Amber Amberson is working at "Big office" Which specialises in capitalist stuff like buying and selling properties and deals. She is tasked with going to her small home town she grew up in to close a deal on the "Big important building with lots of sentimental value" To turn it into a hotel or something. When she arrives at the small town which has only small independently owned businesses and only 2 story homes she is uncomfortable with the change. But then she encounters Brad Chadson in a slightly comedic yet charming way. Brad Chadson. Is a tall muscular man with near perfect facial structure. And despite being at least 33 years old he is single. The main characters have to be this old or older to appeal to the moms watching this. Amber spends time with Chad and they develop a bond. But she must finalise her deal and move back to "Big city" Which utilises a darker shading in post editing to show you how devoid of happiness it is. But just before she does it she decides not to sell the big important building and they somehow save it from being sold all together and Amber lives with Chad.