hundred voices, a tone only one family of demon’s is capable of in all of hell, she spoke. “Peasant. How dare you insult your future queen?” Her fangs elongate from her mouth. “This establishment is a pity. How long do you think it will take to burn?”
As Lucinda reaches her hand out to touch the desk, the entrance swings open. A demon taller than Zakasi but much thinner, dressed in a pressed suit storms to the desk. He grabs the flaming demon by the arm. “Daughter, that is enough.”
Realization hits Lucinda. Her flames diminish, leaving nothing to show they were ever present. Lucinda looks around her. Demons, of various walks of life, hunker down behind chairs and walls. What mayhem has she caused? She returns to standing on the ground, hanging her head in shame.
The new, well dressed demon holds tightly to Lucinda's arm. “We will discuss today’s behavior at home.”
Zakasi and Xylek stand stunned. The demon standing before them is none other than the demon king. Lucifer has arrived.
“Your-your majesty!” Zakasi stutters out as he bows, signaling Xylek to do the same. Xylek gets the obvious hint and bows as well.
Lucifer chuckles. “Please rise.” The brothers stand up straight. “I am so sorry if she caused any damage. She can be a bit of a handful sometimes.” Lucifer places his free hand on the back of his head. “She has some anger issues we're working on.”
Xylek smiles, “Your highness, please forgive me for the inconvenient location. We merely stopped to get freshened up.”
“You are quite alright, Xylek. I actually used to visit this inn with my wife.” Lucifer points to the large painting above the key rack. “My wife originally designed the inn as a home away from home of sorts. My painting of the last time we were all together hangs in her favorite place, this inn. Aside from our daughter,” the king looks towards his daughter with disdain in his eyes, “this inn was her pride and joy.
“Lucinda here has a bad habit of running off and wreaking havoc.”
“I do not!” Lucinda protests. A single look from her father silences her quickly.
“I do apologize for her misbehavior. How much is the damage?” Lucifer says, returning his eyes to Zakasi.
Zakasi raises a hand and smiles. “No need to pay, your majesty. There is no damage. However, she did seem to frighten my guests and my staff.” he gestures to the cowering guests.
The patreons do not know what to make of the situation. Not only has someone burst into divine flames, they are also in the presence of the king himself. Lucifer turns to the patreons, raises both hands and announces he will be paying for the rooms for this evening for the guests who had to witness his daughter lose her temper. Zakasi offers a complementary desert to the guests as well.
Lucifer turns back to Zakasi. “Is the portal in the King’s Suite still functional?”
Zakasi nods. “Yes, sir, it is.”
“Good.” Lucifer turns to Xylek. “You, come with us.”
Xylek nods.
Lucifer grabs Lucinda by the arm again. “You stay by me. We are having a long discussion when we get home.”
Lucinda looks defeated. “Yes, father.”
The three make their way towards the grand staircase. As they climb the stairs, Lucifer looks down at Xylek. “Ever see the King’s Suite?”
“Yes, sir, once. I helped replace the furniture in that room.”
Lucifer swallows hard. “You better have made sure it was the right furniture.”
Xylek nods. “Yes, sir, Zakasi ensured the room was refurbished to its original glory.”
The king looks around the inn as they ascend to the third floor. A faint hint of a smile creeps onto his face. “She would have loved these colors.” He says at just above a whisper.
Arriving at the door with the crown, Lucifer pulls out a brass key. He places it in the lock and opens the door. Dragging Lucinda into the room, she has a moment to admire the space before her. Dark purple carpet welcomes the guests. A lavender color decorates the walls in a subtle tone. On the far side of the room, a massive bed on a cherry wood frame is adorned in royal purple satin sheets. On the opposite wall, facing the foot of the bed is a large closet armoire carved from cherry wood in a natural finish, standing guard of the room. Heavy purple curtains shield the windows. A cherry rocking chair sits by the window, a large purple upholstery chair sits across from it.
Lucifer smiles for a moment before easing his grip on Lucinda's arm. “Your mother chose purple for royalty and to match your flames. She used to rock with you in that chair.” He said pointing to the rocker.
Lucinda pauses a moment, taking in the enormous room. Her mother designed a room for her royal family with her flames in mind. How can she not remember this room?
“You were so young when we last all stayed in this room. The Guild Master Suite was her design for you.” A tear wells in Lucifer's eye. He quickly dabs it away. With swiftness, Lucifer opens the armoire. Within it, a black, starry portal sprawls across the back wall. He pushes Lucinda into the portal before gesturing to Xylek to enter. Xylek does so. Lucifer follows immediately after.
In the throne room, Xylek stands far behind Lucinda, Lucifer seated in his throne made of silver plated bones. The throne room is an immaculate hall. Pillars of stone, floors of marble and curtains to match the King’s Suite at the inn. A long purple carpet lines the floor. The silver sconces illuminate the pathway to the king.
Lucifer sits, rubbing his temples between his fingers. “Daughter,” he gruffly says. “Why did you leave the palace?”
Lucinda straightens her posture. Standing tall, she meekly says, “To meditate in the mortal realm.”
“WHY?” Lucifer growls.
The princess winces. “I wanted a quiet place to work on my anger. It was a perfect day and everything was going well until that heathen showed up.”
The king sits up. “That ‘heathen’ was sent by me when I found you had left your room again. Not only did you disobey me for the last time,” he points his finger at Lucinda, accusingly. “You revealed your divine flames to innocent civilians! They don’t see us using flames unless deemed necessary. And blowing up at an inn keeper is not a just reason to lose your control.” He leans back, lowers his hand and continues. “What would your mother think if she knew you got into another fight? What would she think if she could see you losing your temper like this? We raised you better than this.”
Lucinda goes to speak but for some reason, can not find the words to say. Confronting her father proved to be difficult, especially when he is visibly upset with his only daughter. Lucinda lowers her head. But quickly finds the words. “Why did you send him after me? Why not a guard?”
Lucifer raises an eyebrow. “That is what you have to say? Well then, so you know I wanted someone who you didn’t know to trail you. That way, when they did reveal their location, you wouldn’t immediately run away again.” He sits up once more, flexing his finger to Xylek to come forward.
“So he’s not a suitor?” Lucinda smuggly asks.
Xylek chuckles. “That may have been a fib.”
Lucinda clenches her fist. She wants to punch this demon again. He has done nothing but provoke her all day.
“Calm down,” Lucifer commands his heir. He ponders a moment. “But that may work. He can guard you and keep you under closer surveillance if he’s married to you.”
The younger demons stand shocked. In unison, they both shout, “What?”
“Yes, that way I don’t have to find a different suitor for my daughter, and you both can learn to at least like each other. Plus Xylek can watch over my daughter.” Lucifer says.
Xylek begins to protest. “Your majesty, please, we do not know each other and I am not the type to rush into a marriage.”
Lucifer cuts Xylek off. “You vowed to protect my daughter.”
Xylek nods. “I said I’d be a bodyguard, but I didn't mean it as intent to marry her.”
Lucinda chimes in, the shock subsiding. “But he isn’t of royal blood. And why him? Why not Reginald or one of the four kings’ heirs?”
“No daughter of mine will marry a four kings’ heir. Those guys will overthrow my kingdom in a flash,” Lucifer sternly replies. “Now, both of you, go get cleaned up. I have a lot to do to prepare for the ceremony.”
The newly betrothed exit the hall without another word. Two handmaids greet the pair and escort them to different wings of the castle. Lucinda returns to her room and stomps on the ground.
“Why do I have to marry him of all demons?” She protests to the handmaid. “Why do I have to get married at all? This is a twisted punishment from my father.” Her eyes well with tears, sadness and anger overwhelm her. “Mother would not condone this. What is he thinking?”
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Lucifer lingers in his throne room. He wonders if this was the right decision. He thinks to himself if his departed wife would be alright with his ruling. He thinks of his departed wife. He thinks of his wife. He remembers her gentle touch, her soft voice, her silken hair. He imagines her standing by his throne.
“What would you do, my darling?” he says aloud.
Zakasi enters the throne room. “Who, your majesty?”
Lucifer sighs. He requested Zakasi to visit for a check in and to explain his ruling. But he was caught daydreaming about his late wife. Lucifer smiles, knowing full well he will cry at the story he lived so long ago.
“Her name was Mai. I called her my Grace, because she was my downfall. She was the spring and I of death. She gave me hope for the future. She softened me. She is the reason I don’t run this place like a dictator. She..” Lucifer swallows back his tears. “She is the reason I know what love is. She gave me reason to know what fatherhood is like. She gave me hope for an heir. Though not a male, my daughter is my pride.” Lucifer chuckles. “She looks like her mother, but my daughter acts like me.
“I find myself still looking to Mai for advice. But truth be told, I can’t forget my one true love.”
Lucifer clears his throat. “Now, I have news for you.”
“And I have information for you, my liege,” Zakasi says with sorrow on his tongue.
“Your friend-”
Zakasi interrupts, “Brother.”
“Your ‘brother’, Xylek, will be marrying my daughter tonight.” Lucifer finishes, annoyance in his tone.
“He is what?” Zakasi stands shocked by the information. “But your majesty, he is neither royalty or nobility.”
“Neither was Mai. But I fell in love with her.”
“But they just met.”
Lucifer shouts, “I know this! Maybe if Lucinda gets a taste of what marriage is like, she will straighten her act. Otherwise, she leaves no choice but to leave the mark of wrath on her.”
Zakasi’s eyes widened. He too bears the scars of wrath. “Marriage is a better option.”
“Thank you,” Lucifer sighs, leaning back on his throne. “Now, your news.”
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Back in Lucinda’s room, she is still seething. She soaks in a tub of hot water, while a handmaid massages her scalp. Her body is tense, but the steam seems to help soothe her. “Margret,” Lucinda finally says. “Are you married?”
Margret, the handmaid, chuckles. “Princess, I am married. I married one of the guards not long before you were born.”
“Did you know him?”
“Well, yes. We worked alongside your father and mother for quite a few years together.” Margaret smiles, reminiscing about her and her husband’s past with someone so curious.
Lucinda sinks lower in her bath. “What’s marriage like?”
Margaret thinks for a moment.”Marriage is like him going out on the weekends only to return drunk and you have to put him to bed like a child. It is like the next morning, he makes you breakfast to make up for the previous night’s escapades. It is roses for anniversaries and daisies for a random occasion. It is massages after a hard day's work, or when your body aches from age. Marriage is fighting, but holding each other when you realize the argument was for ridiculous reasons. It is when the other person is sick and you care for each other. Marriage is wonderful and difficult.”
The handmaid places her wet hand to her cheek. “He can be a little.. Overbearing. He wanted me to stay home while pregnant with all five of our children.”
Lucinda stands up and exits the bath, Margaret wrapping her in a large bath towel. “Did you love him?”
Margaret chuckles. “Princess, are you coming around to the idea of marriage?”
“No,” Lucinda abruptly says. “I just want to know what I'm getting into.” Lucinda looks down and chews her bottom lip. “I don’t know how I feel about my father springing this on me. I thought I would have more time to process and prepare for such a momentous occasion. Maybe even get to know my future husband. Not get a thirty minute warning and with someone who I literally just met.”
Margaret nods and clasps her hands. “I understand, Princess, I had that luxury you speak of. But you are also a princess. You won’t always get the luxury of meeting your betrothed and getting to know them.”
Margaret gathers some clothing for Lucinda. A beautiful and elegant gown made of silk, the garment is a faint lavender hue. The color is so faint it looks almost white. With long, hanging bell sleeves, a corseted waist and flowing skirt, the dress was that of what a princess should wear. Lucinda steps into the skirt and pulls the sleeves over her arms. She leans against the vanity in her bedroom, preparing for the uncomfortable process of corset lacing.
The handmaid grabs the cords to the dress and laces the back of it. Soon she tightens it, giving Lucinda a very feminine figure. Lucinda takes in a deep breath and is laced into her binds. Once in the corset, she adjusts the sleeves, pulling the collar around her shoulders. Lucinda sits in the ornate chair next to the vanity table, as Margaret begins to brush the princess’s hair. Margaret combs through Lucinda’s hair and begins to braid it down her back.
Lucinda sighs. “Margaret,” She begins to say, but stops herself.
“What is it dear?” Margaret softly says, intertwining strands of hair together.
The princess is silent for a few moments. She mulls over what she wants to say. “Margaret, what do you think I should do?” Lucinda finally asks.
Margaret swallows then smiles. “I am not one to give advice on this matter. I am only a handmaid. I wash the princess, her garments and prepare her for the day. I am a mother of five demons, and the wife of a royal guard. My place is one that does not warrant my advice.”
Lucinda stews for a moment. A thought occurs. “I, as princess, request your advice, please.”
Margaret grimaces. She knows when giving an order, she must follow the order. “My advice, from watching over the royal family for centuries, is to do as your father wishes. He has a keen eye for matters of any sort. He tends to know what he is doing in the most obscure situations.”
“But does he know what he’s doing now?” Lucinda softly says.
“Have hope in what he says, Princess. He may know something you don’t.” sweetly said by Margaret.
The two go silent. Margaret takes some brushes and delicately applies make up to Lucinda’s face. A light purple for eyeshadow, a soft pink on her lips, and some silver to highlight her cheeks. Margaret gently applies a black charcoal paste for Lucinda’s eye liner.
Lucinda looks in the mirror. She admires herself for a moment, taking in the beauty of her reflection. Then, without warning, the sense of looking at a stranger takes over her. She doesn’t know how to feel. She looks beautiful. But that is not who she is. She doesn’t want to be a princess. Two centuries is enough.
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