A long time ago, around the year 1572, in the nation of France, there was a family. A family called the Laugels. The Laugels were a very pious, Catholic family with a long lineage of devout Catholics, until one day, some of them converted to Protestantism (gasp!). Their family was outraged and the dissenters were cast out of the family, but this wasn’t a problem for them, they wanted nothing to do with their Catholic relatives. The Protestant Laugels went so far to make themselves separate from their family members, that they changed the spelling of their last name to “l-a-u-g-L-E” (oh, my! so much different!) After changing their last name, the now Laugles moved away from the other half of their family, married some Germans and a few native Americans, and BAM! That’s my family’s interesting history. Oh, and fun fact, there is actually still a vineyard over in France that my ancestors (the Laugels) own. The End.