It's a cold, wintery night. Ronald Mcdonald sits on a bench by himself. A tear falls down his cheek. He'll be lonely this christmas. He hadn't eaten his McMuffin™ like he normally did in the mornings, and he didn't have any money to afford the 2.79$ sale for an egg mcmuffin. He looked down the road at the Starbucks. Would he go? He decided not to. It's not worth it. I'll be alone for a while. There's no one in Starbucks who wants to be with a clown on christmas. He thought, another chilling tear falling down his cheek.
He sees Wendy, her red pigtails dancing in the nighttime winds. "Hey, Ronald." She gives a flirtatious grin. He smiled back. Wendy. She was a lovely, single woman. Maybe she could fill the loneliness she had on this cold, christmas night. "Got anyone to be with?" Her voice is light like an angel's. He nodded no. "I'm a bachelor this christmas." Wendy sat down next to Ronald, putting one leg over the other. No one had ever sat next to him when he was at a bench. They all usually fled. It was so nice to finally be with someone. "So am I." Her eyebrows raised in yet another flirtatious act. She was oh so graceful in the night. "Hey, if you want to come over. I'm all ears. I'm out of cash, so I couldn't afford a $3.99 Big Mac™ for a present." She gave an illustrous chuckle. "You can be my christmas present." She leaned in closer. "But if you did get me a present, I'd want a Grilled Chicken Sandwhich from Wendy's." He laughed, no longer restraining the urge. He felt proud to be who he was: a clown. Most people hated his laugh since it reminded them more of IT than a sane person, but Wendy seemed to enjoy it. They talked throughout the snowy night, enjoying each other's company. Wendy agrees to come over to Ronald's house, each agreeing to take separate cars. But when he arrived at his car, he was met with a surprise.
"Howd'ya do?" A mouse was inside the car, in the driver's seat. "The names Chucky."
"I know who you are, you filthy rat." Ronald's voice was coated with rage. He'd always hated Chucky, that conniving fool. "Well, I hears you goin' out with Wendy. I saw yous over there with that doll."
"Shut up, rat, otherwise I'll call the extermination force myself." Chucky frowned, taking off his cap. "Woah woah woah, no need to get speciesist here. I just wanna tell ya, she's wit annothuh man. She don' wanna be, thats why shes goin' tuh you." Chucky explained. Ronald's eyes widened in shock. "I gotta video just for ya."
Chucky showed the video. It was Wendy going into another fast food restaurant. It was short, but Ronald understood immediately.
"The King of fast food." Ronald grimaced. He clenched his fists. "I'll get that son of a-rat."
"Hey!" Chucky squeeked. "Now, don' talk about this to anyone else. Do what you gotta do, but don't get my cousin Mickey involved. He can't fend for himself the way I can. He has a tighter ship to run, all those poor animation employees."
"Now please, Chucky, get out of my car." Ronald demanded. Chucky nodded, taking his time. "Do what ya gotta do." With that, Chucky was gone. Ronald knew where he was going to go next. He couldn't go to his house, not yet. Ronald slammed the car engines, heading straight to Burger King.
He opened the door. The bell rang, a clash against the utter silence. In the darkness, Ronald could see King. His crown gleamed in the darkness, his brown locks dancing as he cocked his head. "This place is closed, Ron." Ronald smiled. "Oh, if only that would stop me from going in and making sure that you get what you deserve." King frowned. "What did you hear?" He took his crown off, holding the object in his hand. Ronald clenched his fist. "So it's true. You're with Wendy. You-you're forcing her to be with you."
"Woah, settle down there, Ron. That sounds like a Whopper that you just said. Care to sit down and have a talk like real royalty?" Ronald stepped forward. "Oh, you don't get the courtecy of talking, King. We all know the real royal of fast food, and it ain't you. So shut the heck up." King gulped. "Now, I know you think I'm lying, but it isn't true. You were with her. The truth is, no one would ever want to be with a clown like me. They want the crown, and so do I." With that, Ronald lunged at King. King ducked, slashing Ronald with the edged tips of his crown. Ronald got up, punching King in the gut. The intense fighting continued for several moments. Suddenly, the door opened. It was Wendy. She screamed, stopping the two men in their tracks. "Wendy!" They both yelled at the same time.
Ronald was the first to get up, rushing to his lover's aid. "Ronny..." She said his name with both affection and utter disbelief. "Why-"
"What happened, darling, is that he thought I was forcing you to be with me." Wendy frowned, her mouth dropping. "So it wasn't true?" Ronald asked. Wendy nodded no. "That rat, I swear-I'll strangle him myself, tonight."
"No-no-no-no. Ronald, please. Do this for me." She sighed, looking sheepishly at her feet. "Why were you in Burger King, then? Chucky had a video just for me."
"The truth is, I was seeing King." She looked up into Ronald's eyes again. "But I wasn't inlove with him. I wanted...his food. Yeah, I know, crazy, right? Well, I guess I didn't like my own food. I liked whoppers more than my own chili. But Ronny..." She took his hand into hers. "I want you." With that, she kissed him, and all his doubts and sadness went away. He didn't feel like Ronald the loser or Ronald the clown. He felt like Ronald, the respectable human being. With Wendy, he could be anything. Anyone. As long as she was at his side, then anything felt possible.
When it was over, they rejoiced. Ronald forgave King, and King forgave Ronald. It became an epic friendship instead of a bitter rivalry.
"Now, Wendy. Let's go home now, and have that christmas together." Wendy smiled, and together they headed off.
Sponsered by: Burger King, Mcdonald's, Wendy's, Disney, Chuck E. Cheese