Zebras (hippotigris) are majestic creatures, and they can only be found in the wild on the plains of Africa (and in some zoos). They are grazing herd animals, and they usually stay together in groups of about 5-30, and they all work together to protect each other and their young. Speaking of protecting their young, zebras have quite a remarkable way of deterring predators from attacking them; all the adult zebras circle around the foals (young zebras) and start running in circles and zigzagging around them with their stripes moving and confusing the predators. And for those of you who have always wondered if zebras are black with white stripes, or white with black stripes, well, zebras are in fact black with white stripes. The reason that zebras are considered to be black with white stripes is because the white in their fur is actually caused by the absence of melanin in those hair fibers, meaning that the only real melanin color they have is black. Oh, and for anyone who cares (which I doubt you do) zebras are my favorite animal, and have been since I was five.