Either you love it, hate it, or you could care less. I fall into the “love it” category of the sport of volleyball. I have been playing the sport since I was 12. When I started volleyball, I had a slight idea what I was doing, my mom was one of the coaches and my sister was on the team. When I was younger and would watch their practice I always thought…that’s easy, I can do that… but it’s much more than just swinging at a ball and hoping it goes over the net, much more. The way a play starts is by one team serving the ball across the court to the other team--there are three types of serves: overhand, underhand, and jump serve—once the ball goes over the net, the other team tries to bump (pass) the ball to the setter, the setter’s job is to “set” up the hitter so that they can complete an offensive play. The bump, set, hit cycle would repeat until one of the teams makes a mistake. Normal volleyball matches go to 25, and there are (at least on the high school level) three sets of a volleyball match. There are many different roles that players on the court can have, but I’m not going to get into all that. Sorry if I made volleyball sound boring, I promise, it’s actually pretty fun.