Rain, the scientific explanation of rain is “liquid water droplets formed by condensed atmospheric water vapor and heavy enough to fall under gravity”. But my definition of rain is “the water that falls from the sky, bringing life to every living and breathing thing; the substance on which every organism on earth relies on”. Rain is capable of many things, both good and bad, both destructive and nurturing. Too much rain can cause severe damage, especially in the form of flooding and the storms that usually accompany it; rain is so powerful that it can even erode rocks over time. But without rain, we would all starve; you may be thinking “wow, this is crazy, we can still survive without rain…right?” Wrong! Without rain, the plants couldn’t grow, which would mean that we couldn’t have any fruit of vegetables. You may be thinking “who needs vegetables anyway? We can survive off of meat…” wrong again! Without plants, what would the animals from which we get meat get food? They couldn’t, which would lead them to starvation, and eventually death! So, basically, what I’m trying to say is, “Don’t be mad if rain changes your plans or cancels them, just remember, without rain, we would all be dead… so, yeah”.